Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning everyone. 7.2 for me today.
@Michael12421 get some fast acting carbs in you quickly before the toast and marmalade!!
@SueEK, good news that you are sleeping well, it can only aid recovery. I hope you feel better soon.
Morning all, 6.8 here. Several showers of that really wetting heavy drizzle yesterday spoiled our plans for a walk. Oh well, I thought, at least it will save daughter having to water her newly prepared lawn area before she sows the grass seed. Spoke to her later…not a drop of rain there, six miles up the road.
Morning all. :D Libre said 3.9 so a finger prick would’ve been in the 4s.

Don’t forget @Michael12421 that after a hypo there’s potentially more in store throughout the day - don’t you just love this condition!o_O Hope you’re up in the safe zone now.

I got obsessed with my ‘movements’ after an op last year @SueEK - glad to hear you’re eating and also getting great follow-up care. 🙂
4.8 for me this morning. 🙂

8.5 for me this am. Probably the spaghetti carbonara last night....Sun poking through now and again 17deg atm. in Poole.
Beautiful day in Swanage yesterday, guys are swimmin' guys are sailin'

8.7 today from a rather chilly part of Scotland lol

@Michael12421 couldn't agree more with @freesia you really need to start treating these bad lows with fast acting carbs first rather than using biscuits or toast etc, you need your levels up as quickly as possible, even having the marmalade on it's own off a spoon before the toast to get your levels up
Well done! 😛 What’s this book subscription you talk of? Sounds interesting...😎
It’s a crime/ thriller subscription, two paperbacks ( occasionally they surprise you with a hardback that’s just been released) a month for the equivalent of £10 if you join for a year. You don’t know what you’re getting, but they’re always newly published. I joined last September and there’s only been the one I haven’t been keen on, but I still read it. I’m definitely going to renew my subscription next month. It feels like it’s my birthday every month! BTW, it’s called Capital Crime Festival Ltd.
Good morning 🙂 hope you're all good - I'm quite pleased because it's the first time I've had normal Coca-Cola to sort out a hypo so I was worried whether it would work - at 6:40am I woke but felt ok but did my waking test 3.9 - no idea why I was hypo so if anyone can put any ideas in my head that would be great - 07:08am hypo check and I was 7.8 so had follow up carbs which was 1 finger of a 2 finger kit kat - no idea if chocolate is a slow acting carb or not so if anyone can let me know I would be grateful.
Morning. 6.4. I’m late because I had brekkie first, I was Marvin!😛

Bright and breezy here, wish I had some washing to do as it’s a grand drying day, but I did it yesterday as it was also a grand drying day! No plans apart from hosting our regular Friday lunch for baby Zara and her mummy. She’s 5.5 months now and doing really well, of course she is absolutely gorgeous, must take after her Grandma. 😉

Have a fantastic Friday everyone. 🙂


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A 5.3 for me at 07:11 on an overcast and dull morning in West Berks. I did some baking yesterday so I have a fresh stack of flaxseed crackers and an almond soda bread loaf to keep me going 🙂
Good Morning All
Hope everyone is well, although @Michael12421 your levels do seem on the low side.
At 07:40 this morning I had a finger prick of 4.6, which slightly confused me as lat night after Dinner I was 9.1. Then at Bedtime 23.34 a 6.7. Normally it only drops by a few 1/10’s overnight.
perhaps my pancreas suddenly thought about working or dinner carbs ran out. Oh well, see what happens over the next few nights.
5.1 on the Libre this morning. Can't get much better than that! I had a battle with levels last night needing multiple corrections to bring them down but once i went to bed they behaved beautifully. I did sleep soundly which helps although I have a 5am scan result on my Libre that I absolutely do not remember performing!

@Michael12421 I am hoping that the marmalade and toast were follow up carbs to stabilize your levels after you ate some JBs or other high glucose chewy sweets or some orange juice to bring your levels up first. I am aware that I am being optimistic in thinking that 🙄.
Busy busy today 4.8
Very late on parade as I was not well enough to go running this morning, had dizzy spells yesterday and head is still muzzy this morning, anyway 5.6 when I did wake up at 7.30.

Been a busy morning with work, then emergency childcare as my daughters childminder let her down, so son in law brought them round to me hoping I was still working from home and could cope with them, then mum messaged me in a panic that her online shop had gone wrong and no shopping turned up, order said everything was out of stock, so a trip to supermarket this evening to get mum's shopping.

Nearly the weekend and it is hubbies weekend off this month, so hoping the weather stays dry and can get out to the garden centre.

Well done @eggyg on not buying any books.

Have a good afternoon all.
@Grannylorraine hope your day improves and you manage to have a good weekend with hubby.
My toast and marmalade lifted me to above 19 in just 2 hours and has remained there all day. Although the temperature is high at 42 degrees I have just taken Missy for a 30 minute walk and still am very high at 19.2. Had a 3 unit NR correction.
15:07 BS 5.7 after I had a LONG sleep: this morning was only a brief awakening for LR, really; definitely seems lowering LR a bit was the right thing to do as it still held me steady as I slept! 🙄🙂

NOW, for some food! 😛

PS:- I REALLY need to remember to take my pills with my LR: forgot to take them AGAIN; in now VERY late but, better late than never, I suppose! 🙄😳 I was just thinking in this year where I’ve been ill SO many times the day I start a new packet of pills, BP & cholesterol tabs are both conveniently labelled with the days of the week, has slowly slipped from Monday to Thursday: have forgotten a day when fuzzy headed, sleep off kilter & LR a bit erratic during the worst of it; I held steady on Wednesday for ages during the last few bouts but, forget 1 day, AGAIN, on Tuesday, for a total of 3 days of missed pills this year!😳😱
Blooming Heck! I'm first this morning with a 7.1 Bit disappointing as I went to bed on a dodgy 4.6 and didn't sleep overly well.
Off up to Scotland again today with Ian and Zak. Selkirk today. Hope we have a smooth journey and find the place OK. I have done my homework and have directions written down. Fingers crossed!
Hope everyone has a great weekend.