Group 7-day waking average?

06:06 BS 5.4 🙂 LR & pills both in: hopefully becoming 2nd nature now?🙄

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

I’ll have to call 119 & chase up my test results as there’s STILL no email or text message: checked on website & it says it should only take a maximum of 72 hours; knew it was delivered around 16:00 on the Thursday it was picked up by the courier just before 11:00 so, it’s definitely more than 72 hours! It’s 24/7 so, I’ll call now after posting. Was already worried about no result on Monday when I checked the website for how long for a result & said to myself if I still haven’t heard anything by Tuesday, I’d chase it up! :confused:
Morning all. An early 6.1 for me.

Need to leave early for appointments today as I’m walking, Mr Eggy needs the car, really could have done with more sleep ( had a terrible night) but needs must. My sleeplessness caused me to inject 5 units of basal into my stomach instead of 10 units into my thigh, which is always my first job of the morning. I was thinking it was my bolus! I only realised as it stung, my Levemir always stings on a morning. Quickly loaded up the pen with the remaining 5 and injected into my thigh. THEN I did my basal! What a numpty! :confused:

Coming straight home after my appointments, no lingering in town. Lots to do as our week has been non stop and it continues to be until a slight respite on Saturday. Going on holiday can be hard work can’t it? One more week to go, getting excited now.

Have a great day all.
@SueEK enjoy your visit.
@SB2015 good luck for tonight.
@Lanny no news is good news.

And to the HSers yesterday, @khskel and @Telemóveis, congratulations. We don’t seem to have had as many lately, so they are even more special. Now I’ve said that, there’ll be loads today.🙂
Good morning Michael

How do you feel with levels that low in the morning? Could you reduce your basal insulin overnight?
I know that this has been suggested before, and there are difficulties for you changing you basal insulin to help with this. However with more hypos overnight, the more your body is going to get used to these, and the more you are likely to lose your hypo awareness.

I hope that you have a good day.
I did reduce my basal the day before yesterday down to 10 but had a really high morning figure yesterday so today it is back up to 11. I am happy with todays reading and do not feel at all uncomfortable.
Phew! :D WHAT a palaver but, my test result is negative!

The guy on 119 on Wednesday used the wrong number to register my test: asked me for the numbers under the barcode on the package which today’s guy on 119 tells me was for Royal Mail to pick up the package; asked me for the barcode number on the front of the leaflet which I had thrown away so, had to poke through my rubbish bag to find it! so, test was registered & they emailed me the result right away before the the end of the call! o_O:D Phew! With a drop of sweat over one eye!
4.5 Stressful few days so not as active here as I was but still logging in 🙂
6.7 today. Two lovely visits yesterday but meant I couldn’t get a sleep so was very tired by evening. Stonking headache this morning, have had a number of waking headaches for some reason. Hubby has a bad hip and he has been struggling to help me so we are like two old crocs. Really having to resist doing things I feel capable of doing but know I mustn’t. Going to try and have a proper shower this morning as a wash doesn’t do it.
Have a good day everyone xx
Morning all, 9.1 here! What a difference a reduced basal makes when you don’t need it! I thought I would, as we did another long walk yesterday, but apparently I’ve adapted already. More walking today (it will involve a pub). This is all because our son is back with us for a few days to use up some annual leave.
Good morning everyone 🙂 (I’m not used to this limited selection of emojis😛)

5.4 this morning, definitely think my lunch insulin ratio is wrong because we’ve hypoed twice in 5 days and not been above 4.8, so will try to get that changed, if I’m acc able to contact the DSNs this time

I hope you all have a pleasant day 😎
6.9 this morning, which is tattoo day, I'll show you tomorrow whether I managed to get the whole tattoo or ended up with just a couple of dots.

Have a good day everyone.
9.2 for me but only remembered my test at the end of my museli. I don't know how long it takes from first mouthful to blood registering. I was a bit naughty yesterday, had half a cream tea at Creech(Corfe Castle) and a steak and kidney pie at Swanage sea front..... Dull and overcast here in Poole today 18deg
5.5 for me today. 🙂


9.0 for me

@Michael12421 just curious as to why you are happy with a reading of 3.2? The fact you don't feel it indicates there is something far wrong with your hypo awareness, your 2's would be classed as severe and each one can cause damage to your heart and brain, also I'm confused as to why you have put your basal back up after 1 day, Toujeo adjustments take 3-4 days to show any effect, as you won't set alarms to check you'll never know what your levels are doing overnight but I do suspect you may be going low and the higher waking readings are due to a rebound

Anyway folks, grandad said he was feeling better last night, he's going to take a daunder to the pub today for his lunch, it's literally a minute from his house so hopefully he'll manage fine, he was supposed to be attending the funeral of the local Salvation Army church minister today but it's in Peterhead so he made the decision it was too much for him and I tend to agree so glad he made that decision

@Grannylorraine happy tattoo day! I'm sure you'll do just fine and I can't wait to see the result!
Good morning all, 4.2 and flat line since midnight so no lows. My time in target is rather perfect for me at the moment (94%) but as soon as I say it, I am probably going to have a day of highs and lows!

I wish you all a good day.
Good morning 🙂
8:16am and 6.3 for me - 16.0 units of tresiba taken
Unfortunately there are no half-unit pens for Toujeo so what I have decided to do is inject 10 units on alternate days and 11 in between to see if that helps.

decided to so is inject 10 units on alternate days and 11 units in between and see if that helps.
6.9 this morning, which is tattoo day, I'll show you tomorrow whether I managed to get the whole tattoo or ended up with just a couple of dots.

Have a good day everyone.
Ooh good luck, to me you are very brave. Look forward to seeing the finished tattoo xx

9.0 for me

@Michael12421 just curious as to why you are happy with a reading of 3.2? The fact you don't feel it indicates there is something far wrong with your hypo awareness, your 2's would be classed as severe and each one can cause damage to your heart and brain, also I'm confused as to why you have put your basal back up after 1 day, Toujeo adjustments take 3-4 days to show any effect, as you won't set alarms to check you'll never know what your levels are doing overnight but I do suspect you may be going low and the higher waking readings are due to a rebound

Anyway folks, grandad said he was feeling better last night, he's going to take a daunder to the pub today for his lunch, it's literally a minute from his house so hopefully he'll manage fine, he was supposed to be attending the funeral of the local Salvation Army church minister today but it's in Peterhead so he made the decision it was too much for him and I tend to agree so glad he made that decision

@Grannylorraine happy tattoo day! I'm sure you'll do just fine and I can't wait to see the result!
Good to hear your grandad is feeling brighter, less for you to worry about xx