Group 7-day waking average?

@Lanny I hope you feel better soon, just try and keep as calm as possible as you'll know panicking can make breathing with asthma difficult too (I'm an ex asthmatic, outgrew it as a teenager, diagnosed as a very young child) xx
10/08/21 23:17 BS 6.2 :D for a Phew emoji! BS is back down again. Didn’t want to eat all day, usually don’t when I have a fever, & had to as BS was rising without any food: could be basal but, I’m not fiddling with it especially, if I don’t want to eat; don’t want to be faced with hypos if the basal is too high! So, all I ate today was greek yoghurt then, a scoop of ice cream both meals with increased NR 46 & 50.

Been dozing uncomfortably throughout the day for about a dream each time: read somewhere ages ago that’s how long each dream is; it’s bang on too as I’ve had other times in my life where I’m restlessly waking after each dream & it is indeed 20 minutes! I’m subconsciously afraid of choking, or waking up choking, as I slip lower than completely upright & I get wetly wheezy: the build up of phlegm, coughing it up, swallowing it back down while wheezing really puts my heart rate through the roof!

Now, I’m noticing a slight improvement since I actually slept a few hours from around 20:00 when I CAN go about 45 degrees off the vertical 90 degrees, turned down the heater to 23 C as I don’t feel so cold, less runny with my nose & eyes & head feels a bit better! Still can’t go any lower than 45 degrees but, even that is much more comfortable to sleep than 90 degrees!

Will keep an eye on BS & eat something if it starts to rise again: still don’t want to eat; just drinking loads of water with jump in heart rate & laboured breathing when I need to go to the loo: tires me out those few steps there & back & the time it takes to calm everything back down again; need to keep hydrated though! I only ate earlier when BS went up to 11.2 & then up to 10.5 without eating for 8 hours & 6 hours! Thank goodness I got the NR right each time with 7.8 after active NR & 6.2 waking now: ate the ice cream just before sleeping; just past the 4 hours mark on the Timesulin cap when I woke.

Not out of the woods yet but, noticing a slight change for the better!
Pleased to read that you are feeling there is a little improvement this evening @Lanny. Hope that progress continues through the night and into tomorrow. Fingers crossed emoji
Yesterday was really really bad. I had to contact the crisis team but as usual, unless my wife is a danger to herself or others, there is nothing they can do AND they cannot force her to take her meds or increase them unless she is sectioned. So we all suffer. It is a real nightmare.

Anyway, 5.5 for me this morning. Blood pressure is very high from all of the stress though.
5.1 for me today. 🙂

Good morning Wednesday
5.6 this morning

Have a great day everybody
Yesterday was really really bad. I had to contact the crisis team but as usual, unless my wife is a danger to herself or others, there is nothing they can do AND they cannot force her to take her meds or increase them unless she is sectioned. So we all suffer. It is a real nightmare.

Anyway, 5.5 for me this morning. Blood pressure is very high from all of the stress though.
Stay strong @Gwynn we are all hopeful she will take her meds and your life can be less stressful again
4.4 for me up early for no reason just don't need as much sleep as I used to must be an age thing.
Morning all. It’s a high ( for me) 8.5! Don’t know why. I did have a very restless night and my left hip/ pelvis area is killing me. It’s a long running thing and I can go months without feeling anything but it’s been niggling for a week or so, decided to start misbehaving quite badly on our walk yesterday. Luckily we were near the end of our 6.5 miles. I hobbled the rest of the way home. Rest day today methinks. I need to be fit for our holiday to Devon in two weeks time, we’re planning on doing lots of coastal walking. Only about 600 miles of the South West Coastal Path left to do!

Have a wonderful Wednesday.🙂 @Gwynn stay strong. @Lanny hope you feel better soon. And here’s me complaining about a bit of back ache.
Morning all, 5.1 here, crawling along the top of the red most of the night, should have reduced basal after yesterday’s gardening stint at daughter’s. Her new lawn area is now ready for seeding, so no more digging…until I start on the next bit of the project (meanwhile she is wielding a paintbrush inside, I’d rather do her garden than help with the decorating).
Hope you’re feeling better, @Lanny .
Im sorry things are so tough at the moment, @Gwynn .
6.5 for me today, just about to do my morning yoga.

@Gwynn sorry to hear you are having such a hard time, my sister in law suffers with her mental health, has psychotic episodes, thinks everyone is out to get her, won't accept that her dad died last December, she thinks he has been abducted, she won't take her meds, she has been sectioned befor and sadly think she will need to be again as my husband and I both work full time, and live 40mins drive away so can't go check on her everyday, she has been totally alone since December, like you when we called the crisis team they said unless she was a danger to herself or others there is nothing they can do.

@Lanny - hope you start to feel better soon.

Hope I

Have a good day everyone.
6.5 for me today, just about to do my morning yoga.

@Gwynn sorry to hear you are having such a hard time, my sister in law suffers with her mental health, has psychotic episodes, thinks everyone is out to get her, won't accept that her dad died last December, she thinks he has been abducted, she won't take her meds, she has been sectioned befor and sadly think she will need to be again as my husband and I both work full time, and live 40mins drive away so can't go check on her everyday, she has been totally alone since December, like you when we called the crisis team they said unless she was a danger to herself or others there is nothing they can do.

@Lanny - hope you start to feel better soon.

Hope I

Have a good day everyone.
The problem I have with the crisis team saying that, so what do you do, do you wait for these poor people to harm themselves or others before you get help when I could be too late. I don't know how you all keep it together living to a close relative/person who suffers like this.
Morning all. 8.4 for me. Had a short hypo about an hour before bedtime last night and a small rebound pushed me out of target most of the night though thankfully not too high. Grrrrr, had been 100% yesterday until that, and it wad the first hypo in over a week. Oh well.

Sunny outside today but won't be in the garden much, got to take mum to hospital today for tests. Hope she's ok.

@Lanny, i hope you feel better soon.
@Gwynn so sorry to hear your wife had another bad day. Its such a sad situation and frustrating that you can't get help.
9.2 on waking, 7.5 10 minutes later after getting up, going to the loo and making a cup of tea. Bizarre!
PS I already posted this in a new thread called dawn phenomenon

oops, that should have been foot on the floor not dawn phenomenon. I still don’t understand why the levels were so different within such a short time (but I am a relative beginner at this T1 malarkey)
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An awful 11.0 for me this morning, no idea why :(

Managed to do my contraceptive injection near 4pm yesterday, very painful thigh since, there's no bruise or anything but must've done something as its never been as sore as this before!