Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning 5.3 for me, a biscuit crumb away!

Off for a coffee with my friend - she really doesn’t get the ongoing nature of diabetes and says things like “you’re not still having to bother with that are you?” when I get my pump out to bolus for coffee & a biscuit. If only! 🙄

Have a good day, I hope you’re ok out there.
Good Morning
A 6.1 this morning following a high of 12.4 at bedtime. Literally I thought my pancreas had given up this honeymoon period as levels did nothing but go up.
woke this morning to be surprised at the figure. Thought it would be much higher so pancreas has decided to work again.
@Michael12421 I'm afraid it doesn't work like that, you only gave it one day so your higher waking reading was nothing to do with the fact you'd reduced by a unit the previous day as adjustments of Toujeo don't work that quickly, it's the same with Tresiba so I know a bit about it xx
7.4 for me today but only because I stuck in a 3.5 unit correction in the early hours when I woke up on 12.... and I had increased my Levemir by one unit last night! Not sure what is going on with me at the moment as I needed Fiasp corrections yesterday instead of JBs despite my physical activity. That said, I forgot to mention that I hit a personal best TIR yesterday of 96% (for the past 7 days) with 2% above and 2 below. Was sure I must have blown that with my high last night but it seems I have a new PB this morning with the same 96% for the last 7 days but only 1% below so I must have caught that high just in time for it not to have a significant impact.

I really don't like needing quite so much insulin to achieve it but the figures speak for themselves so I just have to accept it.

Congrats to @Telemóveis and @khskel on your House Special achievements yesterday.

@Michael12421 I can only echo what @Kaylz has said. You are literally dicing with death. Being happy with a 3.2 morning reading is lunacy (and I would point out that the people who liked that post are Type 2s), especially when you are using finger pricks and have no idea what is happening during the night. I understand the principle of what you are trying to achieve with alternating the Toujeo dose but I strongly suspect, due to the nature of that insulin and how unpredictable it seems to be for you, that you are making a mistake. I am all for experimenting rather than just following the rules/guidance, but only if it is done with safety in mind and lots of testing or ideally LIbre where you can see exactly what is happening. Experimenting "blind" which is what you are doing, is out and out dangerous. Please reconsider and set your alarm and test maybe twice through the night for a week to collect some data, so that you can see what is actually going on. No need to get out of bed. Have your test kit by the bed, put the light on, test and go back to sleep. We have all done this at different times so we are not suggesting you do anything we haven't done ourselves pre Libre.
If you wake high in the morning it is a simple matter to inject a correction dose. I have to inject fast acting insulin every morning to cover Foot on the Floor whether I intend to have breakfast or not, so waking up a bit high (8-10) is not a big deal in itself. It is only a small part of the day and as far as I am concerned still within range. If you are waking high because you hypoed through the night without your knowledge then that is extremely serious, but a bit of DP is no big deal.
I "liked" your first morning post only because it tells me that you woke up and are alive and that is a relief! The second post where you say you are happy with the 3.2 reading is deluded and I cannot "like" or encourage that. We are really worried about you. If you hadn't had so many fits and black outs and so little hypo awareness, we wouldn't be on your case all the time but you have lost your hypo awareness and that puts you at severe risk.
A 5.3 for me at 05:54 this morning. Another grey and overcast day in West Berks. Off into London later for a work meeting
Morning everyone. 6.3 for me today. Doing lots of walking while we are away but struggling with my levels a bit. I'm going to bed in range but any time between 1am and 3am its shooting up. If its continuous i'd up my basal a bit but through the day my levels have been ok or even a bit too low. So i've been correcting and checking. Only problem there is if i have my normal correction ratio i've been waking up around 4.3...a bit low. Last night, i woke and had half the usual correction ie 1u instead of 2u. But 3 hours later i'd gone high again and had to have more, waking late this morning on the 6.3. No idea what is going on
Morning everyone. 6.3 for me today. Doing lots of walking while we are away but struggling with my levels a bit. I'm going to bed in range but any time between 1am and 3am its shooting up. If its continuous i'd up my basal a bit but through the day my levels have been ok or even a bit too low. So i've been correcting and checking. Only problem there is if i have my normal correction ratio i've been waking up around 4.3...a bit low. Last night, i woke and had half the usual correction ie 1u instead of 2u. But 3 hours later i'd gone high again and had to have more, waking late this morning on the 6.3. No idea what is going on
I hear your frustration. My usual basal profile is totally awry at the moment too and I am going high at night instead of in the morning and needing much more insulin to correct. Really thought I had been heavy handed with my correction through the night and actually woke up this morning in a panic because I had a recollection that I had woken up with a 3.2 afterwards but been too sleepy to eat any JBs and therefore fully expected to have been in the red for a few hours. Turns out it was a dream as there is no sign of a reading after that correction until I woke up and certainly no sign of my levels dropping below 7, so 3.5 units only dropped me a disappointing 5mmols!
What I find amazing is that in my subconscious state at 4am, I was able to make such a good decision. Even more so as I was so sleepy that I actually started to nod off with the needle and pen still in my stomach and then caught myself, capped it and put it away and was out like a light within seconds. I am now quite adept at injecting in the dark so with Libre I don't need to put the light on at all, just scan, inject or eat JB and sleep again. I know we say that learning to manage diabetes is like learning to drive a car and you get into automode once you do it enough but not sure I could operate a car quite as impressively in my sleep!!
Starting to think that ,maybe the Fiasp is losing it's efficacy with me and it's time to go back to NR again or maybe my body is just changing.
Horrendous nights sleep for me - didn't get to sleep until 6am despite being in bed since midnight. Bg when I got up almost 5 hrs later was 7.7. I've had brunch and checked 2 hrs later and my reading is identical at 7.7.

I am loving my move from Metformin to Sukkarto - what a difference! Just moved to 3 a day. Never had an issue with Sukkarto whereas I had horrific problems with Metformin. Happy days.

Look after yourselves everyone.
Haven’t posted in a while but have read what everyone is up to most days.

The book subscription sound good @eggyg. I love a crime book.

I’m enjoying the doing my own thing ….2 more weeks before it’s back to normal! Feels a long Summer break this time - I know I’m lucky having so long off.

Anyway a 6.8 this morning.
Good morning. Gotta go out for some exercise even though it looks cold and grey out there.

We have now had almost a week of peace here which is so good. The stress was making me ill.

At 5am my BG was 4.7

I had an appointment with the diabetic nurse yesterday afternoon. She was fascinated and interested in the graphs that I took along. We had a really good chat. I think my having taken control and personal responsibility for my health really helped us communicate effectively and positively.
4.1 Good morning all.
5.5 for me today. 🙂

Morning all. Another early reading. 7.6 ( woz she worf it?). Our younger members have probably thought I’ve lost the plot. It’s a line in an old music hall song, 7s 6d was the cost of a wedding licence back in the day. 37.5p! Anywoo, back to it. I think I perhaps went to bed a bit low and with active insulin so my liver has decided to help me out this morning. Cheers! 😡

Had a much better night, hence the early morning, I’d had enough sleep. I have a friend coming for coffee today, I told her I would bake but my kitchen is kind of out of action. Mr Eggy has been repairing the dishwasher, it took him all day yesterday, put it all back together about 6 o’clock last night, it leaked! Luckily, he knows where he went wrong but it’s like an obstacle course with the dishwasher pulled out and spare parts lying about and of course Mr Eggy will be lying about too! Ah well, a KitKat it is then. :D

Hope you all have a good day, it’s pretty dull and darkish up here. 🙂
Morning everyone 😎

4.7 this morning, up early today because I have an opticians appointment. Also thought I would treat myself with some clothes shopping bc a) not been in ages b) need a distraction bc yet another argument last night 🙄

just feel drained atm :confused:
Morning all, another decent nights sleep thank goodness and another headache. 6.3 for me today. Got nurse at 9.30 and hoping some of the dressings can come off. Managed a decent shower yesterday which wore me out but definitely made me feel fresher. Even painted my nails so I look a bit more normal too if you ignore the pale skin and unruly hair lol.
@Grannylorraine looking forward to the tattoo.
@Telemóveis sorry things are not good at the mo.
Have a good day everyone xx