Group 7-day waking average?

Anyone got any remedies for a stiff neck? It’s been waking me up at night all week
My main tip for an achey neck is keep your feet on the floor when you are sat down.
It improves your posture, and if it is uncomfortable to sit on the chair you are in with feet on the floor you are sat in the wrong chair. Hope that helps, and that brain gets a rest with the break from your Welsh classes.
Morning all, 5.3 here, so close!
I did Ancient Mariner for O level too, @eggyg, and other old ballads. Knowledge is never wasted, I helped my son in a pub quiz (he was doing it on zoom from our house) a few weeks ago when thanks to doing Tam O'Shanter, I knew that a Cutty Sark was a short petticoat. My favourite was Sir Patrick Spens
The king sits in Dunfermline town
Drinking the blood red wine
Oh where can I get a skeely skipper
To sail this good ship o' mine

Needless to say, it all ends in tears.
It is going to be a one man show. He comes with excellent reviews.
I have just added a wrap and a waterproof coat, as the clouds are gathering and BBC
has changed its mind about this evening. Oh well.
I really enjoy poetry, now, didn’t at school
It is so enjoyable learning just because you want to, not because you need it for an exam.
I spent lockdown learning Music theory working through the books.
No plan to do any exams, just having fun.
Good morning. Looks like I may be first up.

Very dark and cold this morning.

5.3 rats just missed the third 5.2 in a row
Another 6.9 today x
My personal “HG” (holy grail) of 5.5 at 06:10 - no Metformin for four days and I’m assuming it’ll take a week or two to be out of my system altogether.
06:10 BS 7.6 Uhm! :confused: A so so smile. My BS started creeping up yesterday as the pain in my left thumb crept up to my forearm, at one point: it’s been stiff & painful to bend for 4 or 5 days now & I can’t remember how I injured it; but, it’s definitely injured & I’ll need to see my GP on Tuesday, it would HAVE be a Bank Holiday on Monday! I slathered loads of arnica all over my thumb, lower hand & up to the wrist, waited the 20 to 30 minutes to absorb then, washed my hands very throughly as my heart rate DOES NOT need to be raised by arnica if it ends up going in me internally! Had to add 3 corrections after lunch yesterday & because of that I never ate dinner as I was too tired by the time active insulin had passed for all that lot as my BS kept being higher than I expected but, I was in pain! Can’t help a rare frown, I’m afraid! :(

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

I’m going back to bed as I didn’t get much sleep last night, pain, & post this that I wrote yesterday & pasted from “notes” for faster posting in the morning! 🙄

So, what happened at the Olympics on Day 7? I had a half day off & didn’t watch much as much but, here’s what I DID catch. A bit burnt out by all the drama & excitement so far! 😳🙄

First off Hong Kong swimmer Siobhan Haughey won another silver in the ladies 100m freestyle to go with her silver in the 200m freestyle on Day 5. So, HK now has 3 medals: 1 gold in mens fencing & 2 silver in ladies swimming; GO HK! :D

An odd little fact that I found quite interesting that Claire Balding informed us of is that the Tokyo Olympic medals are made from melting down digital equipment from old computers, games consoles etc. & over 6 million mobile phones donated by the public: gold, silver & copper are very commonly used in electronic’s are they’re great conductors of electricity; it’s an inspired use & way of recycling as used electronics are indeed difficult to dispose of! :D And a Lightbulb Ah Ha! emoji!

Finally no gymnastics as the arena is fitted out with trampolines for 2 days of first the ladies & then the mens competition. Bryony Page won a bronze medal in the ladies trampoline: her silver medal at Rio 2016 was a delightful surprise & I watched it live on the red button not expecting anything as GB is NOT known for the trampoline; I almost never get to see it, along with the even lesser known rhythmic gymnastics, & only saw it online during London 2012 because of every session of every event being available to us as the host nation! Bryony’s silver medal 5 years ago has made the British public go mad for it: similar to our obsession with curling at the Winter Olympics; most people can relate it to jumping up & down on their beds as kids at one time or another! 🙄😉
Sweet dreams @Lanny - I hope you catch up on your lost Zzzzzzz’s.

Morning all. :D 3.9 here.

Off to help my mum move some beds around. She doesn’t like her new bed - too low - so we’re swapping it with her old bed which is in the spare room. Fun n games! Other than that, I’m hoping the swirling mass of Welsh in my brain settles down soon - it’s getting in the way of my sleep!

Enjoy the weekend!
Morning all. A much nicer 6 today.

Niece’s wedding today, sort of looking forward to it, but also apprehensive. First time mingling with a lot of people for a long time. I’m afraid there won’t be any hugs from Auntie Eggy. It’ll be nice to see the family though as we haven’t been together since our daughter’s wedding in December 2019. My girls are excited, new outfits, shoes, bags etc. I’m afraid I couldn’t even muster up the enthusiasm to buy a new frock. I have had my nails done though, which is something that only happens on special occasions. I’m sure I’ll relax after a couple of glasses of something. I hope.:confused:

Have a good folks. 🙂
5.5 for me today. 🙂
It feels quite Arctic today considering the high temperatures we had recently. 😱

8.8 for me at 7:26am it stubbornly refuses to go down much overnight. Dull and 17deg in sunny Poole.
Good morning everyone. A surprising 9.1 for me! This was after a 2am spike and a half my normal correction dose as i've noticed that the odd occasions i do need a correction overnight, my normal one takes me a bit too low in the morning. Haven't had a spike overnight for a while so not sure what was different. Maybe the glass of wine and handful of peanuts... oh well i did enjoy them.
@eggyg enjoy the wedding, i hope the weather is/stays dry.