Group 7-day waking average?

06:44 BS 6.0 🙂

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

Courier will pick up my covid test from 08:00 to 16:00 today so, will do the swab test now.

Head cold symptoms are more or less all gone now, no longer freezing & have switched off the heater! I’m just left with a chesty cough, still managing to sleep horizontally on two pillows but, occasionally wake to cough up a build up of phlegm.

NR doses came down a bit yesterday but, still found myself heading off a hypo at the 90 minutes after mark 23:30 BS 4.5, 1 JB then, 10 minutes later 23:42 BS 5.5 & an oatcake to cover the 2.5 hours left of active insulin. Kept testing to see if an oatcake was enough 00:43 BS 6.8 & 03:51 BS 6.4 before going back to bed. So, trying normal doses today & can add corrections if needs be! 🙄
Morning all. 6.4 today. Am now home and glad to be. Won’t bore you with details but I look like a children’s game with the amount of tubes coming in and out of me. Apparently spent some time in ICU though I don’t remember it. Various staff came to see me to check I was ok but I didn’t have a clue who any of them were, very sweet though. The important thing is that they believe they got all the mesh out, took the team 7 hours. Anyhow I am back, feeling very delicate and quite a long road ahead but going in the right direction.
Have a good day all x
Good morning. Cold out there but I will go out for a bit of a walk if it doesn't start raining.

4.7 on the meter this morning.

Had a set of blood tests done yesterday so I will get my latest HbA1c result very soon. My guess is that it will be below 39 (the last result). Pretty good if it is especially considering that it started at 140 !!!

Had a much better day yesterday. My wife was much more relaxed and even left the house to meet me at the surgery (unheard of) !!!

An interesting and possibly concerning bit of thinking going on in my own head. I am quite bothered about gaining any weight. Any amount of weight. Happy when it goes down. Unhappy if it goes up. Especially now that I have exceeded my ultimate weight goal (55 Kg, now 55.1 Kg, yesterday it was below that)

I need to switch to a weight maintenance diet but dread having to repeat the significant diet/exercise regime I have been on for the last 6 months. And I do worry that my weight will just pile back on so presently I am finding it hard to actually shove more into my mouth! You hear horror stories about yoyo dieting and I don't want to go there.

Like today 0.1Kg above target so I feel obliged to cut down my food and yet I know that 0.1Kg is nothing, fluid, solids, and weight can vary way (weigh 🙂 )more than that on a normal daily basis. But equally I know that 0.1 Kg today, tomorrow, the next day, etc leads to disaster.

Just interested in the way my mind is struggling right now.

Having said all that I actually don't want to lose any more weight either as I am convinced that that way lies poorer health again.

Thankfully I can and do monitor everything every day. I shall now monitor my thinking and approach going forwards.
Good morning everyone. After an awful day in double figures with corrections, drops and bounce backs yesterday, today i've woke to a 7.4.

@Sue EK so glad you're home and things went well. Take it very easy, get plenty of rest. Take care.
Morning all. 6.4 today. Am now home and glad to be. Won’t bore you with details but I look like a children’s game with the amount of tubes coming in and out of me. Apparently spent some time in ICU though I don’t remember it. Various staff came to see me to check I was ok but I didn’t have a clue who any of them were, very sweet though. The important thing is that they believe they got all the mesh out, took the team 7 hours. Anyhow I am back, feeling very delicate and quite a long road ahead but going in the right direction.
Have a good day all x
Glad you’re home Sue and the op was a success. Now rest! Let the family run after you and don’t worry about the dust the mantlepiece or the unplumped cushions or whether a certain ornament is 1 millmetre slightly to the left! I didn’t after my various operations! NOT! 🙄
Take care. Xx
5.1 for me today, so pleased with that after a good hill repeat run last night.

Booked to go trekking with Alpacas while I am in Norfolk, which is something I have wanted to do for ages, it is only a couple of hours, but quite excited.

@SueEK - pleased to hear you are home, please be gentle with yourself, hope once you have recovered this leaves you pain free.

@Lanny - hoping your test is negative.

@eggyg - I still love a physical book, be it a novel, cooking or baking book, I much prefer the feeling of thumbing through the pages.

Have a good day everyone.
Morning all. :D 6.4 here.

Ooh, great to see you posting again @SueEK. Glad to hear you’re home and taking it easy.🙂

Fingers crossed @Lanny for a negative result and a swift recovery from your pesky cold. 🙂

A bit of decorating for me today, unless I get tempted into the garden by a bit of sunshine. It’s exciting not knowing how the day’ll pan out!
@SueEK good to hear that you’re back home. Speedy recovery.
Good morning. Cold out there but I will go out for a bit of a walk if it doesn't start raining.

4.7 on the meter this morning.

Had a set of blood tests done yesterday so I will get my latest HbA1c result very soon. My guess is that it will be below 39 (the last result). Pretty good if it is especially considering that it started at 140 !!!

Had a much better day yesterday. My wife was much more relaxed and even left the house to meet me at the surgery (unheard of) !!!

An interesting and possibly concerning bit of thinking going on in my own head. I am quite bothered about gaining any weight. Any amount of weight. Happy when it goes down. Unhappy if it goes up. Especially now that I have exceeded my ultimate weight goal (55 Kg, now 55.1 Kg, yesterday it was below that)

I need to switch to a weight maintenance diet but dread having to repeat the significant diet/exercise regime I have been on for the last 6 months. And I do worry that my weight will just pile back on so presently I am finding it hard to actually shove more into my mouth! You hear horror stories about yoyo dieting and I don't want to go there.

Like today 0.1Kg above target so I feel obliged to cut down my food and yet I know that 0.1Kg is nothing, fluid, solids, and weight can vary way (weigh 🙂 )more than that on a normal daily basis. But equally I know that 0.1 Kg today, tomorrow, the next day, etc leads to disaster.

Just interested in the way my mind is struggling right now.

Having said all that I actually don't want to lose any more weight either as I am convinced that that way lies poorer health again.

Thankfully I can and do monitor everything every day. I shall now monitor my thinking and approach going forwards.
Can I give you a bit of advise. I’m saying this because I care.
Throw out your scales. Many years ago I used to diet obsessively, stepping on the scales every spare moment. It’s counterproductive. I now use my clothes as a guide and occasionally ( when I remember) step on the scales. I eat carefully, watch my portions, walk often and I can hand on heart say I’ve stayed the same weight for about 10 years, give or take a pound or two. I feel so much more relaxed about it now. You’ve done so well, cut yourself some slack. It was the best thing I did. 🙂
5.1 for me today, so pleased with that after a good hill repeat run last night.

Booked to go trekking with Alpacas while I am in Norfolk, which is something I have wanted to do for ages, it is only a couple of hours, but quite excited.

@SueEK - pleased to hear you are home, please be gentle with yourself, hope once you have recovered this leaves you pain free.

@Lanny - hoping your test is negative.

@eggyg - I still love a physical book, be it a novel, cooking or baking book, I much prefer the feeling of thumbing through the pages.

Have a good day everyone.
I’m book obsessed Lorraine. I’ve hundreds. I do have a Kindle for holidays but nothing compares to a real book. I love feeling them, flicking through the pages, smelling them ( shhh! That’s a secret!) I have dozens of cookery books and although I do look for recipes on line I write them down in a book I’ve got. Call me old fashioned but real books will never die out.
Can I give you a bit of advise. I’m saying this because I care.
Throw out your scales. Many years ago I used to diet obsessively, stepping on the scales every spare moment. It’s counterproductive. I now use my clothes as a guide and occasionally ( when I remember) step on the scales. I eat carefully, watch my portions, walk often and I can hand on heart say I’ve stayed the same weight for about 10 years, give or take a pound or two. I feel so much more relaxed about it now. You’ve done so well, cut yourself some slack. It was the best thing I did. 🙂
@Gwynn, I totally agree with eggy on this one, I used to weigh myself everyday, it was as much part of my morning routine as brushing my teeth or hair. Because I still have 13 to lose, I didn't throw the scales away, but my son onky gets them out on a Saturday, they are hidden in his bedroom, which as a 30 year old man, I respect his privacy and do not go into without his permission. It has helped me not to be so obsessed about what that number is, more how I am feeling and how comfortable my clothes feel.
I’m book obsessed Lorraine. I’ve hundreds. I do have a Kindle for holidays but nothing compares to a real book. I love feeling them, flicking through the pages, smelling them ( shhh! That’s a secret!) I have dozens of cookery books and although I do look for recipes on line I write them down in a book I’ve got. Call me old fashioned but real books will never die out.
Yes the smell, plus sometimes the memories when you look at a book you haven't browsed for ages. Yes maybe we are both old fashioned, but I will carry on being old fashioned where books are concerned. Although I don't very often buy them, I still prefer a magazine to an e version.
@SueEK Glad to hear your home and recovering. 🙂
@Lanny I'm happy to hear you're improving. Fingers crossed for a negative test result.
4.8 for me today.

Morning all, 5.1 here.
Glad you’re home and on the road to recovery, @SueEK .
I love a real book too, @eggyg . I got Little Dorrit off the shelves to reread the other day. I’d completely forgotten that it starts in Marseilles with the Meagles family complaining because they’ve just had to be quanantined after travelling from the east, because of the risk of plague (I think in those days they kept you on a small island off the coast). Very topical!
I’m book obsessed Lorraine. I’ve hundreds. I do have a Kindle for holidays but nothing compares to a real book. I love feeling them, flicking through the pages, smelling them ( shhh! That’s a secret!) I have dozens of cookery books and although I do look for recipes on line I write them down in a book I’ve got. Call me old fashioned but real books will never die out.
I'm with you both @eggyg and @Grannylorraine. Theres nothing like the smell of a book. I do have a kindle and try to alternate between both. I had to have a sort out the other day though as i have no more room to store books. I passed on 17 to a friend and kept only books i'd enjoyed reading. I was surprised at how many books i have that i haven't already read!
7.9 for me today. Hopefully getting more consistent. Bit cold in not so sunny Poole this morning 17deg and breezy.
@SueEK Hope you fully recover ok.
Morning all and a miraculous 5.9 for me.

Badly miscalculated the carbs in a portion of chips last night and ended up at 15. Looks like I got the correction right.

Anyway more keyboarding today.

Have a good day everyone.
Morning folks

9.0 for me, had to inspect my bolus pen and cartridge at tea time last night after dropping it 🙄

@Sueglad to see your home and doing ok xx
6.0 for me today but it involved a 1.5 unit correction through the night. Caught it before it went into double figures though so I am starting to claw back some of the damage to my Libre stats that happened a few days ago..

@SueEK So good to hear from you again and that you are home and they are optimistic about having removed it all. Really hope that you have a speedy recovery and that the operation resolves your associated health issues. Must be a huge relief to have it behind you now.