Group 7-day waking average?

a droplet sometimes develops after I remove it
These generally aren't part of your dose, it's usually what's been left after an air shot xx
These generally aren't part of your dose, it's usually what's been left after an air shot xx
Not sure how that works when it is after I have injected and the air shot is before (obviously).
Not sure how that works when it is after I have injected and the air shot is before (obviously).
It sits on the skin after you put the needle in and it can also be at the bottom of the needle but obviously you only see it when you've removed the obstruction xx
It sits on the skin after you put the needle in and it can also be at the bottom of the needle but obviously you only see it when you've removed the obstruction xx
Ah I see what you are getting at now, but I am pretty certain I have seen the droplet develop at the tip of the needle after I have removed it, as in, it exuded from the needle rather than runs down the needle and develops into a droplet at the tip. I am guessing partly as expansion from the heat of my hand on the pen... something which may also have an impact on the Toujeo dose more than a less concentrated insulin.

I am going to pay a lot more attention to this droplet development now!
6.5 This morning, and yesterday.
Consistent and still ‘normal’

@Flower it must be so frustrating, and as you say the telephone appointments are absolutely pointless.

A grey day but still dry so far. Hoping that the rain is done by tomorrow evening as we are off to an outside performance of The Rime of the Ancient Mariner.
I did that as part of my O Level English Literature exam. Can still remember some of the lines.

Water, water everywhere and the boards did shrink.
Water, water everywhere but not a drop to drink.

That’s it I’m afraid. It’s a heck of a long poem. Think Mr Coleridge was on the opium when he wrote it!
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I always kind of wipe the needle after the air-shot with the edge of the outer cap to remove the drops dribbling down the needle as it stings me going in otherwise: gentle swishes around the needle with the edge of the cap to remove the visible drops; still stings sometimes anyway when I push in the insulin! But, any cut down in the 3 things I call the triple whammy is worth doing:- 1 hitting a nerve on the way in & Ouch!; can’t do anything about THAT one & it’s down to sheer blind luck 2 stinging from insulin on the way in from a) drops on the needle from the air-shot & b) when I push the insulin in; can only prevent a) from happening by swiping with edge of outer cap & can’t do anything about b) 3 hitting a tiny blood vessel & bleeding! I REALLY hate it when all three happens & it’s the full triple whammy! 😱 And it’s really nice when none of that happens but, it’s mostly one or two things that can happen that annoy me!🙄
I did that as part of my O Level English Literature exam. Can still remember some of the lines.

Water, water everywhere and the boards did shrink.
Water, water everywhere but not a drop to drink.

That’s it I’m afraid. It’s a heck of a long poem. Think Mr Coleridge was on the opium when he wrote it!
Let’s hope that we miss out the water, water everywhere and we don’t get soaked.
I think this is a compressed version. I will report back.
Good morning 5am, dark, cold, and I must get out for a short walk at least. Thankfully yesterdays gusty wind has gone. It almost blew me away on the sea front. Going back onto the beach this morning.

Today I celebrate. My weight has dropped a tiny smidgin and I am now into my last Kg (55.9 kg) before reaching my my goal (55.0 Kg) AND for the second morning running my BG is 5.2. I am surprised. I almost gave up trying to get blood out of my fingers this morning. It just wasn't coming out. Took 4 attempts on different fingers to get a small droplet. And I had warmed my hands briefly too. Odd.
Up very early (for me) and forgot to test when I got up so Dawn Phenomenon has already kicked in and I am now 9.7 with a steady rise since I got up at 3:30. It was still dark then so the DP should have waited!!
I usually ignore the tiny amount of carbs from milk in my tea, but perhaps the three cups are contributing to the rise.

Congratulations all round @Gwynn with the weight loss and the HS (again!!)

Have a good day all.
It’s a 6.2 for me on another wet and cool day, ie back to normal summer weather here.
6.9 today
Let’s hope that we miss out the water, water everywhere and we don’t get soaked.
I think this is a compressed version. I will report back.
Let’s hope so you or might be still there on Sunday! I remember something about an albatross too, I wonder if they’ll have a real one! 😉 Enjoy anyways, I prefer Xanadu. Much shorter.

“ In Xanadu did Kubla Khan
A stately pleasure dome decree.” That’s the opening lines which I’ve never forgotten. Somewhere he mentions “ five miles meandering with a mazy motion,” I always quote that whilst walking down our local river. Can you believe I got a very mediocre grade, huh, I should have got an A* ( not that they were available in 1976!). 😛
Morning all. 8.3! A puzzled look emoji ( á la @Lanny ). Was exactly the same at 10.30 last night when I retired with an hours insulin still floating about. Ah well, it is what it is.

We still haven’t had much rain up in Carlisle. I got all my washing dried on the line yesterday in between spits and spots. Had to have the patio doors open all day as it was very mild. Looking a bit more cloudy today though. Let’s hope the rain does it’s thing today and it’s dry for tomorrow’s wedding.

Have a fab Friday. 🙂 Well done @Gwynn on the HS and the weight loss.
4.5 this morning.
Anyone else of a certain age noticing that time speeds up as you get older when you want it to slow down, the past year has flown by it's scary.
Morning all. :D 4.1 here. My sensor said 2.7 - it’s one of those that trails in the red mistakenly, so it’s a good thing it’s being replaced today.

Anyone got any remedies for a stiff neck? It’s been waking me up at night all week. It’s my last Welsh class today. brain’s full. Maybe that’s why my neck is sore - it’s struggling to carry the extra weight.😉
Morning all, 5.3 here, so close!
I did Ancient Mariner for O level too, @eggyg, and other old ballads. Knowledge is never wasted, I helped my son in a pub quiz (he was doing it on zoom from our house) a few weeks ago when thanks to doing Tam O'Shanter, I knew that a Cutty Sark was a short petticoat. My favourite was Sir Patrick Spens
The king sits in Dunfermline town
Drinking the blood red wine
Oh where can I get a skeely skipper
To sail this good ship o' mine

Needless to say, it all ends in tears.
4.5 this morning.
Anyone else of a certain age noticing that time speeds up as you get older when you want it to slow down, the past year has flown by it's scary.
I’ve long believed that as you get older time speeds up. When you’re 5 or 6 a year is about a quarter of all your memories and experiences. At the beginning of a new school year you can hardly comprehend a whole year stretching ahead of you. When a year is only 1/60th of your life it goes by quicker than you can say Jack Robinson.