Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all on this quite autumnal feeling morning and a very, very surprising 4.9 for me. I barely venture into Fiveland never mind the fours! Checked my Levemir to make sure I didn’t mistakenly have my morning dose last night, nope, the usual 9 units. Did have a hot and sweaty 4.5 mile walk yesterday afternoon and only a small tea as I didn’t feel so well. Was it that? I was 7.9 at bedtime and I was aware I probably had another half hour of insulin knocking about, maybe that? I’m sure it’s a total fluke and I’ll be back into Sixland as usual tomorrow. The good thing about it is I won’t have to wait my customary one hour before I can have my breakfast. Yeah! 🙂

No massive plans today apart from a big shop. Oh joy, I only do it once a month but still hate it. Not so much the shopping bit but the putting it away bit. You’ve taken it off the shelf and put it in the trolley . Then you take it out the trolley and put it on the belt, then you take it off the belt and put it back in the trolley, then you put it in the boot of your car, then you take it out the boot of the car carry into the house and have to put it in your cupboards/ fridge/ freezer. That’s a lot of man handling, and wasted energy in my opinion. I wish someone would invent something where some one else does it for you, packs it and brings it to your door. What a good idea, I wonder why no one hasn’t thought of it before? 😉

Have a Happy Monday everyone, whatever boring chores you may have to do. 🙂
No massive plans today apart from a big shop. Oh joy, I only do it once a month but still hate it.
It is a chore doing a big shop, so I do two small shops a week. I also don’t like the conveyor belt so use the Sainsbury’s (other supermarkets are available) SmartShop app. Scan items, place in bag, end shop, straight to dedicated tills, scan into till, pay by card, push trolley out to car. It took me a while to try it but it’s great. I can’t help with unloading into your cupboards though.

I love batch cooking, but hate after it’s cooled putting it into containers for the freezer and washing up.
PS, 5.8 this morning.
Good morning 6.6 today

not a good sleep last night night - hardly slept
back to work today for both my wife & I.

Hope everybody has a fantastic day
Good morning all, thanks for your congrats for my HS and today I am 6.6.
I managed to fall over whilst doing the recycling so I have a few bruises today. I have quite far to carry my crates so I have abandoned the whole thing!
I wish you all a good Monday.
It is a chore doing a big shop, so I do two small shops a week. I also don’t like the conveyor belt so use the Sainsbury’s (other supermarkets are available) SmartShop app. Scan items, place in bag, end shop, straight to dedicated tills, scan into till, pay by card, push trolley out to car. It took me a while to try it but it’s great. I can’t help with unloading into your cupboards though.

I love batch cooking, but hate after it’s cooled putting it into containers for the freezer and washing up.
Shop and scan scares me. I’m worried I won’t scan something and I’ll get arrested! 😱

I love batch cooking too and plan a special day for it, radio on, lots of pots and pans bubbling away. Diet Coke and 85% Lindt to hand. My idea of bliss. 🙂
:D Morning all. 4.8 here.🙂

Got my hospital DSN phoning later - thankfully, my laptop behaved and allowed me to upload my Libre data. She’s going to say “too many hypos” but will hopefully be pleased with my best ever control since dx (13 years ago)! I’d best sit down at some point today and work out how I managed it.😳😉
Good Morning
A late start for me today as didn’t wake until 07:20.
BG. 6.1 at 07:39.
BG goes up slightly whilst weight goes down slightly. The ups and downs of this diabetes life.
stay safe and have a great day.
4.5 and a nice restful weekend spent yesterday revisiting all my Pink Floyd albums in the summer house, Bliss.
5.4 for me this morning. 🙂

Morning everyone. After another night with a 3u correction this time, woke to a 6.1.

I don't understand it, last time i was getting these highs at 3am all the time i upped my basal and they stopped. Now i'm only getting them at weekends which is the only time i have a couple of small glasses of wine. I was told that if i have a glass to have a small snack with it which i have been doing, usually a small handful of peanuts or a couple of crackers with cheese, less than 10g anyway. I'm assuming that the glass and snack are causing the high as i've looked back at my logs and it only seems to be weekends. But i'm doing things i've been told to do. Any ideas please? I don't want to give up my glass of wine as its only at weekends.

Have a good day everyone
8.4 on a sunny 18deg windy day at 8.00am Monday morning in Poole. A bit nicer for the grockles today.
4.5 and a nice restful weekend spent yesterday revisiting all my Pink Floyd albums in the summer house, Bliss.
They played at my college bash in the late '60s, Supporting Status Quo who had top billing....last saw them live at Fremantle Western Australia (EDIT It was 1989 )in the late 1990's, outdoor concert, windy as hell but magic.
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They played at my college bash in the late '60s, Supporting Status Quo who had top billing....last saw them live at Fremantle Western Australia in the late 1990's, outdoor concert, windy as hell but magic.
Must have been amazing live, it just takes me away into another world so good.
Must have been amazing live, it just takes me away into another world so good.
It was absolutely brilliant, just remembered my son was 12 and couldn't come as he was too young so it would have been 1989.

7.8 today, not much sleep again, goodness knows whats keeping me going as feel like I could just drop like a stone xx
@eggyg & @HenryBennett
I use the Sainsbo's shop and scan app too. But it's still a bit buggy. Three times it's deleted my shopping list just as I got inside the store. A few times it's deleted the basket contents and I've had to stand there like a lemon, empty the bags and re-scan again. 😡 Also it's got something against me and thinks I'm being fraudulent. Most times at checkout it calls for someone to come and do a sample scan to check I'm being honest. 😱

Apart from all that it's OK. :D🙄