Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning everyone. I say "good" though its not very. Its pouring with rain and i had a horrendous nights sleep. Went to bed on 7.4 which is ok with me but overnight kept being woken by libre alarm showing it was high. I needed 2 lots of 2u corrections to bring it down to a 6.9 this morning. Whaaat!! I've never had to do that before but it just would not come down and i've no idea what caused it. Like @Kaylz i might be having a nap this afternoon. Poor hubby has had to go into work this morning and he's shattered too, bless him.
@New-journey congrats on the HS
Stay dry today all, whatever you are up to.
I guess it is fibbing then.... or was. Did you do a finger prick to see if that second one was correct? Is that Libre 1 or 2? Could you have woken up lying on the sensor and it was recovering rather too enthusiastically from a compression low?
I think I was having a bounce back from a compression low, there's a couple of V shaped dips on the overnight trace. I seem to be more prone to these if I’m a bit dehydrated, (which I think i was last night after a couple of glasses of wine).
I have found with the Libre 2, more so than the original, that if you start on an upward trend, the algorithm assumes you’re going to continue on that trend, and shows you a line rising upwards at the same angle, then if you look at the graph later, it’s disappeared, if in reality your BGs flattened off. I’ve now settled to 5.3 and a level line on the graph, an hour after my morning basal and normal two units of bolus to cope with the Dawn Phenom.
I didn’t check with a fingerprick, normally I would, but I was having a lie in with the papers and a cup of tea, and had left my test kit downstairs.(Theres a music festival going on locally at the mo, and I could hear the base beat through the double glazing last night til midnight, so I didn’t attempt to go to sleep particularly early)
7.5 for me today, run done so just yoga later, oh and making a batten erg for hubby as the cake tin I have been waiting nearly 10 months for has finally arrived. Reading wasn't taken first thing as I forgot to take my meter to bed with me last night, so had been up and around, plus I had some tagliatelle for my dinner last night.

@New-journey congrats on your HS today.

Have a great Sunday everyone and hope someone somewhere is having sunshine.
Morning, 9.4 for me — woke earlier and fell back asleep again. Looking at the weather, I may as well have another snooze!!

If it wisnae fur oor wellies where would we be? (Sing along folks)
@Robin Thanks for that explanation. It helps to get a better picture.

I did a bit of testing and comparison after my earlier post because interestingly I thought I felt my levels drop and Libre said I was down to 4.2 but finger prick still gave me 5.2. I didn't treat because I decided to accept the 5.2 (and I often go higher mid morning) but another 30mins later, Libre was showing 3.6 with a downward sloping arrow and finger prick gave 4.5, so I had 5g carbs and Libre now 4.1, so the Libre was actually detecting and leading the drop in levels ahead of my BG meter rather than lagging for once. I really should learn to trust my Libre even more than I do, especially when it corresponds to how I feel!
@Molly M
I have a hole in my wellies but only know a song for "There's a hole in my bucket...Dear Liza, Dear Liza" Will probably be singing that for the rest of the day now though!
Morning All
I didn’t enter this on here straight away as Son lost his work keys and we were searching the flat. Eventually turned up in his car. Yes children are ……
A 5.6 this morning at 07:34
Yesterday confused over the readings after Exercise.
13:20. BG. 7.1
13:34. High carb lunch as knew I was going for ‘long’ walk. 74 carbs. 533 cal.
15:15 to 16:45. 7.7km in 89 mins with a snack of an orange and a banana in middle. 39 carbs 152 cal.
16:52. BG 6.1
Nothing to eat after walk
17:44. Before Dinner. BG 8.8

Was the body still pumping out sugars following walk or did banana and orange not digest during exercise? Or just one of those things????
Good morning, woke up late and scored 6.1 @09:50 today.

Back to work tomorrow for both my wife & I
nothing to exciting planned for today,

some of the usual Sunday chores, laundry hoovering etc, might even treat my car to a wash & brush up
I hope everybody’s having a Great Weekend 😎
I really should learn to trust my Libre even more than I do, especially when it corresponds to how I feel!
I think the last bit is the key, I’m happy to trust my Libre when it accords with what I’m feeling, which I have to say, it's doing most of the time (bar my first two Libre 2 sensors where they were reading 2mml above the whole way through. I kept checking with fingerpricks, though, because I 'knew', or sensed, that I wasn’t suddenly running at a higher level. Wonder if there was a dodgy batch, because my next two have been spot on).
@Molly M. I loved that Billy Connolly song. :D
@rebrascora Barbara that was one of my favourite songs when I was a child. Little amuses the innocent. 🙄
Well @freesia and @Lanny either of you achieve a nap? I sadly haven't, the Westie in the next block was left alone again so has been constantly barking and someone in our side of our block started to play loud music, I wouldn't be surprised if it was upstairs trying to drown out the dog and considering it's his brothers its a bit of a cheek! The woman downstairs from the Westie approached the male of the couple last week and he told her she needed to respect him and that it was only 2pm (keep in mind the dog had been barking since at least 11am) think he needs to learn to respect others! xx
A 4.9 for me this morning following on from a 5.2 yesterday.

Congrats to @New-journey on the HS
@Kaylz, nope i haven't managed a nap either. Went for a walk this morning then had to deliver my sister in laws shopping this afternoon as she can't get to the shops easily. I'll stay awake now, hopefully it will be a better sleep tonight.
@Kaylz, nope i haven't managed a nap either. Went for a walk this morning then had to deliver my sister in laws shopping this afternoon as she can't get to the shops easily. I'll stay awake now, hopefully it will be a better sleep tonight.
Aye it's well past my nap time, it's 1:30-2, raging like as I'm exhausted xx
Good morning. Not sure if I will go out for exercise as it is so dark and cold out there. At least I will get to the shops.

4.4 for me this morning. Surprisingly low and so hard to get any blood. Grrrr