Group 7-day waking average?

@SueEK glad you're healing well, make sure you get plenty of rest. Up every 2 hours must be draining. Take care x
Lol ‘draining’ was that an unintentional pun 🙂
Sorry, late today, as did a Costco run for all the boring stuff like laundery detergent, dishwasher stuff, however managed to get myself 3 tea-shirts and some Christmas ribbon while in there. Then off to Tesco for the food shop. Anyway 6.1 but as I was still not feeling my best, I had 2 slices of my son's Pizza Hut pizza and a slice of garlic bread, so didn't think that was too bad.

@SueEK - pleased to hear you are healing well, take it easy and let the family look after you.
@rebrascora - enjoy your trip to Scotland,
@freesia - have a nice break, hope the weather is kind to you.

Everyone else have a nice weekend if you are not working, me and mr GrannyLorraine (or Steve if you prefer) are going to the cinema this evening to see The Courier, first time I have been to the cinema in nearly 2 years, so actually excited about this.

Those of you who are football supporters if your team is playing today hope you win, mine is not playing until tomorrow.

Take care everyone.
A very late good morning everyone.

4.9 here
going to the cinema this evening to see The Courier,
Post and tell us what the film is like. We've been wanting to see it. If it rains while we're away we might go, if not will have to wait until we get back. Its supposed to be sunny and warm this week though so we're making the most of it.
05:25 BS 13.8 😱 Not waking as I WAS going to bed but, will stay up a bit after bunging in a correction of 12 units of NR! I ate about 2.5 hours ago & was guessing the bolus!🙄 I’m more or less back to normal & my basal needs to go back to 78 as well as I was firefighting with rising BS yesterday, wouldn’t you know it when I’d just reduced morning LR, with increased NR until the evening dose when I bunged it up to 76 which brought my BS back down from 8.7 to 7.5 until I ate when it went up to the 13.8 of above. So, I just bunged in, just a wee bit early, LR back up to the normal 78. Hopefully, with the correction dose of NR, will bring me down & then, go back to normal doses of NR. I actually woke on 14/08/21 at 20:32 BS 7.5 & been awake since then. I ate twice & overdid the NR a bit as at 90 minutes after 23:44 BS 6.0 & ate a bit more but, too much as I finished up on 02:12 BS 11.4 just after the 4 hour mark. I next ate about 04:00 & guessed the bolus but, obviously under did it!🙄 I will now try & stay awake another 90 minutes at least to test again before going to bed. Sleep is obviously off kilter now but, I don’t seem to need so much sleep anymore & staying awake for longer now so, slowly work my way back to a semblance of normal patterns!🙄

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

I see that @Michael12421 waking reading is up a bit, in the 4’s, from the worrying 2’s & up at a weird o’ clock too! Hope things are ok with you? 🙂

I’m awake at weird o’clock too but, will start on working it back to normal o’clock soon? o_O:D😉
Good morning 5.8 this morning

which was a nice surprise as following a not particularly low carb meal
I did hit the biscuits a bit yesterday evening 😱
A low, for me, 5.7 today. Night was slightly better. Managed 2 tiny walks, 5 houses up the road but a good start.
Have a good Sunday all whatever you do x
4.9 for me this morning.

Out for a walk in a short while. Looks a bit cool out there.

Wife was a bit 'off' yesterday which upset me a bit.

Today may be a bit of a diaster as I may go out this afternoon to meet up with the church fellowship in their annual beach party (we used to be part of their worship group - I play keyboard). My wife believed that they were saying nasty things about her and trying to poison her. She still believes that so she may react badly to my going to meet up with them. They will be the first people I will have spoken to in months. Of couse, I will only go if it is not raining....
6.3 this morning, off for my run soon, then 1/2hr yoga session.

@freesia - really enjoyed the film, I was gripped and didn't fidget in my seat once, but it was my kind of film. Hope if you see it you enjoy it.

Have a good Sunday everyone.
Morning All
A 5.5 for me in a sunny Essex this morning
Stay safe everyone and have a great day.
Morning all. :D 4.7 here.

Well done @SueEK on your short walks (and on keeping that pesky BG in range!).

Another dull day...fleurggh. o_O Where’s the promised heatwave? I’m hoping to get in the garden at some point for a bit of maintenance - everything's gone mad.
8.1 today, miserable cloudy drizzle 18deg in Poole today. Hopefully will brighten up soon
I've got a Heinz Special this morning - 5.7. 🙂
Back to the rainy season and my Roger Black.

A little later than usual, but a 5.1 here after a few glasses of white wine last night.

It’s a while since I last fired up my Big Green Egg, so my nephew & family are coming this afternoon for a bbq. Overcast now, but the forecast for this afternoon is good. I bought a ton of meat from my favourite local farm butcher. He’s great.
Morning all 7.4 for me today 🙂

Good morning - 4.5

Glad you have woken up out of the ‘red zone’ today @Michael12421 Phew!

Sounds like you’ve been run ragged by your diabetes over the past few days. Must be worrying for you living on your own. 2.1 is nastily low. And if you are feeling OK at that level rather than being a sweaty trembly mess, it suggests that it’s happening often enough (maybe while you are sleeping) that your brain has adapted and is. no longer alerting you to the seriousness of the situation? :(

I believe there is evidence that aiming for waking BG in the 5s helps prevent overnight lows, as can having a late night snack, and/or reducing your basal insulin by a notch whenever you wake low, or in the 4s. Would be worth considering I think.

Please to get some rapid acting glucose stashed away within reach - so some by the bed, some in the living area. So that you don’t have to move whenever your BG drops low (where the temptation might be to allow the next meal to take care of it).

Each minute spent below 4 reduces your hypo awareness. So you want your BG to normalise in minutes rather than hours.

We are worried about your matey. Do take care of yourself