Group 7-day waking average?

Another long sleep in resulting in a 5.7 this time. 🙂
Well done @Gwynn on the HS

Morning all
Hope everyone is well
A 5.7 here today
Congratulations @Gwynn on that magic number.
Good morning everyone, and a sunny one it is here atm albeit a bit breezy. Supposed to be 20° today.
After a very restless night i have just woken to a 6.6, fuelled by 1 JB at 4am. Hubby has said that if i mow the lawn, he will take some clothes back i bought yesterday for a refund (i really wish all changing rooms would open, its extra time and petrol to return things and the money never goes back into your account as quick as it comes out). Anyway, thats going to be my task for the day, our mower is so old it will give me a good workout!
@Gwynn congrats on the HS
@SueEK you concentrate on yourself and don't worry about work. They should be more understanding. Enjoy your day before isolating.
Have a good day everyone.
Morning folks

9.8 here
Good morning from me hope you're all happy 🙂
@Michael12421 you're my twin this morning because at 6:36am I was the same as you with 7.9 within target and 16u of tresiba taken
23:20pm bedtime - not quite 4 hours after teatime bolus - 4.9 below target and below bedtime 8mmol so had 2 bags of mini choc chip cookies 26g of carbs altogether and no humalog
😉For once no DP! Reluctantly got up after LR alarm 06:15 BS 6.3 & back to get some more sleep but, couldn’t drop off so, gave it up 07:47 BS 6.0 🙂

Well, the weather has well & truly broken with rain the evening before last & a thunderstorm yesterday followed by bright sunshine again but, it’s not stifling; at least not yet! :D with a drop of sweat over one eye. Phew!

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

Aww! Yesterday was a bit anticlimactic, for me, for Day 5 of The Olympics but, still enjoyed the gymnastics: could you tell? it’s my favourite event, & sport, after golf, of course but, strangely enough NOT Olympic golf; still too new & not enough top class golfers so, doesn’t have the Kudos of The Majors, yet! 🙄🙂

I completely forgot to use paragraph’s yesterday, all those missing words & typos in yesterday’s post! 😳 Oops!

First off in swimming the ladies 200m freestyle the silver medal was won by Siobhan Haughey of Hong Kong AND it was the 2nd medal won by HK in these games: COMPLETELY MISSED the gold medal won by Cheung Ka-long in the mens fencing on Monday, Day 3; rather disappointingly with only 2 live streams negotiated by the BBC it’s much more limiting in what’s shown & there’s a lot channel hopping when watching things live & I only saw the gold medal on the medals table & googled it! Yay! Go HK! Been seeing more athletes at these Olympics than ever before around different sports & it gladdens my heart to see it: there’s only a limited time that HK can compete on its own before it’s incorporated into China! 😛:D

Then, there was a clearer picture overnight from Day 4 & throughout Day 5 yesterday about Simone Biles’ dramatic withdrawal from the rest of the team event. She didn’t sustain an injury, physical that is, & it’s her mental health that’s being affected! I didn’t know before how dangerous it can be to have your mental health affect your spatial awareness while the gymnast is twisting & somersaulting in the air: she’s done the 2 & a half twists hundreds of times before & only did 1 & a half to land badly; could have been injured & even be fatal! A Japanese gymnast died when preparing for these Olympics in 2018 when she didn’t speak up about feeling the pressure of a home Olympics, competed, fell & broke her neck, went into a coma & never recovered! Simone is NOT going to compete in the all around later today & it remains to be seen if she can do anymore apparatus finals?

Now, the mens all around gymnastics final was, inevitably I suppose, a bit anticlimactic after the ladies team event but, still had its drama. First of all Japan’s shining new star Daiki Hashimoto led the first two rotations until the rings in rotation 3: only 19 so, dosen’t yet have the strength needed to do the rings well & dropped into place with China’s 2 gymnasts in 1st & 2nd; was behind for the rest of the finals catching up. Was still behind in 4th going into the last rotation on the high bar & going last. The Chinese pair were still at the top with ROC’s World Champion in 3rd. China’s 1st gymnast did a clean routine going all out but, 2nd decided to hold back on his difficulty for a better executed routine & scored a disappointingly low score: he’d lost before when he went all out, matched the winning score & lost because of his lower execution score; that happened Lewis Smith as well! So, China’s 2 gymnast’s still at the top with 2 to go: ROC & Japan. ROC went all out & went into 2nd, splitting China’s two gymnast’s. Then, last up Japan who qualified on the bars with the highest score did another brilliant performance, his routine almost won the team the gold but, not quite, & won the gold! So, it was Japan, China & ROC in the medal positions & the other Chinese gymnast in 4th. A new star has arrived in the 19 year old Diaki Hashimoto now that Kohei Uchimura is retiring! :D I’m a teeny bit disappointed the holding back of the Chinese gymnast but, he’d had problems with that harder routine throughout & had lost gold before on a lower execution score so, I understand that! He now knows what both is like now: going for it & not making; holding & not making! What would you do & what you prefer?🙄

GOOD GRIEF! It took me EVEN LONGER THAN YESTERDAY to post this: good thing I’d done my LR injection earlier; was 1.5 hours late by the time I’d finished posting yesterday! o_O Oops! 😳 Rookie mistake: MUST do LR first; it takes me SO long to post these common commentaries!😱🙄:D😉
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4.8 for me today with no corrections or sour worms involved... Yey!

I changed the timing of my basal injection last night (brought it forward by 3 hours) and increased it by one unit and that seems to have helped with my evening rise. I even needed a digestive biscuit (10g) instead of insulin for a 3.8 at bedtime.... almost made me feel "normal"! Of course it would actually have been a mid 4 to 5 if I had finger pricked because Libre reads low but I just ate the biscuit, had a good drink of water afterwards as I couldn't be bothered to get up and clean my teeth again and went to sleep and slept really quite soundly. Libre trace shows a slight rise and then slow, even descent to my morning reading. Result! I have cut my morning basal dose by 1 unit this morning to counter balance things so we will see what happens!

Need to go shopping today as I am out of cream, cheese and yoghurt.... ie my daily essentials.

@Michael12421. Relieved to see a couple of good readings from you in recent days. Phew! Long may it last.

@Barfly Better reading from you today too. Well done! What did you eat last night? Are you keeping a food diary along with your readings? ... Will post a comment on your other thread.

@Flower It really is shocking that they haven't opened up podiatry appointments. I don't understand what is so much more risky about feet than anything else! Surely retinal screening is more of a concern as you are more face to face and that has certainly started back up. Do you know if the problem is just your area or podiatry services across the country? Really hope they get things back up and running soon. A telephone appointment for such things is pretty ludicrous!

@SueEK Hope your trip up to hospital for your pre-assessment goes smoothly and you are able to relax a bit afterwards and treat yourself before you go into lockdown.
I am down to my last Kg before getting to my original revised goal.
I wish I could have got away with “original revised” financial budgets and forecasts in my time 😉😛
I bought a bottle of red wine to have a small glass of it yesterday, cos its supposed to be good for you. Unfortunately I didn't buy it from M&S and it tasted revolting. Seriously horrible. I have had some that are really really nice but I never remember the name of the wine. I must try harder.
Some of my lowest waking readings have been after a couple of glasses of wine the night before. What’s more, and counterintuitively, it’s generally after white wine (which has to be dry for me).

Wine that I especially like I take a photo of the label to buy it again.
I don’t understand either @Flower why they insist on phone appointments - what a waste of time and resources. I had a necessarily intimate appointment with my GP a few weeks ago, so why on earth are your lot insisting on not doing a thorough job? I’m frustrated for you. 😡 (((Hugs)))
I don't want it to last too long - it is a bit high for my liking. Might up the basal by one unit to try and bring it back down - but not to the 2's and 3's
Your reading this morning is absolutely fine Michael. Please leave your basal as it is for at least a week before thinking about increasing it again. You need to try to get some hypo awareness back because those hypos you are having will be the death of you! Please don't increase it just yet.
Morning - 7.6 from me today after a sleepless night. I set up and run a not-for-profit Dementia Memories Cafe and always seem to get my brightest ideas just as I am trying to drop off to sleep and then ponder all of the ins and outs for the rest of the night - arghhh 😛 🙄
6.1 at silly o’clock this morning. Off to UCLH for pre op assessment, then shopping as have to isolate from tomorrow. Work are in raptures (not) as you can imagine. They are having a laptop sent round Monday for me to at least be able to do some tasks, my emails etc. With so much to organise and a half hours telephone consultation with the consultant I’m not sure how much work I’ll get done lol.
Anyhow have a good day everyone x
Hi @SueEK . I hope the laptop is for pre op work. Afterwards you're on sick leave and it's for your recovery. Please don't be sucked into working from home during this period. They need to provide cover for you regardless of how difficult this is. Take care.
An undershoot from me at 05:21 this morning with a 5.1 With yesterday's 5.3 and Tuesday's 5.2 I do have a three day average HS 🙂
because those hypos you are having will be the death of you!
Careful, some folk don't like brutal honesty even when sometimes it's the only way xx