Group 7-day waking average?

@ColinUK thanks for ‘popping in’. Wishing you well in your move, shame you will lose your balcony. Keep going with the rest x
@rebrascora i hope you feel better today. Whatever it was it sounds awful.
@SB2015 like @Kaylz i too used to polish shoes, i'd do everyones on a Sunday night ready for the next morning. I still find it relaxing on the odd occasion i do mine.
@Gruers enjoy the cricket.
@eggyg glad everything has "passed through"! Lol
@ColinUK glad you're ok. Hope the move goes well even though you'll lose the balcony and those lovely plants.
Morning all it’s a 5.3 -ooh hair’s breadth!

Nice HS work @Robin
Sending positive vibes to you @SueEK

Wardrobe sorting out beckons, dare I open the doors? it’ll never all fit back in!

Time to crack on and not have a housework hypo. Have a good day out there 🙂
Interesting psychological stuff going on for me recently.
As things have spun out of my control (legal stuff and also the sexual assault things coming to the fore and engaging with support for getting to grips with it all and starting to move on, plus the shortest distance house move ever) I’ve reverted to type with diet. Not quite as poor as it was before diagnosis but not good by any means.
I’ve talked about it with SurvivorsUK and it’s a well recognised coping strategy for survivors. Because I feel that things are happening to me and that I’m somewhat emotionally dialled down I’m using food to generate a feeling.
It’s not as clear cut as the phrase emotional eating suggests because there are days when I either adhere to the shakes or eat only low carb. But there are others when I’ll eat a baguette. And maybe some cake.
The hugely positive shift is that I used to eat like this almost every day - one or two baguettes, a big bag of crisps or the larger half of a tube of Pringles, pot of hummus, cake - but now it’s significantly reduced.
It’s not a reward either.
In the next SurvivorsUK group we’re focusing on coping mechanisms and I’ll bring my relationship with food to the group.
Therapist said that survivors often seek to change how they look in order to distance themselves from how they looked when whatever it was took place. Some hit the gym, some diet and lose weight, others eat and gain. Some do all of the above at various times. I’ve done all of them and done things like change my hair (it’s been blond, ginger, black, highlighted, short, long, curly, straightened etc).
Food and weight etc is obviously more complex now that diabetes is in the mix but it’s not enough for me to just use D as a motivation apparently.
Thinking about it, when I dropped all the weight last year, even in lockdown I received a fair amount of attention from guys. Perhaps that looped back into the assault stuff and triggered a counter response. And it’s likely that because that’s been a response for almost 40 years, it’s a well worn path for me to take even though it’s not the best one.

@rebrascora i hope you feel better today. Whatever it was it sounds awful.
@SB2015 like @Kaylz i too used to polish shoes, i'd do everyones on a Sunday night ready for the next morning. I still find it relaxing on the odd occasion i do mine.
@Gruers enjoy the cricket.
@eggyg glad everything has "passed through"! Lol
@ColinUK glad you're ok. Hope the move goes well even though you'll lose the balcony and those lovely plants.
I’ve moved some of the plants to the Juliette balconies in the new place and I’ve gifted the metasequoia to the folks and it’s now very happy in their garden.
All that’s left to rehouse are the massive bamboo and and banana.
I’m probably going to chop the bamboo down and take that to the folks (and it’ll stay in a pot on their terrace). As for the banana it may find itself on a flat roof halfway up the stairs. It’s not a heavy pot whereas the bamboo weighs loads.
@Robin well done on your HS. 🙂
My reading was 5.4 today. 🙂

Mine was 13.0 this morning before my metformin. 2 hours later dropped to 7.0. Is this normal before taking medication? I'm on 500mg metformin twice daily.
I have been eating few more carbs recently so maybe that's why?
Definitely not then. I can make a fist, stretch fingers, move them all around. Its just when any pressure is put on that finger i have the pain through my fingers, hand and up my arm then it aches for a while after.
Good morning everyone 🙂
So at 7:21am it was a bingo legs 11.6 for me - 16u of tresiba taken - if its not worked its way down to under 10mmol when I have my breakfast I do a correction dose with my breakfast insulin so I can avoid any insulin stacking. The 11.6 is no doubt the after effects from last night.
23:27pm bedtime 8.8 - still fancied a bedtime snack of mini choc chip cookies 13g of carbs - told bolus advisor 10g of carbs less and chose not to do insulin for just 3g of carbs and because I had 3 or 4 gin and tonic Oops! - I was also made a wrong choice on the way home after our meal out because I had a freddo 10g of carbs but no insulin
My BGL has worked its way down to 10.9 at 9:46am and because it's over 10mmol my bolus advisor advised to do a 1u correction

- I'm on 1:8 ratio pre-breakfast
- 10.9 - 6 (mid target range) = 4.9 ÷ 8 = 0.6125 - so is the 1u correction correct?

Mine was 13.0 this morning before my metformin. 2 hours later dropped to 7.0. Is this normal before taking medication? I'm on 500mg metformin twice daily.
I have been eating few more carbs recently so maybe that's why?
Metformin doesn't act to directly lower your BG. It builds up in the body and lowers the amount of glucose your liver produces as well as lowering insulin resistance allowing your cells to better utilise the glucose that is in your blood stream. It won't immediately lower your levels like insulin does
My BGL has worked its way down to 10.9 at 9:46am and because it's over 10mmol my bolus advisor advised to do a 1u correction

- I'm on 1:8 ratio pre-breakfast
- 10.9 - 6 (mid target range) = 4.9 ÷ 8 = 0.6125 - so is the 1u correction correct?

View attachment 18169
Gill, why are you dividing 4.9 by 8.... You are supposed to divide your carbs by 8 not the mmols of BG you want to reduce by.
Your correction factor is 3 isn't it not 8. So if you wanted to get down to a BG of 6 then you would divide the 4.9 by 3 (your correction factor) which would give you near enough 1.6 which you would round down to 1.5 since you have a half unit pen. If you have been going high at lunchtime recently, then I would go with 1.5 as a correction. If you have been low at lunchtimes over the past few days then I would stick with the bolus advisor and just have 1 unit correction. To be honest half a unit is unlikely to cause a major upset one way or another, so don't sweat it.
Gill, why are you dividing 4.9 by 8.... You are supposed to divide your carbs by 8 not the mmols of BG you want to reduce by.
Your correction factor is 3 isn't it not 8. So if you wanted to get down to a BG of 6 then you would divide the 4.9 by 3 (your correction factor) which would give you near enough 1.6 which you would round down to 1.5 since you have a half unit pen. If you have been going high at lunchtime recently, then I would go with 1.5 as a correction. If you have been low at lunchtimes over the past few days then I would stick with the bolus advisor and just have 1 unit correction. To be honest half a unit is unlikely to cause a major upset one way or another, so don't sweat it.
Thanks @rebrascora I must've been half asleep when I did that working out - maybe I'll get a job in a bank lol
Interesting psychological stuff going on for me recently.
As things have spun out of my control (legal stuff and also the sexual assault things coming to the fore and engaging with support for getting to grips with it all and starting to move on, plus the shortest distance house move ever) I’ve reverted to type with diet. Not quite as poor as it was before diagnosis but not good by any means.
I’ve talked about it with SurvivorsUK and it’s a well recognised coping strategy for survivors. Because I feel that things are happening to me and that I’m somewhat emotionally dialled down I’m using food to generate a feeling.
It’s not as clear cut as the phrase emotional eating suggests because there are days when I either adhere to the shakes or eat only low carb. But there are others when I’ll eat a baguette. And maybe some cake.
The hugely positive shift is that I used to eat like this almost every day - one or two baguettes, a big bag of crisps or the larger half of a tube of Pringles, pot of hummus, cake - but now it’s significantly reduced.
It’s not a reward either.
In the next SurvivorsUK group we’re focusing on coping mechanisms and I’ll bring my relationship with food to the group.
Therapist said that survivors often seek to change how they look in order to distance themselves from how they looked when whatever it was took place. Some hit the gym, some diet and lose weight, others eat and gain. Some do all of the above at various times. I’ve done all of them and done things like change my hair (it’s been blond, ginger, black, highlighted, short, long, curly, straightened etc).
Food and weight etc is obviously more complex now that diabetes is in the mix but it’s not enough for me to just use D as a motivation apparently.
Thinking about it, when I dropped all the weight last year, even in lockdown I received a fair amount of attention from guys. Perhaps that looped back into the assault stuff and triggered a counter response. And it’s likely that because that’s been a response for almost 40 years, it’s a well worn path for me to take even though it’s not the best one.

It is interesting how food is used in different ways as a coping strategy. I'm glad you're getting the support @ColinUK
Hi folks.

Lots of headspace things going on right now. Legal stuff still tumbling endlessly on, therapy from SurvivorsUK being really challenging as well as hugely supportive of course.
And I’m moving which is a wrench. I’m only moving to the upper floors in this house but it means I’m losing my balcony space so I’ve been decorating and getting my head around advertising this place for rent etc.
Weight is stable, higher than I’d like it to be but it’s stable which is better than increasing, and I’m not routinely testing each morning at the moment.

I do keep popping into the forum and reading posts even if I’m not quite so vocal!
Hi @ColinUK
Nice to see you back on the forum, good luck with the move
@eggyg got a photo of the bride and horses for you Doesn't really do her justice. She really was stunning!
Ian managed to cut me out as I was standing just to the left trying to ensure that Arthur didn't eat the flowers in her hair or stand on her train. Zak of course is standing like a good lad, posing for his photo beautifully with ears pricked.IMG_20210803_173827.jpg
@rebrascora what a lovely photo and your boys are beautiful x
Good morning Wednesday 5.4 today
do I win a prize for being first ?

have a great day everybody
05:28 BS 6.1 🙂 That’s more like! I wasn’t naughty!:D😉

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

One more long commentary post as the gymnastics are now over & I’m not that fussed about the rest of the schedule: already said I’m not that into athletics track and field; will watch things if they’re on but, not too fussed if I miss anything! 🙄

Pasting from “notes” & why there’s no emojis in case you’re wondering as they don’t work: have to manually add after pasting; the idea is to post faster so, my morning routine of inhalers, meds & LR isn’t delayed by my otherwise composing live & slow typing! 🙄:D😉

So, what happened at the Olympics on Day 11? First off, while waiting for gymnastics to start, I saw the 3m springboard final where GB’s Jack Laugher won a bronze with China winning gold & silver!

Then, I watched the cycling team pursuit where the SUPER IMPRESSIVE German ladies broke the world record in every round on their way to the gold medal race against GB. GB broke the world record once as well, just didn’t stand for long, on their way to the final race where Germany broke the world record, AGAIN how MANY times was it broken? to beat GB! So, Germany got the gold & GB the silver. Also, saw a dramatic crash when the mens Danish team were lapping GB: lead Dane rider crashed into the last GB rider as he wasn’t looking where he was going; neither team managed the 3 riders across the line that started a debate by the judges! Do the Danish team advance, are they disqualified, what’s the final decision?It was still on going while I switched over for the gymnastics! Good grief! The bad language from the Danish rider: commentators needed to apologise to us, watching at home, for it SO early in the morning; clearly the Dane’s fault as he should had looked where he was going & gone up to overtake! Found out at the end of the day on Today at The Games that Denmark did get through to the final later BUT, HOW UNSPORTSMANLIKE!

The last day of the gymnastics & it was the mens parallel bars, ladies beam with Simone Biles & the mens high bar.

First up was the mens parallel bars where another Turkish gymnast Ferhat Arican going first was trying to get their country’s first ever Olympics gymnastics medal. He had the highest difficulty of 7 but, did a very slow, long pauses between each move, routine & had to fight to hold the legs straight in the handstand a couple of times for 15.633: a really good benchmark for everyone else!

It didn’t stand for long, though, as China’s ZOU Jingyaun was up next, did a flawless routine only slightly down on difficulty, 6.9, & an outstanding execution score of 9. 033, the highest I’ve seen across the board, to go into the lead with the highest score of 16.233 seen at these Olympics! He held that lead to win the gold & even to my untrained eye it was a so much smoother routine than everybody else!

So, everybody else had to go for it too with high difficulty of high 6’s but, the Turk held onto 2nd despite being pushed very close including GB’s Joe Fraser, right up to the last finalist!

Germany’s Lukas Dauser, again, did a slightly less difficult routine than the Turk, 6.7, but, clearly executed it much better: but, was it high enough to overtake for the silver; it took ages for the score to come through & it was another high execution of 9.0 that overtook for a score of 15.700 for the silver!

So, China got the gold, Germany the silver & Turkey made history to get their first ever gymnastics medal with the bronze: finally with Turkish gymnasts in 3 apparatus finals; was SO lovely, & sweet, to see an official coming up to him, as he was leaving after getting his medal, to show him his family watching at home for a live on screen chat! AWW!

Next up was the one EVERYONE wanted to see & Simone Biles got cheers from everyone in the arena when the line up for the ladies beam came in!

First up was Elizabeth Black of Canada who stayed on to score 13.866 as the benchmark for everyone to beat.

Then, China’s TANG Xijing who did a brilliant routine & stayed on to finish! Phew! China’s ladies have had a rather terrible time of it these Olympics with falls on the bars & beam during the team, all around events & couldn’t medal in the individual bars finals when they, when “on song”, have the finesse to be the best on those pieces! But, when things don’t go well they lack the power of the USA ladies to get out of trouble on the bars or USA’s fast paced confidence to go straight into linked moves, noticeably slower & hesitant, on the beam. She scored 14.233 to go into 1st & Simone Biles was up next!

Simone did a very simple straightforward climb on the beam, no jump or somersault of any kind as others did, & did a brilliant routine with just one slight hesitation. Then, she dismounted using a double pike somersault, no twists, & it was obviously down in difficulty from qualifying but, by how much: could she take the lead for any chance of a medal with 5 to go She didn’t quite do it with a low score, for her, of 14.0 in 2nd & got a rapturous applause from everyone in the arena, including me watching at home!

Next up was her team mate Sunisa Lee who did the best beam routine she’s done all this Olympics & I thought she was safely through BUT, NO! Towards the end she had a massive wobble, fought to stay on with legs & arms sprawling, stayed on but, a big deduction of 0.8, to dismount & finish! She went into 4th, at that stage, with 13.866: the same score as Black who had a higher execution score for a less difficult routine!

Next up was Japan’s ASHIKAWA Urana who qualified in 9th place as reserve 1 & in the final after a gymnast had pulled out with an ankle injury. She went all out, with nothing to lose, wobbled for a 0.3 deduction in execution but, safely through with the only triple twist dismount of the final for a 13.733 in 5th place below Lee.

Next up was ROC’s Vladislava Uraslova who went through cleanly but, didn’t do the required 3 linked moves including a somersault series, did 3 flips instead with no somersault & 0.5 deduction! So, she couldn’t threaten the medal positions either & scored 12.733 in 6th place with just 2 to go!

Next up was Brazil’s Flavia Saravia who had a big wobble at the start, put her hands on the beam that counts as a fall, -1 whole mark, to stay on & had no chance of medalling with a score of 13.133 in 6th place overtaking ROC as she had a much more difficult routine that could have medalled without the -1 whole mark!

Now with just 1 to go Simone Biles had definitely won a medal as she was still in 2nd with China in 1st!

The last to go was China’s GAUN Chenchen who was the highest qualifier with the highest difficulty of 6.9 but, could she stay on? She DID! Phew! A very graceful routine but, she hesitated in her linked moves, as China’s ladies tend to do, & she was down a bit on her qualifying score of 14.933 with a 14.633 to take the gold.

So, it was China with gold & silver AND Simone Biles got the bronze! AWW! That was a GREAT final!

Incidentally I felt like a right “Smarty Pants!” as I got everybody’s deductions right for their mistakes, wobbles, near falls, & 1 counting as a fall, before Christine Still the commentator called them, from years of watching gymnastics: every Olympics since Sydney 2000; quite a few World championships too! But, I still learned a few new things these Olympics about the finer nuances of tie breaking: quite a lot of them; a VERY closely contested games that was very apparent in these apparatus finals!

Last up was the “blue ribbon” event of gymnastics: the mens high bar; provided plenty of high drama with “Spills & Thrills” in past Olympics & so it proved here as well! The margins of success & failure being so small as the gymnasts go all out! There were 4 gymnasts that fell off the high bar with -1 whole mark off: two of them tried to redo the move that they fell on to fall off again for -2 whole marks off!

And it was Japan’s new star, of the newly crowned all around champion, HASHIMOTO Daiki who took the gold over Tin Serbic of Croatia, getting a silver for that country’s first ever gymnastics medal! With ROC’s Nikita Nagornyy taking the bronze!

There was also a gymnast from Kazakhstan Milad Karimi as yet another country at their first Olympics in gymnastics who finished in last place: falling off twice; went for it like everybody else!

Before these Olympics there were only 10 nations who had ever won gymnastics medals! Now there are quite a few more countries able to qualify & even won medals! That was great to see!