Group 7-day waking average?

Pleased to report that the wedding went really well. I hadn't met the bride before although she is marrying an ex colleague of mine. She was absolutely stunning in a vintage ivory lace gown with plunging back and she had dried flowers and corn in her home made bouquet and matching decoration in her hair which was gorgeous and so appropriate for the harvest time of year and of course the farming community little church where the wedding was held and no worries about flowers wilting in the heat.

Thought we were going to have to let her down at 10am this morning though when Ian got Zak in from the field to bath him and he was missing a front shoe and his hoof was badly damaged. Ian checked both horses last night to make sure they both had 4 shoes so perhaps Zak was trying to get out of the job. They are both terrors for pulling shoes off in the fence even though they have loads of grass in their respective fields. Thankfully one of Rebel's plastic Skoot boots fit him after I did a bit of hoof rasping to tidy up the damage and we gave him a trot up and down the road to make sure he was sound and happy in the boot, then it was full steam ahead to get there. Weather held despite forecast (we still haven't had any rain here yet) and it was actually rather hot and sunny at times, so I was pleased to be able to leave the church and take my hat off and be a bit more comfortable on the way home and happier still to now be sitting in a cool house now having some late lunch. Managed my BG levels really well despite the stress and a 1 unit Levemir reduction this morning. Currently sitting at a nice steady 4.8. I do love it when my levels are steady and I am not constantly fighting to keep them in range.
- 16u of tresiba taken - for tresiba I think it should be taken at the same time each day or night but I think it's also ok an hour or so earlier or later - please can someone correct me with my info thinking on this?
I was told that Tresiba was more flexible timing-wise than my previous basal (Lantus). My endo said a few hours earlier or later than usual was fine. eg if I was going out somewhere and didn’t want the faff of taking my Tresiba pen with me, I could take it before going out or after getting home. (I used to do that with Lantus anyway, cos we can’t let this condition rule our lives, now can we?)
Pleased to report that the wedding went really well. I hadn't met the bride before although she is marrying an ex colleague of mine. She was absolutely stunning in a vintage ivory lace gown with plunging back and she had dried flowers and corn in her home made bouquet and matching decoration in her hair which was gorgeous and so appropriate for the harvest time of year and of course the farming community little church where the wedding was held and no worries about flowers wilting in the heat.

Thought we were going to have to let her down at 10am this morning though when Ian got Zak in from the field to bath him and he was missing a front shoe and his hoof was badly damaged. Ian checked both horses last night to make sure they both had 4 shoes so perhaps Zak was trying to get out of the job. They are both terrors for pulling shoes off in the fence even though they have loads of grass in their respective fields. Thankfully one of Rebel's plastic Skoot boots fit him after I did a bit of hoof rasping to tidy up the damage and we gave him a trot up and down the road to make sure he was sound and happy in the boot, then it was full steam ahead to get there. Weather held despite forecast (we still haven't had any rain here yet) and it was actually rather hot and sunny at times, so I was pleased to be able to leave the church and take my hat off and be a bit more comfortable on the way home and happier still to now be sitting in a cool house now having some late lunch. Managed my BG levels really well despite the stress and a 1 unit Levemir reduction this morning. Currently sitting at a nice steady 4.8. I do love it when my levels are steady and I am not constantly fighting to keep them in range.
Zak sounds a real trouper. Glad it all went well for you
I was told that Tresiba was more flexible timing-wise than my previous basal (Lantus). My endo said a few hours earlier or later than usual was fine. eg if I was going out somewhere and didn’t want the faff of taking my Tresiba pen with me, I could take it before going out or after getting home. (I used to do that with Lantus anyway, cos we can’t let this condition rule our lives, now can we?)
Thanks @Bloden and no we can't let it rule our lives which is what is has done with me recently but now I'm in charge within reason ie
food wise I'm eating foods I enjoy, I'll be honest here I eat 'some' vegetables and 'some' salads, I'm not too well up on knowing what's in all the thousands foods ie fats and whatever else and what it does to our bgls but at 9 and a half stone and 5ft 2 ish I'm not overweight
basal and bolus injections I'm definitely not in any hurry to be skipping any injections like I did very stupidly when I got dka
bgls I'm not afraid of posting my levels on the forum to try and get some help before I ask or someone says I would be better to check with my DSN
Thank you all (and in advance for tomorrow’s readership) for all your good wishes.

I worked as a charity finance director for many years before retiring so was well aware of Diabetes UK, and BHF, and whilst in hospital last year went straight to their websites. My visit to my GP’s diabetes nurse was dire and the DUK website and, especially, the DUK forum and you great folks have been a life changer.

So, a further and heartfelt thank you. (I’ll certainly continue to keep you company).
Thanks @Bloden and no we can't let it rule our lives which is what is has done with me recently but now I'm in charge within reason ie
food wise I'm eating foods I enjoy, I'll be honest here I eat 'some' vegetables and 'some' salads, I'm not too well up on knowing what's in all the thousands foods ie fats and whatever else and what it does to our bgls but at 9 and a half stone and 5ft 2 ish I'm not overweight
basal and bolus injections I'm definitely not in any hurry to be skipping any injections like I did very stupidly when I got dka
bgls I'm not afraid of posting my levels on the forum to try and get some help before I ask or someone says I would be better to check with my DSN
Lovely to see you more confident and positive @mum2westiesGill
Hi folks, in a bit of a mess this evening. Was going to do a separate post but thought no-one knows me like you all do. Got a phone call out of the blue this afternoon to say my consultant wants to do my mesh removal next Friday. It has thrown me into a state of panic. My colleague is off work at the moment recovering from a hysterectomy and we are short staffed and now I have the chance of having my major op where I will be off at least 6 weeks and possibly more, 6 months to full recovery with probably another op after that. If I don’t have it now it may be another year and he wanted to do it in January before the second lockdown. I’m so scared, it’s such a delicate op, reconstruction of the urethra plus plus so many other things. I’m supposed to have a tooth extraction tomorrow but feel I had better postpone as do not want an open wound. Also it is in London (only 2 hospitals in the country do this type of op) and I know I am very lucky to have a surgeon who is experienced in this very particular field. No-one will be allowed to come in with me to visit. I have spent a good part of the evening crying, this is not me at all. My daughter came to see me bless her as I couldn’t stop crying on the phone. Need to get my act together.
Sorry folks, just really needed to get it all out to those who know/but don’t know me but know that you care for all of us. X
Hi folks, in a bit of a mess this evening. Was going to do a separate post but thought no-one knows me like you all do. Got a phone call out of the blue this afternoon to say my consultant wants to do my mesh removal next Friday. It has thrown me into a state of panic. My colleague is off work at the moment recovering from a hysterectomy and we are short staffed and now I have the chance of having my major op where I will be off at least 6 weeks and possibly more, 6 months to full recovery with probably another op after that. If I don’t have it now it may be another year and he wanted to do it in January before the second lockdown. I’m so scared, it’s such a delicate op, reconstruction of the urethra plus plus so many other things. I’m supposed to have a tooth extraction tomorrow but feel I had better postpone as do not want an open wound. Also it is in London (only 2 hospitals in the country do this type of op) and I know I am very lucky to have a surgeon who is experienced in this very particular field. No-one will be allowed to come in with me to visit. I have spent a good part of the evening crying, this is not me at all. My daughter came to see me bless her as I couldn’t stop crying on the phone. Need to get my act together.
Sorry folks, just really needed to get it all out to those who know/but don’t know me but know that you care for all of us. X
So glad that you have a date for your op Sue. A big step but great that you are in such safe hands.
No wonder your head is in such a spin, but perhaps good to not have too much time to think about it Glad that your daughter was able to be with you.

The shortage of staff at work in this situation is not your concern. Your health is the priority here.
@SueEK i'm sure your employers will understand, knowing their line of work. As @SB2015 just said (typing faster than me) it is your health and that must come first.

It must be awful knowing that no one will be able to visit but could you call/video call while you are in hospital? It will be some contact at least.

Its really good that they can do it soon though scary for you. Please know we're all here. Post as and when you feel up to it, we'll all be thinking about you.
No wonder you’re in a flat spin, @SueEK! But as SB Sue says, perhaps in the grand scheme of things, it’s better not to have too much time to think about it, though I can understand that the thinking will be all the more intense in the time available! Work will cope. Your health is the most important thing. I think hospitals have all got up to speed with ipads and things for people to talk to relatives, its so much better when you can see someone's face rather than just hearing them on the phone, so hope that will at least go some way to keep you in touch with people you’d rather have round you.
Hi folks, in a bit of a mess this evening. Was going to do a separate post but thought no-one knows me like you all do. Got a phone call out of the blue this afternoon to say my consultant wants to do my mesh removal next Friday. It has thrown me into a state of panic. My colleague is off work at the moment recovering from a hysterectomy and we are short staffed and now I have the chance of having my major op where I will be off at least 6 weeks and possibly more, 6 months to full recovery with probably another op after that. If I don’t have it now it may be another year and he wanted to do it in January before the second lockdown. I’m so scared, it’s such a delicate op, reconstruction of the urethra plus plus so many other things. I’m supposed to have a tooth extraction tomorrow but feel I had better postpone as do not want an open wound. Also it is in London (only 2 hospitals in the country do this type of op) and I know I am very lucky to have a surgeon who is experienced in this very particular field. No-one will be allowed to come in with me to visit. I have spent a good part of the evening crying, this is not me at all. My daughter came to see me bless her as I couldn’t stop crying on the phone. Need to get my act together.
Sorry folks, just really needed to get it all out to those who know/but don’t know me but know that you care for all of us. X
Please take this opportunity @SueEK as this type of surgery is very specialist and you don't know when they would be able to offer you another date. It will never be the ideal time to be off work but your work will cope because they'll just have to. Your health is so important. Hoping all goes well.
@SueEK You have to focus on the things that impact you in this situation, not worry about others. Work will manage somehow and if they had sorted their staffing issues sooner they wouldn't be left short staffed now, so don't feel guilty about that because they have not felt guilty about putting far too much pressure on you over the past months/years.
Grasp the opportunity to get this sorted so that you can then move on with your life. You have been waiting for this operation for a long time. You have a very experienced and knowledgeable team doing the operation, so it is all positive stuff. In some respects it is better to get it over with now as life is still quite restricted so you are not missing much at the moment.
I can totally understand you being anxious and teary as those are normal feelings and so pleased that your daughter was able to visit and support you but you will hopefully feel so much better when this issue is resolved and you are free of pain and discomfort and the mental strain it has caused you. It was always going to be scary but focus on how much your quality of life will be improved once it is sorted. Sending big (((HUGS)))
I was inordinately tired last night and slept through without waking for a peepee, but woke early. So, it’s a 5.4 at 05:35.
I’ll be taking the Metformin out of my pill organiser this morning. Yay.
It’s been raining overnight.
6 on the nose today after a fitful sleep. Thanks for your reassuring words, in work today so will let them know the situation. Must cancel my dental appt for today and try and get my lists sorted for what I need to do and need to take with me. My tremors are out of control today but will hopefully settle in a day or two. Need to get in organising mode which I’m good at once my mind stops whirring - drama queen or what!!
Have a good day all x
@SueEK I agree 100% with all those who’ve said that your health is your number 1 priority. Your employer will cope. Thinking of you.
Good morning. Dark, colder, wet out there. Gotta get out there though for some exercise.

5.6 for me this morning. Is it slightly higher because of the cooler weather I wonder.

Nothing planned for today. Yawn.
Hi folks, in a bit of a mess this evening. Was going to do a separate post but thought no-one knows me like you all do. Got a phone call out of the blue this afternoon to say my consultant wants to do my mesh removal next Friday. It has thrown me into a state of panic. My colleague is off work at the moment recovering from a hysterectomy and we are short staffed and now I have the chance of having my major op where I will be off at least 6 weeks and possibly more, 6 months to full recovery with probably another op after that. If I don’t have it now it may be another year and he wanted to do it in January before the second lockdown. I’m so scared, it’s such a delicate op, reconstruction of the urethra plus plus so many other things. I’m supposed to have a tooth extraction tomorrow but feel I had better postpone as do not want an open wound. Also it is in London (only 2 hospitals in the country do this type of op) and I know I am very lucky to have a surgeon who is experienced in this very particular field. No-one will be allowed to come in with me to visit. I have spent a good part of the evening crying, this is not me at all. My daughter came to see me bless her as I couldn’t stop crying on the phone. Need to get my act together.
Sorry folks, just really needed to get it all out to those who know/but don’t know me but know that you care for all of us. X
Hope it goes well. Take care.