Group 7-day waking average?

Hello everyone
I can’t find anything on the internet about heart rate recovery and BG levels in Type 1 Diabetes patients
On a very unscientific test, watching on an Apple Watch whilst walking I’ve noticed that when glucose levels are normal my heart rate recovery is good at the top of a hill but when BG levels fall then heart rate rises and do not recover in the same fashion.
perhaps it could be the early signs of a hypo or it could be just my ‘stupid’ body.
Has anyone else noticed this when doing your walks?
May be interesting to see if this is a common occurrence and then …….,
Hello everyone
I can’t find anything on the internet about heart rate recovery and BG levels in Type 1 Diabetes patients
On a very unscientific test, watching on an Apple Watch whilst walking I’ve noticed that when glucose levels are normal my heart rate recovery is good at the top of a hill but when BG levels fall then heart rate rises and do not recover in the same fashion.
perhaps it could be the early signs of a hypo or it could be just my ‘stupid’ body.
Has anyone else noticed this when doing your walks?
May be interesting to see if this is a common occurrence and then …….,

Faster heart rate can be a symptom of a hypo along with adrenaline release so yes, your body would struggle to lower your heart rate during /after exercise if your levels are going low and you are releasing adrenaline as a result.
Thanks Barbara, for explaining what’s happening. I honestly thought I was seeing things with my exercise.
Morning all. :D 4.0 here.

Good to hear you’re feeling a bit better and got some sleep @Lanny. I hope things keep on improving throughout the day.🙂

(((Hugs))) @Gwynn. I hope things improve at your end too.

Anyone seen @merrymunky lately?
Hanging my head in shame. Was doing so well then the summer holidays rolled in and I fell off the wagon again. I have my hba1c test next week and have to book my annual review on too so going to have to face up to it and get myself back on it soon enough!
Hanging my head in shame. Was doing so well then the summer holidays rolled in and I fell off the wagon again. I have my hba1c test next week and have to book my annual review on too so going to have to face up to it and get myself back on it soon enough!
Good to see you back MM. Nobody said it was easy especially with a young family but pleased you are ready to climb back on the wagon again and we are here to cheer you on. You have done it before so you know you can do it again.
5.8 this early morning and another headache, damn. Dr ringing today, other than that zilch happening.
Have a good day all x
Good morning everyone, another good day yesterday. This is becomming a habit !

5.1 BG for me at 5.30am so close !

My body weight is smack on the set goal of 55.5 Kg.

I have a telephone consultation later on this morning. Nothing to do with diabetes. I am a bit nervous about it though.

It is so dark out there right now.

Into weight maintenance phase now and it is a real struggle finding enough food calories without overdoing the carbs whilst keeping protein and saturated fats down. Ok so my food fat intake is up and that is fine but At the moment it seems that adding foods either pushes up the carbs or the saturated fats. Its the saturated fats tight control that is giving me the headache. Trying to keep to the NHS guideline of less than 30g a day when things that have fats in them seem to have saturated fats too. I must be missing something obvious (typical for me). Oh and the protein needs to be below an NHS maximum apparently. Its a bit like playing food Sudoku on a Rhubiks cube whilst tapping my head and stroking my tummy and subtracting 7 from a number repeatedly.

Guidelines are just that and I doubt that the skies will fall if I exceed them slightly. But I don't actually know and when I was definitely not following any guidelines I became very ill and that was not good. There must be a good rationale behind the guidelines. At least I hope there is. But they may be a bit like '5 a day' though and therefore rather arbitrary.

So the obvious question, what foods do you recommend that are low carb, low saturated fats, (high protein ?). Oddly, whisky fits the bill (and I do like a whisky) but I suspect that way could lead to disaster 🙂
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bit of a busy life in my world at the moment
have a great day and weekend everybody

have a great day everybody
Morning all. All the sixes, 6.6 and I’ve been up since six again! I promised myself I would try and sleep later but I find it really hard, I’m awake but tired and just can’t drop off. Then I yawn all day and have to go to bed early, vicious circle.

The good news is my dishwasher is fixed and my kitchen is usable again. I did manage to bake yesterday, I made brownies whilst Mr Eggy was in the shower so he wasn’t sprawled all over the floor, and pastry which I put in the fridge and made a quiche once the dishwasher was back in place. Result on all scores. #firstworldproblems 😉

Baby Zara and mummy coming for lunch, it will be the last time we see them until our return from holiday in the middle of September. I hope Zara doesn’t forget us, we’ll have to FaceTime from Devon! :D

Have a great day, the weather looks much better for us today, thank goodness, yesterday’s weather was nowt nor summat as we say up here! 🙂
Good morning all, 4.2 with blood and 5.8 with new sensor, first time it has ever been this way round and hope it settles down. These days I just use the sensor straight away rather than wait 24 hours before I activate it. Is that the same with all of you using sensors? I will need to change the alarm if it carries on.

@Michael12421 Always good to hear from you and hope you keep on posting.
@merrymunky, please be kind to yourself as it is so hard with a young family. I hope your results are positive.

I wish you all a good day.
Hanging my head in shame.
You don’t need to hide from us lot @merrymunky - no-one here’s going to shout at you. :D I have lots of days where I don’t do what I “should”. o_O Glad to see you’re okay! 🙂

Morning good peeps. :D 4.3 here.

A day of home admin is required - let’s see if I can be disciplined and get it done!
Morning all, 7.5 here, the run of 5s I had seem well and truly done.
I had stopped warming up my sensors for 24hrs, @New-journey , but the one before last resolutely read 2.8 for the first night, and only sprang into life after I’d mentioned to OH that I would be contacting Abbott! Thereafter it was spot on, so I've gone back to applying them the day before activation. My first couple of Libre 2s also read higher than a fingerprick for the whole duration, but the last few have been spot on.
5.6 for me today. 🙂

5.0 for me and feeling good 🙂
Dipping my toe in here to join in, bare in mine I only started on 10 units of lantus yesterday!

10.6 today. Seems to have come down from an average of 11.5 since starting blood pressure medication. Interested to see the difference the insulin makes.

9.8 for me

It's blooming cold today so wasn't the best to start eating my breakfast and find the yoghurt must've been touching the back of the fridge and was frozen, shivering and sore teeth!
Its a bit like playing food Sudoku on a Rhubiks cube whilst tapping my head and stroking my tummy and subtracting 7 from a number
How many hands do you have?
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