Group 7-day waking average?

5 for me not normally in 5's but good anyways. Great running weather so was fast this morning now feel pretty manic, always feel like this after fast runs.

6.3 here

Checked the weather on my laptop, it had changed my location to Burnley for some odd reason! xx
Good morning everyone 🙂

8:16am 7.5 and within target 🙂 16u of tresiba taken

23:12pm bedtime and nearly 5 hours after teatime bolus 8.3 - above bedtime 8mmol and really fancied a bedtime snack so had a tesco hot and spicy chicken fillet but I scraped all the breaded coating off incase it had carbs in it then also had 1 bag of mini choc chip cookies 13g of carbs and injected 0.5u for 3g of carbs
Morning all. An 8 for me.
5 on the nose for me when I eventually got up but didn't go to bed until very late and I needed a lot of corrections yesterday despite a very low carb day, so I have upped my morning basal by 2 units. Must get back into my walking/running but struggling for motivation at the moment. Need a good kick up the pants!!

@eggyg Hope the wedding is a joyous celebration and everyone stays safe.

@HenryBennett. Congrats on your Henry Special!

@Maca44 That is an unusually high reading for you! Do you want to make any confessions about what you ate yesterday?? Nice to know your meter does actually read numbers other than 4s and 3s though!
Morning All
It was a 5.0 for me this morning at 07:02.
Have a great weekend everyone.
5 on the nose for me when I eventually got up but didn't go to bed until very late and I needed a lot of corrections yesterday despite a very low carb day, so I have upped my morning basal by 2 units. Must get back into my walking/running but struggling for motivation at the moment. Need a good kick up the pants!!
@rebrascora can I be nosy and ask how many corrections you needed and how many hours apart were they?
Morning All. 6.7 for me today.

Have a lovely Saturday everyone.
@rebrascora can I be nosy and ask how many corrections you needed and how many hours apart were they?
Gill, my use of corrections will blow your mind because unlike you, I break almost all the rules with my diabetes management including stacking corrections. Libre enables me to do this safely and scanning 30+ times a day means I have a very clear picture of what my levels are doing. A lot of it is more intuitive rather than empirical, so I will stick a correction in because I "feel" I am going to need it, rather than levels showing I do need it or calculating it and small regular corrections are safer than putting a large one in and keeping in range means I don't feel yuk when levels go high and then come tumbling down. I would say that some days I don't need any corrections, but usually one or two are required as a matter of course, if my basal is right. Eating a low carb diet does however mean that corrections for protein release are more likely, so that is part of it.

Having just checked my Libre reader, there were a whopping TEN corrections yesterday which may be an all time record even for me! I did graze a lot of the day though. All were 1-2 units and some were less than an hour and a half apart..... BUT I only bolused for one meal yesterday and that was for breakfast (1unit + 1.5 correction for FOTF which is included in the tally) as the remainder of my food was very low carb. Some of those corrections were when my levels were in the 7s because I could see that it was rising, most were 8s and 9s. I never went above 10 all day, so kept in range (3.9-10).... WooHoo!, I had a 100% in range day!..., but it was a bit of a constant battle.

Much better today so far with my increased basal dose (funny how just 2 units of basal can mean that I don't need an extra 14 units of QA insulin!.... early days yet of course) and just an injection of 1 unit so far for FOTF this morning, but then I haven't had any breakfast, just a coffee.
Gill, my use of corrections will blow your mind because unlike you, I break almost all the rules with my diabetes management including stacking corrections. Libre enables me to do this safely and scanning 30+ times a day means I have a very clear picture of what my levels are doing. A lot of it is more intuitive rather than empirical, so I will stick a correction in because I "feel" I am going to need it, rather than levels showing I do need it or calculating it and small regular corrections are safer than putting a large one in and keeping in range means I don't feel yuk when levels go high and then come tumbling down. I would say that some days I don't need any corrections, but usually one or two are required as a matter of course, if my basal is right. Eating a low carb diet does however mean that corrections for protein release are more likely, so that is part of it.

Having just checked my Libre reader, there were a whopping TEN corrections yesterday which may be an all time record even for me! I did graze a lot of the day though. All were 1-2 units and some were less than an hour and a half apart..... BUT I only bolused for one meal yesterday and that was for breakfast (1unit + 1.5 correction for FOTF which is included in the tally) as the remainder of my food was very low carb. Some of those corrections were when my levels were in the 7s because I could see that it was rising, most were 8s and 9s. I never went above 10 all day, so kept in range (3.9-10).... WooHoo!, I had a 100% in range day!..., but it was a bit of a constant battle.

Much better today so far with my increased basal dose (funny how just 2 units of basal can mean that I don't need an extra 14 units of QA insulin!.... early days yet of course) and just an injection of 1 unit so far for FOTF this morning, but then I haven't had any breakfast, just a coffee.
Yes laugh out loud its done more than blow my mind and ermm I'll stick to Gill's own simple rules but no hang on I might just do ten corrections today lol.
I'm pleased for you that so far today its been much better for you and I hope the rest of the day continues like that. My next test for me (unless I feel funny) is lunchtime - breakfast bolus was 10:04am so lunch will be either 2pm ish or earlier if I don't mind accumulating my insulin and risking a hypo
Please excuse my ignorance but what on earth is FOTF? I have googled it and there are many explanations, but none of them seem diabetic related.
It's short for 'foot on the floor' - fotf is a rise in blood glucose when you first wake up and stand up - hope I'm correct here with my explanation if I'm not I'm sure another member will be along very soon to correct me
Please excuse my ignorance but what on earth is FOTF? I have googled it and there are many explanations, but none of them seem diabetic related.
Foot On The Floor syndrome... similar to Dawn Phenomenon but a much more sociable sibling. Basically my levels start to rise as soon as I swing my legs out of bed and stand up. Like DP it will raise my levels by 4-6mmols due to liver output of glucose, if I don't do anything about it. So I inject insulin to 1.5-2 units of Quick Acting (QA) insulin to cover it as soon as I wake up. I will usually add on my breakfast bolus at the same time if I am going to have breakfast, but if no breakfast I still need that 1.5-2 units to keep my levels stable. DP tends to kick in before you wake up, unless you are a very early riser at this time of year and often means that you naturally wake with higher readings. Most people experience one or the other most of the time to a greater or lesser extent, but without regular testing/Libre you might never be aware of it.
Hello all, back from my holidays in North Norfolk, well rested and relaxed, only has a couple of days of rainy weather, mostly we got on the beach. As my trip to Spain has been cancelled this year, we have booked to go back in September for a week,if the weather isn't great we can do some sight seeing as never been to either Norwich or Kings Lynn.

Anyway, 10.1 for me today after a very carby meal out yesterday, which included, nachos, potato roasti, various types of bread and a large onion ring, on the better side I had salmon, veg and a side salad. I also have managed to come home with a urine infection and thrush, possible caused by not drinking enough on a couple of days after running and eating some of the triffle and cheesecake I made while I was there, so figuring that is not helping with the figures. Have to wait until Monday to try and get an appointment with docs.

Anyway have a lovely weekend everyone
Good afternoon everybody
this morning woke to a 7.1 @ around 9:30

had what can be best described as a wobbly day
food wise yesterday having had battered sausage and chips for lunch

followed by last night a few slices of buttered malt loaf , followed by a few more slices, followed by a few more, then the whole malt loaf was gone... 😱 😱 and never ate a proper meal

not surprisingly my BS on testing before sleep was 12.2

so was a relief was only 7.1 this morning
the malt loaf is gone now so I’m not tempted

To be honest Im quite stressed & anxious about quite a few things at the moment
both in work & life.
so I need to keep on top of the diabetes
and not let diabetes get back out of control, I know.

hope everybody can have a enjoyable weekend.
An extremely early Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day that’s coming up for you normal lot: I’m obviously off kilter! 😉o_O

Slept a few hours in the afternoon so, missed lunch & woke on 31/08/21 16:13 BS 8.8 which is higher than I woke with yesterday morning after the active insulin for breakfast & things got worse from there when I ate. It was an even more TITANIC struggle to get my BS under control! I gave myself a ballpark dose of 60 NR to give me an idea of where to start, knowing from the previous day, that’s not enough but, don’t want to go TOO big & hypo as I’m still a bit blind as to the “pain factor” & needed 3 more corrections to get it down to either a) a reasonable level I’m comfortable to sleep on or b) I get too tired & leave it to correct when I get up again. In the end I went with c) a a combo of the two! o_O First correction after 2.5 hours after eating 19:09 BS 14.1😱 I added 10 NR & tested about 90 minutes later 20:49 BS 13.8 WHAT! virtually no drop & added in 16 NR tested 23:08, because I was exhausted & wanted to sleep for 1 last test before deciding what to do? 23:08 BS 10.6 AT LAST! SOME movement & I decided that I’m ALMOST there & decided that 90 NR was the correct dose & dialled up another 4 to take me to that total, 60+10+16+4=90 but, there was only 3 left in the pen, went with that & slept for about 90 minutes to 2 hours before waking up: doubt & worry still in the back of my mind; subconsciously woke me up, I suppose, to test?🙄 for a “I think?” emoji!

01/08/21 01:13 BS 8.1 Ok! Getting there & tried to go back to sleep but, after 2 days of only eating 2 meals because of all the waiting to add corrections I was hungry! So, ate & had 90 units NR right off the bat &, because I’m nervous about it, tested 1 hour & 15 minutes after eating 04:15 BS 11.2 held off correcting as that’s not too bad a rise starting from 8.1 & wait another hour & it might be in range? 05:20 BS 7.2 YES! It’s about there with another 90 minutes or so of active NR left! WHAT a struggle! But, I know now what I need! :D with a drop of sweat over one eye for a “Phew!” emoji!

So, I’m off to bed for a few hours. Brought forward my tesco shopping to later this morning at 10:00 to 11:00 being the earliest slot left at such short notice when I changed it yesterday so, I can get 2 packs of tubular support bandages for my left hand as my thumb can’t take any weight!

Already wrote this in “notes” yesterday so, pasting it here before I get some sleep! A Pretty Relieved Bunny emoji! 🙂

So, what happened on Day 8 of the Olympics? Hardly watched any today as the athletics started & I’m not that fussed about that or the track & field events, especially since the retirement of the legendary Usain Bolt, but, here’s what I DID catch. 🙄

Simone Biles has pulled out of the vault & bars finals later today, Day 9, as she said on Day 7, I forgot to mention it yesterday, that she’s got “the twisties” with her dismounts on all four pieces of apparatus & has been doing dismounts into pits lined with soft padding. It still remains to be seen if she can do the floor & beam on Monday & Tuesday but, it’s not looking very likely! Although, of course, I’d love to see her be able to perform safely at least once more as it’ll be a sad way to see her end her career: Japan’s Kohei Uchimura’s sad exit after falling on the high bar during Qualifications & failed to qualify for the final; very sad to hear him say in a press conference afterwards “I stayed to watch the team qualify & they don’t need me anymore!” Aww! Tears in my eyes emoji! Whether Simone Biles does or does not perform at these Olympics again, she’s raised an important issue about mental health in sport!

In “The Underdog Special” San Marino has gone one better & won a silver in the mixed traps shooting so, the least populated nation to win an Olympic medal now has 2 of 1 bronze & 1 silver; HUGE congratulations to Alessandra Perilli & Gian Marco Berti of San Marino! Go SMALL nations! They’re making a BIG splash at these Olympics! 😛😎:D

Finally, I watched the mens trampoline final. China’s Dong Dong, yes his surname & first names are both Dong, at his 4th consecutive Olympics winning silver & only just beaten by Ivan Litvinovichi of Belarus by 0.48! Dong still made history though by being the only trampoline gymnast to medal in 4 consecutive games! I first saw him win gold at London 2012 & the silver in Rio 2016 but, didn’t see any of the trampoline events at Beijing 2008 where he won bronze. A VERY WELL DONE to Dong Dong of China! 😛:D
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Swiss National Day, 1 August. Time is flying.

Another 5.5 sweet spot for me at 06:00.