Group 7-day waking average?

Morning All
A 5.5 here at 07:30
Let’s see how the day goes.
9.0 the first time I woke up with a flat line all night just under the surface on my Libre despite oodles of correction Fiasp last night before bed and apart from a naughty dark chocolate digestive (10g carbs) I had no other carbs and not much protein, just olives with a bit of cheese and a salad with cheese coleslaw, so not sure if my Levemir reduction in the morning was impacting then but levels through the day were perfect, so rather disappointing! Anyway, I injected 1.5 units Fiasp to correct the 9 and went back to sleep.
Feels so much better to start the day on a nice 4.8 even if I did lie in much longer than intended!

We got some rain last night and a bit more this morning but don't think it has done much other than wet the surface.

@eggyg I'm afraid I had my hands full holding onto 2 sweaty, itchy, fly agitated horses that don't like standing around when they could be heading home and preventing Arthut from stepping onto the train of her dress whilst she had photos next to them, so I certainly didn't get any photos. For some reason I can't download photos from my new phone anyway even though it is an identical model to my old phone which I could download from. Not sure if Ian will get some photos sent to him from the professional photographer's album at a later date as a thank you because it was just a favour, not a commercial job. The bride did text Ian last night to thank us which was really thoughtful considering she must have been in the midst of celebrations and/or shattered at the end of a long day.
Good morning all. 🙂 7.5 today and 7.4 yesterday, a long way from the holy grail of 5.2 :(

I am beginning to wish I'd watched the Olympics. 🙂

I would like to see a picture of the wedding hat and the horses should wear hats too with their ears pulled through like donkeys. :D

@SueEK you are the only thing that matters at the moment, you need to have tunnel vision and concentrate on you until you come out safe and sound and all done and dusted on the other side of the op, every best wish is directed your way xxoo
Good morning woke up to 8.1 at 09:30 today
up late today having had a exhausting couple of days down at my Mums house in Newbury
tidying garden & cleared loft, still some more sorting out to do,
hope the sale goes through very soon (offer was accepted back in December)

Ate quite a bit of white french bread and a few chocolate cookies yesterday
so understandably in the 8’s this morning

I’ve just ordered a few books online, inc Carbs & Cals Counter and Tom Kerridge dopamine diet
so looking forward to staying on track on lower carb and healthy food regime, the weight loss is much slower currently still I’ve lost 30 KG, 8” on waist & chest so now it could drop slower, plus I know having initially been quite strict recently not quite so good.

hope everybody has a great day
Great job on the weight loss @goodybags

There are lots of great recipes in Dopamine Diet so I'm sure you'll find something you like
hmmm 9 for me starting the day - mind you, I didn't get up until 11.40am. 9hrs 17 mins sleep was great - if nothing else, my insomnia has definitely been told where to go 😛

So, if I am starting to understand things, my levels are higher because I've not been eating so liver thinks I am starving and is sending sugar into my system? I am off to grab something to eat now, even if it is just a slice of burden!

Edited to add 6.8 two hours after eating.
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6.1 at silly o’clock this morning. Off to UCLH for pre op assessment, then shopping as have to isolate from tomorrow. Work are in raptures (not) as you can imagine. They are having a laptop sent round Monday for me to at least be able to do some tasks, my emails etc. With so much to organise and a half hours telephone consultation with the consultant I’m not sure how much work I’ll get done lol.
Anyhow have a good day everyone x
It’s another 6.0 at 05:35 from me on a wet and gloomy morning. No gardening today for me.
Good morning 6.9 (@7:00)
back to work today so hope it stays dry

Have a great day everybody
4.1 nice cool fresh air outside.
Well would you believe it, 5.2 for me this morning ! Yessss

Its dark and very windy and quite cold out there this morning. I will go out for just 30 minutes walk (my minimum) later on

Yesterday I exercised quite a lot, ate quite a lot too and still lost a tiny bit of weight. I am down to my last Kg before getting to my original revised goal.

I bought a bottle of red wine to have a small glass of it yesterday, cos its supposed to be good for you. Unfortunately I didn't buy it from M&S and it tasted revolting. Seriously horrible. I have had some that are really really nice but I never remember the name of the wine. I must try harder.

Not sure what today will involve. Nothing planned. Yesterday was harder as my wife was not so good thinking that intruders are getting into the house again to damage the paint on some of the doors. It's just normal wear and tear (but she cannot accept that at any level). Her illness makes everything so much harder and tiring. Sensible rational evidence based reasoning seems beyond her. She just 'knows' intruders are getting into the house and damaging things to harm her or frighten her. Even when proved that these things are normal wear and tear she dismisses that and keeps to her original conclusion. Sigh. So so sad.

Agh !!! It's just started to rain. At least I just managed to pull in the emptied bins before it started. I'll not bother to go out until it stops. Don't want to catch a chill.
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Well a rather disappointing and surprising 12.3 for me:(....not a scooby doo why. A night of horrible dreams, was glad to wake up.

Ah well, on with the day.
Hope you all have a good one.
Morning folks. :D 5.7 here, with the help of 4 JBs.😉

Another day at the linguistic coal face...the rest of my Welsh class are super-keen - they’re having a week’s break, then doing the another intensive course in August. 😱 My little grey cells need time to re-group, so I shan’t be joining them.

@SueEK - work should be ecstatic...that you’re finally getting your important op. Enjoy your pre-isolation shopping.🙂
Morning all it’s a 6.0

I hope your day goes as well as possible @SueEK

Always good to see an HS @Gwynn

Podiatry by phone was pretty pointless & no actual podiatry clinics ongoing. I’m down for a phone call in 8 weeks but if I get a wound I can get an emergency appointment. I’ve been told to have an amputation & I can’t afford to get a wound. It really scares me that others with high risk feet /legs are having to see to themselves.:(

Have a good day if you can, the sun’s out for now 🙂
Morning all. 6.5.

A lot fresher this morning, absolute downpour at 2.15am, unfortunately that means the weeds will grow now. Can’t win can we? Only plans today is there is a mountain of ironing waiting to be dealt with. I can’t do much else as I’ve had my nails done as we’ve a big family wedding on Saturday. Mr Eggy in charge of the chores until then! Humph! Chance would be a fine thing, Marigolds at the ready. 😉

Have a thrilling Thursday, :D

@Gwynn well done on your HS.
@SueEK wouldn’t you think the NHS would be more sympathetic towards staff going for treatment in the NHS? Hope your day goes well despite having to do some work.
8.8 for me at 7:50am
Morning all and a close to the edge 4.2 although a finger test would probably show it as being high 4s or low 5s.

Looks a bit damp out side. A good excuse to work out some parts for the songs we are due to record.

Have a good day everyone.