Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all and welcome to another week. Just been catching up. @eggyg hope you are feeling better. I managed a 5.8 at 05:59 on Saturday and a 5.6 at 05:25 yesterday. 5.3 for me this morning.

I hope everyone has a great week
Good morning Monday 9.1 @7am

annoyed with myself, was doing July expenses and some other admin
then I got tempted and went to McDonald’s yesterday evening

Have a great day everybody

6.8 for me

Thought I was going to be reporting my 5th sensor out of 7 today, applied it last night but it didn't release from the applicator 🙄 a few twists and wiggles and I got it off with sensor still attached to my arm, I've seen it happen to a few but never had the issue myself before, Bruce was just sitting giving it the ah FFS routine lol
8.3 at 7:34am slowly does it. I'd like a 7 in the not too distant future.....
4.0 for me first real day out Sunday at daughters graduation where I had to eat out so well controlled just had a small chicken wrap so no impact on my BG. Funny, I was stressed about eating away from home I'm so used to having full control in my own kitchen but all was good.
Morning all and a 6.5 today.

I’m feeling so much better this morning, thanks for your concern. I was very careful with my food yesterday and did a lot of nothing. ie napping and reading. Had a good night’s sleep, so much so I really didn’t want to get up, hence the late post.

A bit of pottering about today, housework, cooking, washing, garden chores etc. Weather forecast good for the next few days. Not too hot and a slight breeze. That’ll do me.

Have a Happy Monday. 🙂
8.3 at 7:34am slowly does it. I'd like a 7 in the not too distant future.....
Have you checked the carbs in your muesli? Or at least done a finger prick test after muesli for breakfast versus a carb free breakfast?
4.0 for me first real day out Sunday at daughters graduation where I had to eat out so well controlled just had a small chicken wrap so no impact on my BG. Funny, I was stressed about eating away from home I'm so used to having full control in my own kitchen but all was good.
Good choice.
Good morning everyone hope you're all well 🙂
6:40am 5.1 within target range so I'm happy with that - 16u of tresiba taken
23:55pm bedtime 7.1 - after arriving home from a night out at Haven Primrose Valley - while I was out I had 2 gin and tonics and shared some quavers but not sure how many I had - when I got home I had some tuna with a few cherry tomatoes - bedtime BGL was below 8mmol so I had 1 bag of mini choc chip cookies 13g of carbs but told the bolus advisor it was just 3g of carbs - I didn't need any insulin for it
22:58pm 4.7 was a test I did while I was out
Morning all. A very surprising 5.2 for me, no idea how that happened!!

Just been to see a GP face to face as well, thats not something thats happened in such a long while either (i must admit i do try and avoid doctors until i really have to go so its been way before Covid that i last went anyway). Been having a problem with my dominant hand and its got much worse the last 3 weeks to the extent hubby has had to help me cut up food!

@eggy glad you're feeling better.
@Maca44 pleased it was all ok for you.
@Lanny i managed to watch some of the gymnastics yesterday. I felt so bad for Jade Carey and Reece McClanahan however Max Whitlock was amazing!!! I was holding my breath all the way through and actually jumped off the chair when it was clear he'd won.

Its sunny so far here, i'm just going to make a coffee and sit outside to read. Really need to get stuck into cleaning the kitchen cupboards but i'm struggling to motivate myself.

Have a good day everyone.
@freesia congratulations on the HS.

8.9 for me, but it wasn't first thing, after I was awoken by my husband which I think is enough information at this point.

Have a good day everyone, I will be running later and have yoga later.
Morning all. A very surprising 5.2 for me, no idea how that happened!!

Just been to see a GP face to face as well, thats not something thats happened in such a long while either (i must admit i do try and avoid doctors until i really have to go so its been way before Covid that i last went anyway). Been having a problem with my dominant hand and its got much worse the last 3 weeks to the extent hubby has had to help me cut up food!

@eggy glad you're feeling better.
@Maca44 pleased it was all ok for you.
@Lanny i managed to watch some of the gymnastics yesterday. I felt so bad for Jade Carey and Reece McClanahan however Max Whitlock was amazing!!! I was holding my breath all the way through and actually jumped off the chair when it was clear he'd won.

Its sunny so far here, i'm just going to make a coffee and sit outside to read. Really need to get stuck into cleaning the kitchen cupboards but i'm struggling to motivate myself.

Have a good day everyone.
Well done on the elusive HS. Dud the doc have any thoughts on your hand problem? Could it be carpal tunnel? I’ve never had it, thank goodness, but have friends who have and it can be really troublesome. One friend had it in both hands and got them both operated on at the same time! It saved having to go back again I suppose! Hope they get to the bottom of it.
Good Morning
@freesia Congratulations getting that magic number
I got a 5.7 at 07:02 this morning but trying to understand it.
yesterday I dropped to a 3.9 before dinner as did a 5km walk following a 10.3 at 16:30.
Last night had a pasta bolognase for dinner and the blood sugar went up slowly. 18:40. 5.0. 20:06. 6.2
Thought everything was ok. But by 23:20 it was 10.1. Oh dear!
Went for a short walk of 1/2 Km. and it had dropped to 9.1 so relaxed a bit before bed. Woke at 01:15 and tested to get a red 11.5. Said ‘b******’. Went to sleep.
Woke with the 5.7. Had porridge oats and toast and Two hours later gone back to 11.3
Could be the cut of insulin to from 2 units in am and 1 pm to 1 and 1?
Must watch it more carefully
Well done on the elusive HS. Dud the doc have any thoughts on your hand problem? Could it be carpal tunnel? I’ve never had it, thank goodness, but have friends who have and it can be really troublesome. One friend had it in both hands and got them both operated on at the same time! It saved having to go back again I suppose! Hope they get to the bottom of it.
Thanks @eggyg.
He thinks it could be tendonitis or something unpronouncable which can be associated with diabetes. I have a constant dull ache in my hand and arm up to my elbow which is not really the main problem. The problem is i now keep getting sharp pains in a finger which travels through my hand and to my elbow, leaving at achey. I get the pain whenever i try to grip something or put pressure on eg, cutting food, holding the bannister to walk upstairs, lifting pans off the cooker etc. He did mention carpal tunnel but said he'd rule it out due to some of the things he had me do to test. He's referred me for physio for now and said if it doesn't improve then physio can organise scans or refer. Will see what happens. I'm hoping it improves before i go back to work as there'll be not much rest then.
7.0 an hour and a half after waking - I must try and get out of bed as soon as I open my eyes to get a proper reading. I don't take readings in the morning every morning (must try harder) but at least these are heading in the right direction for the mornings I have taken them (see below)


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