Group 7-day waking average?

After waiting a couple of weeks, and on the verge of phoning my GP, I received a call about my latest blood tests.

My HbA1c was 39. All other readings for cholesterol, electrolytes etc were “good“. I was advised to cut the Metformin from two to one a day. I said that it had been agreed about a year ago that I could reduce from two to one! (Clearly my GP hadn’t put this on my medical records). The upshot is that I’m officially off the Metformin - yay!

They will do HbA1c again in three months. If that’s ok, in six months, and if that’s ok, every 12 months.

It was suggested I don‘t need to prick my finger every day, if at all. However, I’ll continue for a couple of weeks after stopping the Metformin and then review it.
Well done
05:52 BS 6.8 I didn’t need the peanut butter & oatcake before bed: actually overdid it TBH with 1 hour of active NR left & BS 5.4; definitely needed something to lift it a bit &, since it’s been ages since I had peanut, I kept more & more teaspoonfuls of it! 😳😛 I lost count after 4/5 & eventually, with a HUGE effort, stopped myself from any more & didn’t have the oatcake. Then, I panicked a bit & knew the peanut butter would be sustainably too high while slept, useful to prevent drops overnight with the few cycles I have now, & gave a long thought about adding how much NR? I eventually went for a conservative 2 units & then, took a while to drop off as I was a bit worried about it so, actually relieved with a 6 this morning!🙂 Oops!😳 The perils of eating peanut butter after a long time of not having had it: it was pure Ambrosia; MASSIVE effort to stop!😛:D😉

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

Ooh! There were quite a few shocks & more drama at the Olympics on Day 4 yesterday! 😱 First off, the ladies triathlon was won by the least populated nation to ever win an Olympic Gold medal: a Very Well Done to Flora Duffy of Bermuda; tiny island in the Caribbean that the infamous triangle is named after with a population of just 72,000 people!😛😎:D Then, a HUGE shock for the host nation when their ladies tennis player, Naiomi Osaka, who lit the Olympic torch at the opening ceremony & the face of the games was knocked out much lower ranked player from The Czech republic in straight sets!😱 Oh dear, imagine THAT! If that had happened to Jessica Ennis, as she was then, in London 2012? Eek! Eek! Eek!😱 And finally, the biggest shock of all, & a tremendous comeback, was Team GB winning the bronze medal in the ladies team gymnastics: couldn’t help but, post that more or less when it happened yesterday; after I’d stopped, somewhat, laughing like a mad woman in delighted shock as it all came last minute!😱:D:D😎:D VERY WELL DONE to our British ladies! Two Thumbs Up emoji!!:D That was the BEST EVER gymnastics final I’ve ever seen: better than Team GB men winning bronze in London 2012; SO MUCH, drama, that was all concentrated elsewhere & it wasn’t until very end after the last gold winning performance did the commentators in shocked delight saw that GB won the bronze. All this from the start when the mighty US gymnast Simone Biles, going for the greatest ever medals haul by a gymnast who already has 30 Olympic and World championship titles & just needs 4 more to break the record, did her first piece of apparatus, the vault, in the first rotation! She did a massive looking vault, to my still untrained eye despite YEARS of watching gymnastics, & landed very heavily & it turned out that she DIDN’T do the two & a half twists but, only one & a half! A very low score for her vault left the mighty US team, undefeated for 10 years winning the last 3 Olympics, trailed ROC by over 2 whole marks! 😱 Then, when everyone was moving onto the next piece of apparatus for rotation 2 & warming up, she left the arena & her team mate that wasn’t supposed to go on the bars was prepping to do so. Simone only just came back in time at the end of the warm up & there was still speculation on whether she would continue, was she injured? She spent the rest of the final in her tracksuit in the arena cheering on her team mates who then, had to do every piece! It took quite a while before the news came through that it was a medical issue & she’d had treatment when she’d left & would be assessed daily to see if she could continue to do her other 5 finals she qualified for, the all around & each individual piece of apparatus! ROC meanwhile kept their massive lead over the US after rotation 2 & it seemed they were definitely going to win as they were now nearly 3 whole marks ahead but, then even more drama was to come in rotation 3 with ROC & USA on the beam! ROC up first & she fell off the beam with a massive 1 whole mark off, lead halved as the USA didn’t fall off! Then, ROC falls off AGAIN with another whole mark off & their lead nearly gone as USA stayed on! It was all or nothing for ROC’s 3rd gymnast as the gold medal would be impossible with 3 falls: she stayed ON; so did USA & the lead was down to 0.8. Then, in the last rotation with ROC & USA on the floor it was a battle between the US’ power in the tumbling & ROC’s grace & artistry. It seemed that USA were winning when their first gymnast’s power & difficulty scored higher than ROC’s first up less difficult, I think much more graceful, routine: lead down to 0.5; seemed like USA were going to make up the leas & overtake to win as all their routines are more difficult than ROC’s! Then, USA’s gymnast landed very badly, slid on her feet & sat down on the floor for the lowest score I’ve ever seen at the Olympics in the 11’s!😱 ROC’s lead got bigger again after their 2nd gymnast had no mishaps & it was another gladiatorial FIGHT between power & grace their last gymnast’s! The USA went all out again & just about stayed in the floor & made up some of the gap but, it was down to ROC & that’s when the commentators noticed that Team GB were sitting at the top of leaderboard as they’d finished their piece, the bars, first while the scores were not yet in for USA, ROC & Italy in 3rd at the start of final rotation were on the beam, Craig Heap, one of the commentators said “Quick! Take a picture”! During the middle of ROC’s last routine Matt Baker, another commentator, worked out that GB could get the bronze as Italy got 2 terrible marks on the beam when GB got great marks on the bars & it was down to the last score yet to come in! ROC went clean & the gold nedal was theirs & celebrating when the commentators saw the last score for Italy & they didn’t get the score they needed to stay ahead of GB!😱:D😛😎 ALL the drama & camera’s were on ROC & USA while mostly off camera GB snuck up from 7th, 7th, 5th & 3rd place to win the bronze! OMG! That was the icing on the cake & I was laughing like a mad woman for a good 10 minutes! WHAT a final! I’ve NEVER seen anything like it!😱😱😱😛😎:D:D:D

It took me an EVEN longer time to post as I couldn’t stop myself from laughing! :D

It’s the mens all around final later today! Let’s see what else is going to happen on Day 5 of these Shocking Olympics? 🙄
Morning all, 5.8 here. We got our much needed rain here yesterday, I knew hanging the washing out would do the trick. I’d have won Olympic Gold in the 50 yard washing line dash!
@Lanny, I’m breathless having read your account of the ladies gymnastics, what a thriller! I switched on when they quickly nipped over to the Dressage (well done GB for a bronze on younger, inexperienced horses) I should have stayed watching when they went back to the gym!
9.00 this morning at 7:42am, still don't have a clue what this means.... testing during odd times through the day it's all over the place, as high as 15.0 and low as 8.0 bemused by it all still.

A shocking 11.0 for me, been wide awake since just before 3 when the thunder started and just want to go back to bed! Bubbles has been a royal PITA this morning and was already fed up of his whining by 6:20

@SueEK as others have said, you really need to put yourself first here for a change, good luck!

@Barfly have you looked at the learning zone of the website? There is a lot of information on there that will help you better understand xx
@Kaylz Yes I have but I've already forgotten 99% of it. I can remember it until I go to sleep, in the night it all seems to dribble right out through my ears onto the pillow and in the morning it's mostly gone.......don't get old....
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@Kaylz Yes I have but I've already forgotten 99% of it. I can remember it until I go to sleep, in the night it all seems to dribble right out through my ears onto the pillow and in the morning it's mostly gone.......
You'll get the hang of it, it's a lot to take in, I remember when I was admitted to hospital for my diagnosis, the DSN came round to talk to me before I was discharged and it felt like I wasn't even there, like I was floating above just looking down on it all, if it would make it easier write bits down in a notepad so you can quickly scan it whenever you need to xx
Morning all. 6.2 today.

It’s taken me ages to catch up, never got logged in after reporting yesterday.
So firstly, congratulations to @adrian1der on yesterday’s HS. Absolute well done @HenryBennett, great stuff and very well deserved. @SB2015 fingers crossed you escape the lurgy! @rebrascora any photos from yesterday, sounds fantastic. @SueEK glad you’ve got your date for your op at last. You’ll soon stop feeling flibberty jibberty. Been there done that, organising is a good way of keeping calm, oh and stuff work! 😛 @Michael12421 much better number today. And to everyone else I may have missed, have a great day. 🙂

I’m going for a cut and colour. And we’ve had rain overnight too! Hurray! 🙂
Morning all. 6.1 for me.
@Lanny, your commentary is so good, i'm holding my breath while reading it!!
@SueEK, glad you are in organising mode this morning. Take the chance now and get it done. Good luck to you.
Its much cooler and very wet here today. Off to do the weekly shopping.
@Barfly it’s a lot to process: it’ll come with time; just keep testing & it’ll build up, ver slowly at first, to a clearer picture as you learn about how much & what affects your readings! And don’t beat yourself up when things don’t go as well as even us veterans with many years of diabetes, over 20 in my case, can’t get it right all the time! 🙂 A smile to encourage & taking readings is the first step to finding out about your diabetes so, you can work steadily at it!🙂 And a cheeky little wink from me to welcome you on this thread!😉
Good morning everyone 🙂
8:22am later than usual - maybe I should set an alarm for 7:00am ish - once again I'm the winner so far with a 16.0 - 3u correction and 16u tresiba - no idea where the high has come from apart from eating just 2 mini choc chip cookies during the night
00:16am 5.1 bedtime - within target - below 8mmol so had 1 bag mini choc chip cookies of 13g of carbs
Just missed with a 5.3 at 06:06 this morning. @SueEK fingers crossed and I hope everything works out for you
Only just awake! I couldn't stop myself from sleeping - I guess I was catching up on the lost hours during the heatwave.
Snap @adrian1der above, I got myself a 5.3. 🙂
@SueEK good news that your op is finally here. Good luck and best wishes.

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Morning it's a 10.1 after the heights of 19.2 at 3am with a failed cannula. Last night was a symphony of pump alarms High high high high then a low battery warning. So restful, I got up at 4am and changed cannula, battery etc

Sending best wishes and good luck to you @SueEK ,it's hard to harness all the conflicting I can/ I can't swirl of thoughts about major surgery but organising things is a good way to stay calm.

Today I've got a pointless high risk podiatry clinic by telephone- still no actual clinic. How are your feet? Still broken thanks 🙄

Have a good day out there.
4.6 after long sleep at last.