Group 7-day waking average?

@freesia Well done on your House Special. Wishing you many more to come. 🙂

6.4 this morning (lot of hours ago!!)

Congratulations @freesia on the HS
I am glad you are feeling better @eggyg

We got soaked watching the one man show of the Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner. Some people didn’t turn up, however the rest of us sat there with our picnics beforehand and just laughed.
There was a good atmosphere. The performance was excellent, and used just a picnic table as a prop. He normally performs in pubs. This was followed by a (very) compressed Ring Cycle by a pop up opera Popera. Not so good as it relied on some tech stuff which failed to behave.

Weird weather so glad to be back at my loom and using my weaving as physio for my hand Which is now free of the splint. I hope you can get to the bottom of your hand/arm issue @freesia .

Enjoy the cool before the heatwave comes.
9.4 when I first woke up. Ate late and the protein from the eggs obviously released in the night. Did a correction with Fiasp and went back to sleep and then when I next woke up I got a reading of 3.2. Checked it with a finger prick and it gave me 5.1 so I got up without taking any hypo treatment, pottered around getting my fibre drink and then coffee. F elt a bit headachy but thought it might be a bit of dehydration, so had a drink. Libre kept saying low 3s, so I eventually finger pricked again and got 3.6.... Maybe I should have listened to my Libre in the first place and not spent an hour feeling a bit rough because I was hypo!! I am on the last day with this sensor so thought it might be drifting in accuracy and Libre almost always reads lower than I actually am, so I was more inclined to believe the finger prick BG but clearly not the best call this morning. Perhaps a rogue test strip! Sorry Libre for doubting you!

@freesia Many congratulations on achieving an House Special this morning. Hope it lifted your spirits to start the day!
Well spoke too soon, sensor scanned fine just after 8:30am, next time I tried at 10:55am - Replace Sensor! 😡 xx
Morning all, 6.9 today.
@freesia congrats on the HS yesterday, @ColinUK notice we haven’t heard from you for a while, hope you are ok.
Sorry I haven’t responded to the posts, just busy and a bit stressed at the mo. Apparently am now having the bigger op (with robotics) as MDT meeting showed further erosion further up and had ‘tracked along’ so they will now need to go through abdomen as well, 5 hours plus in surgery according to consultant. Should be in about 6 days. As is the law he explained the long list of risks and asked me how I felt. I nearly laughed - I don’t have a choice, I am just comforted that it is a specialist centre and he is one of the most experienced in this field so actually in one way I’m very lucky. Covid test done this morning so upwards and onwards.
Have a good day all x
It’s 5.8 for me at 06:00. Possibly the handful of peanuts I had just before going to bed. Apparently Metformin has a half life of approximately 17.6 hours, so it’s now out of my system.
4.2 for me nice and steady.

Was looking at some old food stats as I have started using a new Fitbit which I opened an account years ago but switched to Samsung smart watch and now gone back with a Versa 3. OMG, my carb intake was over 300g's and more looking back at readings and that was dieting low cal, I panic if I go over 80g's now.
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06:04 BS 9.6 Oh dear! But, corrected & DP busted with LR in! Little Miss Naughty just fancied some ice cream last night & I guessed the bolus: obviously got it wrong! 😳

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

I have this routine down now for much faster posting by pasting from “notes”! Lightbulb emoji! 🙄:D😉

So, what happened on Day 10 at the Olympics? Was watching, the 1st time this Olympics, the equestrian events, the last of the eventing while waiting for the gymnastics to start. I’ve quite enjoyed watching equestrian events in previous Olympics but, just haven’t watched any this time due to watching mainly gymnastics instead: lack of live streams & they’ve been on at the same time; didn’t finish it though, as I switched over to watch the 2nd day of apparatus finals. I still remember the really beautiful fences made by art students in the show jumping at Seoul 1988! GB were looking good to win & I saw, afterwards, GB did indeed win gold but, I’m definitely not as knowledgeable about equestrian events & wouldn’t presume to comment. Maybe @Robin or @rebrascora could? Also, watched Tom McEwen win the individual silver!

The gymnastics apparatus finals were the mens rings, the ladies floor & the mens vault. These Olympics have really show cased new nations that have not competed for gymnastics before & it’s even more apparent in these apparatus finals as those nations don’t have teams with them!

First up was the mens rings: the piece that needs the most strength &, typically, the gymnasts that are the best are specialists as the teams & all around gymnasts don’t have enough strength to be really good at it!

Two Turkish rings specialists made it into the final: didn’t medal; still very nice to see them there as another nation with gymnasts there for the first time! Well done to Turkey’s Ibrhim Colak & Adem Asil!

The gauntlet was laid down quite early by China’s two specialists as, going one after the other, they took the top 2 places with half the finalists to go. YOU Hoa was the first to score over 15 with 15.3 & LUI Yang was the only one to top him with 15.5 right after him! It was also, very funny when Yang pulled a cheeky bit of showboating there in showing off his strength with a flick of his chin up while doing The Crucifix that others strain to hold that position! Funnily enough during the mens team final USA’s Brody Malone was showboating on the rings as well & that’s maybe what gave him the idea?

China held on to win both the gold & silver as the gymnasts following them couldn’t beat their scores. Not even the reigning Olympic champion Eleftherios Petrounias of Greece & scored on 15.2 for the bronze!

LUI Yang burst into tears upon winning the gold! Aww! What a character!

Next up was the ladies floor with GB’s Gardirova twins
Jessica, qualifying 5th, & Jennifer 9th as reserve 1: very pleased about Jennifer being there as I actually enjoyed HER routine more; Jessica’s is, obviously, more difficult but, I prefer Jennifer’s presentation! They both have their strengths & weaknesses too; like anybody else!

First up was USA’s Jade Carey who laid down a brilliant routine, after her unfortunate disaster on the vault, that also, proved to be unassailable & it was a real joy to see her win gold!

Jessica Gardirova went up next & performed very well especially, going straight after Jade Carey!

But, for me, the best routine was Italy’s Vanessa Ferrari that won her the silver: not taking anything away from Jade Carey or the USA ladies that are powerful tumblers; I just prefer seeing grace, artistry & performance when it comes to the floor! Wow! Vanessa at 30 years old FINALLY won the Olympic medal that’s she’s always wanted after being 4th in the last two games: it was such an emotional performance; wonderful to see her get that silver!

ROC’s Angelina Melnikova AND Japan’s MURAKAMI Mai won the bronze: both with the same difficulty & execution scores with no penalty so, couldn’t be split; both got a bronze medal.

And to finish it all of, with the last up, was Jennifer Gardirova’s great performance: just not as difficult a routine; that’ll come with time & the twins both have that being only 16!

While waiting for the last final to start the news came through that Simone Biles IS going to compete in the beam final on Tuesday, later this morning, & I’m REALLY looking forward to it! There’s only the dismount to worry about, in the terms of her “twisties” issues & can downgrade it to a double somersault with no twisting so, as long as she stays on the beam, CAN she get the gold? I would LOVE her to!

Last up was the mens vault where Artur Davtyan of Armenia & Carlos Edriel Yulo of The Philippines were representing their countries at the Olympics gymnastics for the first time as well! Also, two more Turkish gymnasts made the final too: Adem Asil who competed in the rings earlier, & Ahmet Onder.

Quite a few did triple twists as their harder vaults but, the hardest vault was a three & half twist done by Korea’s SHIN Jeahwan & he won the gold even though ROC’s Denis Abliazin got the same average score for both vaults: whoever scores the highest score for either of their vaults; the Korean scored 14.833 for his second vault while the ROC gymnast scored 14.800 for his second vault. So, ROC got the silver & rather interestingly both of them got a higher score with their easier second vaults as they landed them better! With Artur Davtyan winning the bronze for Amenia’s first ever gymnastics medal!

As is the law he explained the long list of risks and asked me how I felt. I nearly laughed - I don’t have a choice, I am just comforted that it is a specialist centre and he is one of the most experienced in this field so actually in one way I’m very lucky.
Funny you should say that. I have a very good friend who’s a doctor and specialist dentist and he has an unshakable believe in “informed consent”. I told him that it’s a sham and he wouldn’t have it. In my case lying on ”the table” being prepped for an emergency angioplasty I heard a voice telling me I had a consent form to sign and had little choice.
And, yes, we’re lucky to have some of the best medical professionals in the world, and you’ll be fine.
Good morning everyone. 5.4 for me this morning.

Bright and sunny out there. Out for a short walk in a while.

Nothing planned for today
Morning. A disappointing 8.9 for me after a 6.8 on Libre...can’t get used to this Libre 2 ...always seems to read 2-3 lower.

Weekend of gardening at daughters house (stayed an extra night to get it all done) followed by afternoon of solid gardening here, so was actually expecting to be low if anything. Oh well.

Have had downstairs rooms decorated over last week or now we start putting all the furniture etc back...I’m quite liking the minimal look so maybe some of it won’t go back....we’ll see.

Have a good day everyone.
Good morning Tuesday a more respectable 5.5 today

hope everybody has a great day
Morning all, 5.2 here! Finally, after circling round it for a week!

GB did indeed win Team gold in the Eventing, @Lanny, and Tom McEwen took individual silver. A pole down apiece in the second show jumping phase dropped Laura Collett and Ollie Townend out of the individual medals. I’m so pleased for Laura Collett, she had a near fatal accident 8 years ago at the start of her career, broke her shoulder and several other bones, punctured a lung, was in a coma for a week and has little sight on one eye. (My daughter has problems because her eyes don’t work together, and I know she finds it hard to judge distances and get the right stride coming in to fences, even with the small stuff we do).
I do enjoy your gymnastics reports, Lanny, I've gradually been catching up on the action on iplayer.
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@Robin well done on your HS. 🙂
My reading was 5.4 today. 🙂
