Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all. 7.5 @ 5.02 🙂

I just had to Google... yeah, they can never leave owt alone. 🙄
Yorkshire Day is a yearly celebration on 1 August to promote the historic county of Yorkshire, England. It was celebrated by the Yorkshire Ridings Society in 1975, initially in Beverley, as "a protest movement against the local government re-organisation of 1974".
Good morning everyone 🙂

I really need some help here please

6:55am 3.8 16u of tresiba taken and had 4 jelly babies to treat the hypo but then fell back to sleep and woke up just before 9:41am - did breakfast test 9.5 but here I have two things worrying me 1. I've no idea where the 3.8 has come from because I've done everything right last night - 23:27pm bedtime 9.3 so over 8mmol for bedtime but still fancied my snack so had 13g of carbs but with 0.5u of insulin for 3g of carbs - I told the bolus advisor I was having 10g of carbs less than I was actually having so the advisor would advise a smaller dose of insulin because I'm not keen on having qa insulin at bedtime.

and 2. I'm on a 1:8 ratio for breakfast so it should be 4.5u of insulin which is what I did but here's what the bolus calculator advised and bear in mind I only correct over 10mmol
also worried because at 19:21pm teatime last night I was 3.3 and have no idea where it came from because I did everything right beforehand.
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Good Morning All
A 5.5 at 07:47 this Sunday.
Had a walk before bed to get figures down a little before bed as it was 8.5 at 23:18.
BUT it was only 0.7km and 9 mins. That dropped it to 6.6 before bed at 23:45. Must admit that drop was more than I expected as it was also on the level and Active Kcal was only 58.
Over the last few days I’ve also noticed that pulse during exercise obviously rises but as blood sugars drop during the walk, the recovery drop in pulse rate is very much slower.
The internet only shows a slower heartbeat for Type 2 diabetes with lower BG.
Question a). Is it different for Type 1
b). Could it show the beginning of the BG drop?
Have any of the walkers runners Etc out there noticed this?
I must admit that I’m only going off an apple watch for pulse rate during exercise and guess work but it could be interesting!
Can I ask why 5.2 is a house special? I love seeing you all getting them even though I don't understand the significance of it.
It’s an artificial construct to enslave us.
7.1 for my OH. His morning readings are slowly improving, but for him it is the most frustrating reading of the day. I keep telling him that although it's higher than he'd like it's still a lot better than it was and it's going in the right direction. And also it seems quite common for people to have slightly elevated readings in the morning. We're just heading out for a walk to counteract the higher BG.

Can I ask why 5.2 is a house special? I love seeing you all getting them even though I don't understand the significance of it.

Have a good day all.
@HenryBennett says it is an enslavement method.
I think it is trying to get the number which is missing from Glucose meters.
If a manufacturer advertises that their meter can give a 5.2 it could be the billion pound campaign.
I think I have their supposedly locked away unique 'Special' BG tester as it keeps spitting out 5.2

I'd better not tell them...
7.5 this morning, so am improvement, might have been a bit better if I had taken it first thing as I forgot to take my meter to bed with me.

Did a 6k run this morning, so pleased with that, signed up for a 50k virtual run challenge for August, now, I wished Inhad signed up for 75k to really challenge myself.

Have a nice Sunday everyone, going to sit and watch the Grand Prix then visit my mum.
Can I ask why 5.2 is a house special? I love seeing you all getting them even though I don't understand the significance of it.

Have a good day all.
It's just a number that one of our members plucked out of the air as being a 'not too high and not too low' figure, and it’s become enshrined in the general banter of this thread!
Can I ask why 5.2 is a house special? I love seeing you all getting them even though I don't understand the significance of it.
Full employment doesn’t mean no unemployment. Some economists consider full employment to be 5.2% unemployment.
7.1 for me. I woke at 10am but didn't get out of bed for another 2.5 hrs - didn't want to wake my OH who was 'gently purring' beside me 🙂😉 - and no, he is not a cat 😛
Good morning. All good here 5.5 BG this morning.

Daughter paid a surprise visit yesterday but her daughter played up and they had to go home. They think that she was just way over tired. She is 2 and becomming better at it ! 🙂
Already Monday morning again. Considering a bit of a carby day yesterday I’m happy with a 5.6 at my usual 06:00.
4.8 for me this morning. 🙂 It's been quite a while since I've had a sub 5 reading.
Could have been that naughty but nice glass of Glenfiddich for a nightcap. :D

05:49 BS 5.4 🙂 Yesterday was a LONG day but, MUCH better with aa bit of support, tesco came 10 minutes early & put 4 layers of bandage on, & the pain was reduced a lot so, my BS was much lower: instinct told me to lower my NR doses too. But, not quite enough for 28 for Greek yoghurt & only JUST slipped into BS 4.5 at the 4.5 hours after mark, ANOTHER -2 would have been spot on,& had a precautionary JB: already borderline at 2 hours after & kept testing to keep an eye on it! The next meal I worked out the dose at 54 for ramen noodles but, chickened out given what happened earlier & gave it 44 so, ended up too high, added a correction of 12 with my usual correction factor which brought me back down just a little too low at the 2.5 hours after mark & had half an oatcake to head off a hypo later: only realised afterwards, too wired to sleep & a bit fuzzy headed, that my original 54 would have been spot on IF I had done that & should only have added another 10 to the 44 later; I added 12 & was just a tiny bit too much again! So, headed off hypos twice but, BS was much better even with the 12.8 after I chickened out on one dose! Still higher doses but, not as high as I needed when the pain was worse! Now after some sleep, took the bandages off for circulation as I didn’t need support, while I slep & have it back on upon waking this morning!

A wee pause for LR, alarm’s gone off & back in a mo!

Hopefully I’ll have a good BS controlled day as well?

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

A quicker paste from “notes” for this LONG post as I kept awake, adrenalin, for a very long day & watched more Olympics!

So, what happened on Day 9 at the Olympics? Since I was up during the night I actually caught some events live, the last swimming event 4x100m relay medley of which GB won silver behind the USA &, 1st time I seen any of the BMX, the ladies freestyle park event. Had SOME clue from watching previous Winter Olympics snowboarding about the terminology but, nothing else! Still I understood the bravery of GB’s Charlotte Worthington’s 2nd run going all out to win gold AFTER she’d fallen in her 1st run going for a never before seen new trick, missed most of the final including that fall: she had the choice of safely going for a less hard routine to try & score SOMETHING to maybe get a medal at all or going all out to maybe crash & burn again; she SMASHED it to overtake the leader who only half heartedly tried a 2nd run & bailed out after coming off the bike! A VERY WELL DONE to Charlotte for being brave enough to go for it to win gold!

Then, while waiting for gymnastics to start, & shopping to arrive, saw that Simone Biles has also pulled out of the floor final on Monday, today, so, both of the GB twins Jessica & Jennifer Gardirova, Jennifer as reserve 1, are competing in the ladies floor final. Simone has yet to decide if she’ll compete on the beam on Tuesday.

Finally, watched the gymnastics of the mens floor, ladies vault, mens pommel horse & ladies bars. Where there were quite a few history makers winning medals for their nations for the 1st time!

1st. Up in the mens floor was ROC’s Nikita Nagornyy who FINALLY did his new triple somersault that he’s held back on in qualifying, the team & all around finals: 1st to do it & it’ll be named after him; the hardest tumble on the floor that nobody’s ever done in competition before; look out for the Nogornyy, triple pike back somersault, in the future! He went for it but, bounced out by a lot & score was too low to reach the medals, 7th by the end, but, he did it & opens the door for other gymnasts showing that it’s possible!

Incidentally, former Australian ladies gymnast Lauren Mitchell came up with a new triple squat spin, crouching down on one leg while holding out the other leg & spinning, on the beam at the World championships in 2010 that’s named the Mitchell: still the only one doing it when I saw it at London 2012 where she did it on the floor as well; took a few years but, lots of the ladies have been doing it on the floor & beam these Olympics, with a few linking it with the same double squat spin immediately after on the beam!

The gold mens floor routine was won by Israel’s Artem Dolgopyat, who have never medalled in any Olympic gymnastic event before, with the same score as Spain’s, Rayderly Zapata, easier routine because he stepped out of the floor with a-0.1 penalty &, rather unusually, they both had same execution mark so, it came down to the difficulty: usually the first tie breaker is the execution score which typically means the harder routine wasn’t executed as well as the easier one! It was a technicality that surprised me as landing & not staying IN the floor, to me, IS executing it less well but, that gave the Israeli the gold: was VERY lucky! China’s XIAO Routeng got the bronze. a very well done to Artem Dolgopyat of Israel!

Next up the ladies vault where Brazil’s Rebecca Andrade went one better to win the gold for their first ever gold medal in ladies gymnastics to go along with her silver in the all around.

Along the way there was some drama where the higher qualifying USA gymnast Jade Carey was going for her first harder vault, most do the hard one first, stumbled on the run up, hit the springboard completely wrong, had to bail out by just doing a single tuck somersault for safety with her chance of a medal completely gone! It was in the 11’s for the simplest vault I’ve ever seen at the Olympics, was very upset & could she compose herself to do the 2nd easier different vault? Well, she went for the same vault & landed it but, was penalised -2 whole marks for not doing a different one, under the rules you can’t do the same vault twice, just to prove that she COULD do it: would have been the 3rd highest scoring vault, without that MASSIVE penalty; very gutsy but, unfortunate!

Incidentally the unluckiest gymnast I’ve ever seen was in Beijing 2008 when Russian gymnast Anna Pavlova did her 2nd vault before the judges were ready by switching on the green light at the side of the runway so, the judges didn’t see it & although the tv cameras replayed it in slow mo for us at home, the judges’ cameras weren’t recording yet so, nothing to replay & they could only give her a zero score: did a high scoring, mid 15’s, 1st vault but, the damage was done; the finishing score is the average of the two so, her score was halved by that zero vault into the 7’s! I only just remembered that: THAT was the worse score I’ve ever seen for Olympic gymnastics!

It was the lower qualifying USA gymnast Mykayler Skinner who won the silver when she never thought she’d be in the final: it was Simone Biles’ withdrawal that gave her that chance & she made the most of it!While Korea’s YEO Seo-jeong won the bronze for their first ever medal in the ladies vault! So, very well done to all three of the medalists: YEO Seojeong of Korea for winning their first medal, Rebecca Andrade of Brazil for adding a gold as well to their first silver medal & to Mykayler Skinner for maximising her lucky chance to even be in the final by winning silver!

Next up was THE BIG ONE of the mens pommel horse with GB’s Max Whitlock defending his Rio 2016 title & gold medal! Max was first up & had no choice but to go for it to set the benchmark for everyone else to follow! He DID & did a BRILLIANT routine with the highest difficulty score of 7 that I’ve ever seen for any piece of apparatus by the men or ladies, never mind in the hardest piece for the men! Well, that made all of them having to go for it too & there were quite a few mistakes & falls including, rather sadly Northern Ireland’s Reese McClanahan going for Ireland, going up last & finished in 7th after his fall when he was the highest qualifier & next big star in the making to follow in Lewis Smith & Max Whitlock’s trailblazing wake! Max held onto his top spot all the way to win gold over Taipei’s LEE Chih Kai, silver & Japan’s KAYA Kazuma, bronze! A VERY SPECIAL well done to Max for doing us proud by successfully defending your Olympic title!

Last up the ladies bars where Belgium’s Nina Derwael won their first ever gymnastics medal as well with a gold! With ROC’s Anastasia Iiliankova with silver while her higher Qualifying teammate Angelina Melnikova fell & didn’t medal. While USA’s Sunisa Lee got the bronze after her, rather oddly, much less dramatic routine with no mishaps other than her missing, didn’t do & difficulty is lower, 3 difficult linked moves that she did in the all around event, when she only JUST stayed on, that only just held off China & Germany on the same score just 0.1 below her in 4th & 5th, execution score this time, respectively: just seemed to have run out of steam after the fight for the all around; also seemed to be the case for ROC’s Angelina Melnikova as well! Although, I cheered for the 4th place Chinese gymnast as she did MUCH better: had a TERRIBLE time of it falling twice on the bars in the team & in the all around events; stayed ON & finally showed what she CAN do! A VERY WELL DONE to Nina Derwael of Belgium for winning their first ever medal in gymnastics!
6.8 and lots of hospital phone calls today.
@Lanny loving the commentary x