Group 7-day waking average?

6.8 for me today, maybe that glass of prosecco last night, but hopefully running and yoga will sort that out and no wine tonight as I have to drive in the morning or of course it could have been the tiny slice of battenberg I made yesterday and I may have eaten some of the marzipan as well. I made it for hubby and he said, I think you have put too many almonds in this as it tastes quite strong, I then had to point out what marzipan is made of, he then comment but the one from Tesco doesn't taste of almonds as much as this, well that would be the difference between homemade using a good quality marizipan and a mass produced shop bought one then, think the comment went over his head. Anyway pictures of my first attempt, which I was pretty pleased with even if the pink was too dark.

Have a good day everyone.


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After reading about “glitches” and “bugs” and “honesty checks”. I’ll carry on with shopping the old fashioned way like you Barbara, thank you very much. I was in Aldi at 9, Tesco at 9.40, home for 10.15. Smug or what? Took me, with a bit of help from Mr Eggy, until 11 to put it away though! Now planning my batch cooking day tomorrow. So excited! Do I need to get a life? 😉
I refuse to answer those questions as they may incriminate me.

However, it is worth pointing out that dinosaurs wouldn’t use SmartShop in Sainsbury’s and look at what happened to them. 😉
9.7 for me this morning..... but in better news, 7.2 2 hrs after lunch
I refuse to answer those questions as they may incriminate me.

However, it is worth pointing out that dinosaurs wouldn’t use SmartShop in Sainsbury’s and look at what happened to them. 😉
They still allow dinosaurs in Tesco, for the time being!
I do all the hard work by choosing the products, and pushing the one trolley with the dodgy wheel around, nearly put my back out this morning manoeuvring round the corners, the least they can do is tot up my purchases for me!
I’m doing it for the workers, they’ll all be out of a job if we all scan and shop or use self service. Sad but true. :(
They still allow dinosaurs in Tesco, for the time being!
I do all the hard work by choosing the products, and pushing the one trolley with the dodgy wheel around, nearly put my back out this morning manoeuvring round the corners, the least they can do is tot up my purchases for me!
I’m doing it for the workers, they’ll all be out of a job if we all scan and shop or use self service. Sad but true. :(
Yes, it’s sad but true, but I still avoid the dreaded speed merchants.
Good morning to you all.

We had another dreadful day yesterday. My wife not only believes their are intruders getting into the house to harm her and her things but she really does believe some horrible stuff about me going back years. All of it is nonsense but she cannot see that. She won't even look up her illness to try to understand it. She would rather be frightened and in tears suffering at the hands of her own mind. I hate her illness. It has ruined both of our lives. Sadly it seems like its getting worse although, for now, the voices in her head have stopped (she says). Of course I cannot get any support or help because she is no direct threat to herself or others and so she lingers on in perpetual fear and suspicion and just gets more and more ill. The way this is going the trend will continue until she does become an obvious danger and is sectioned again whereupon our marriage will be over.

I just hit the whisky last night and ate nothing. Slept well though 🙂

So what are the results of all that this morning?

BG 4.8 (thankfully BG seems to always be ok)
Weight 54.8 Kg (whoops below target, just fluid and solid loss from not eating yesterday afternoon and evening)
BMI 20.63
Weight lost 35.6 Kg
Body mass lost 39.4 Kg (eek !)
06:04 BS 5.9 🙂

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

PS:- Urgh! It was a triple whammy when bunging in the 2nd lot of LR this morning: do 2 lots of 39; the first lot was fine but, the 2nd lot hurt on the way in, Ouch! then, stung when I pushed the insulin in AND, to top it all off, it bled like mad when I pulled it out! NOT a nice start to the day! 😱 I REALLY don’t like the triple whammy!:( A rare frown from me that’s not quite a mad face!🙄
Good morning Tuesday 5.9 today
no time to read through everybody’s post but saw yours @Gwynn, hope that today is a better day.

early start for me Have a great day everybody 😎
4.8 for me this morning. 🙂
And a bit of a dicky tum as well. :(😱

Morning all. :D 4.9 here.

Sending (((hugs))) @Gwynn - I hope today’s a better day for you both.

The sun’s shining and there’s a knitting group meet-up this morning. Must remember to take my knitting!😉

I hope the jab-site isn’t too sore @Lanny - I hate a squirter and the bump it leaves. Frustrated face emoji!
Good Morning
Up slightly late this morning but at 07:39 came up with a 5.2. F2CE1C3A-84D1-440A-B78B-066F7CF81894.jpeg
4.5 this is getting boring now 🙂
Morning all, 6.7 here. Woke in the night and sensed I might be dropping, was 4.5 on the Libre, so had a couple of jelly babies to head off a hypo. I did a lot of digging in daughter’s garden yesterday and was surprised not to get a gardening hypo at the time, but my liver obviously helped out then, and restocked overnight instead.
8.3 at 6:45 for me today and 7.4 before breakfast at 7:45. Anyone know why? It's the first time I have actually done it as I wake up as well as before breakfast. I normally do it just before breakfast.
Breakfast is 50gm muesli and an orange. My 2 hrs after breakfast check is all over the place, over the last week anything from 12.01 to 7.3, but my breakfast is always the same. I don't get it.
@Gwynn I hope things get better for you mate, it sounds like you need some relief. Hope you get it.