Group 7-day waking average?

A 5.7 for me at 06:16 this morning. Did a BBQ last night - it was great to out in the garden again after all the dismal weather we have had of late.
7.9 today at 7:48am, only the second one under 8 for me. Sunny and 18 in Poole atm.
9.2 on waking, 7.5 10 minutes later after getting up, going to the loo and making a cup of tea. Bizarre!
PS I already posted this in a new thread called dawn phenomenon

oops, that should have been foot on the floor not dawn phenomenon. I still don’t understand why the levels were so different within such a short time (but I am a relative beginner at this T1 malarkey)
It could be the Dawn phenomenon but I believedthat was where BG went up as we get up.
One thing I have noticed, in my relative short diabetic life is that different fingers can give results 1 mmmol apart due to blood not being an even mixture.
The other is the speed of a drop with just a short exercise. I’ve found a walk of only 1/2 Km can at times drop my BG by a full 3 or 4 mmol.
Stay safe and just keep testing. Perhaps @rebrascora can help.
Morning All
A 5.0 this morning at 07:15.
@Lanny hope you feel better soon.
@Gwynn Hope life improves soon
Stay safe everyone
4.8 This morning, and a lot more rested.

Yesterday woke very very early with Bg of 24 and high ketones!!!
I had a new pump after my other cracked. I had successfully entered all the ratios and basal rates, and need to go through the manual days before switching to the auto. After a bad start on this pump I was ready for a Rocky few days. However I did not factor in my idiocy. I had set up my basal profiles but not used them all. I forgot to set this when I started the new pump. When I woke I realised that I was using a profile with a rate of 0 units per day!!!! I had had no basal insulin since 10:00 am. During the day I had a very spikes day but was doing endless corrections but just out it down to settling in. At 2:00 all my corrections had run out and I was heading for silly time!!! Once I realised what had happened I corrected, set alarms to test again and drank loads of water. Not much sleep but I slept like a log last night and woke to a nice flat line. Normal service resumed. I still have a week of manual to do, but at least I have it working properly now.

The sun is shinning, I have a singing lesson to look forward to and will get out in the garden today.

Have a good day all

An awful 11.0 for me this morning, no idea why :(

Managed to do my contraceptive injection near 4pm yesterday, very painful thigh since, there's no bruise or anything but must've done something as its never been as sore as this before!
I hope things settle down soon @Kaylz
4.8 This morning, and a lot more rested.

Yesterday woke very very early with Bg of 24 and high ketones!!!
I had a new pump after my other cracked. I had successfully entered all the ratios and basal rates, and need to go through the manual days before switching to the auto. After a bad start on this pump I was ready for a Rocky few days. However I did not factor in my idiocy. I had set up my basal profiles but not used them all. I forgot to set this when I started the new pump. When I woke I realised that I was using a profile with a rate of 0 units per day!!!! I had had no basal insulin since 10:00 am. During the day I had a very spikes day but was doing endless corrections but just out it down to settling in. At 2:00 all my corrections had run out and I was heading for silly time!!! Once I realised what had happened I corrected, set alarms to test again and drank loads of water. Not much sleep but I slept like a log last night and woke to a nice flat line. Normal service resumed. I still have a week of manual to do, but at least I have it working properly now.

The sun is shinning, I have a singing lesson to look forward to and will get out in the garden today.

Have a good day all
@SB2015 a pump sounds very confusing! I find it bad enough with MDI to constantly work out, correct and adjust. A pump seems so much more involved. Is it or is it me not having any experience of one?
@SB2015 a pump sounds very confusing! I find it bad enough with MDI to constantly work out, correct and adjust. A pump seems so much more involved. Is it or is it me not having any experience of one?
I wouldn’t switch back to injections. Once things are working it makes my life so much more flexible, and with the automated closed loop I find I can ignore my Diabetes for quite a lot of the time. However if things go wrong on a pump it goes wrong quickly and badly, but the advantages of pumping for me outweigh the disadvantages by miles.

Whatever we do to manage our Diabetes it does require us to be on the ball, and I definitely wasn’t on Monday!!! On MDI i forgot injections, muddled the cartridges and put them in the wrong pens, ….
On the pump there are just different things to forget.
Off to change my cannula, as Humphrey has just politely asked me to do so!
3.9 for me this morning. If I had got up when I injected my Levemir it was a nice 5.4 and I will admit that if it had been 2 decimal points lower I WOULD have got out of bed then and claimed my accolade, but I had a late night, so decided I could treat myself to a late start. Still, it means that I haven't needed to inject for FOTF and I am having a late breakfast/brunch today so quite nice to be able to skip an injection.

Do you finger prick or use Libre? It is quite unusual for levels to drop on a morning so just wondering if these are Libre readings and it was perhaps a rebound and then algorithm correction following a compression low from lying on the sensor just before you woke up.
If the readings were finger pricks then your diabetes is probably just weird 😉😉. I will happily swap you though as it would be much more convenient to have a Foot on the Floor drop than a rise. You might even manage to have an unbolused breakfast and who doesn't love needing one less injection a day!
11:27 BS 7.1 🙂 Not bad considering that I slept past LR & it was 5 hours late but, it’s in AND I got more sleep ALMOST horizontal on two pillows: puffing away like a steam train; but, head cold mostly drying up so, no more wet wet wheezing & not afraid of choking. Inhalers in now & nose is just starting to run a bit so, not completely clear yet but, a lot drier! Heart rate is still faster but, little trip to the loo & back was a LOT easier compared to last night & less time to calm back down. Another good sign is that I actually want to eat! So, I’ll try out some greek yoghurt for breakfast!

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

PS:- A bit more myself & emojis are creeping back in again! 🙄
3.9 for me this morning. If I had got up when I injected my Levemir it was a nice 5.4 and I will admit that if it had been 2 decimal points lower I WOULD have got out of bed then and claimed my accolade, but I had a late night, so decided I could treat myself to a late start. Still, it means that I haven't needed to inject for FOTF and I am having a late breakfast/brunch today so quite nice to be able to skip an injection.

Do you finger prick or use Libre? It is quite unusual for levels to drop on a morning so just wondering if these are Libre readings and it was perhaps a rebound and then algorithm correction following a compression low from lying on the sensor just before you woke up.
If the readings were finger pricks then your diabetes is probably just weird 😉😉. I will happily swap you though as it would be much more convenient to have a Foot on the Floor drop than a rise. You might even manage to have an unbolused breakfast and who doesn't love needing one less injection a day!
I finger prick and am quite happy to admit that my diabetes is weird
6.8 so an improvement but still higher than the 4s and 5s Im used to...

Lunch was a 8.6 so could be a return to normal (lunch and dinner readings in 10s yesterday, whilst bedtime was 7.3, nothing makes sense anymore 😛)

Hoping everyone gets on as best as possible today 🙂
6.8 so an improvement but still higher than the 4s and 5s Im used to...

Lunch was a 8.6 so could be a return to normal (lunch and dinner readings in 10s yesterday, whilst bedtime was 7.3, nothing makes sense anymore 😛)

Hoping everyone gets on as best as possible today 🙂
I usually find, if nothing makes sense, it is because my basal dose needs adjusting but you are still very early days with your diagnosis so discuss this with your nurse if things don't settle down in a few days. 6.8 is absolutely fine as a waking reading though.
Good morning Thursday 6.9

Have a Great Day Everybody
Morning all.7.5 today. Went to bed on 6.5 because I couldn’t face anything to eat so winged it. I lost!

Not much going on today for me except a beautifying appointment at 1pm. I’ll walk into town for a bit of exercise and have a mooch around the few shops that are still open. I WILL NOT BUY ANY BOOKS. I WILL NOT BUY ANY BOOKS. I WILL NOT BUY ANY BOOKS. 🙄

Have a fab day. 🙂