Group 7-day waking average?

@Michael12421 out of curiosity have you tried the not having alcohol with your evening meal? I understand your worry of higher levels but it's highly unlikely to occur at the higher level of 7.9, above 14 for a while then maybe but not where you are xx
@Michael12421 out of curiosity have you tried the not having alcohol with your evening meal? I understand your worry of higher levels but it's highly unlikely to occur at the higher level of 7.9, above 14 for a while then maybe but not where you are xx
No haven't. The wine I drink, just one glass, is only 13% by volume and is therefore very light. I drink it because it complements my meal and not because of any other reason.
Careful, some folk don't like brutal honesty even when sometimes it's the only way xx
I know and I was very conscious of how brutal my words sounded but I genuinely breath a sigh of relief each morning just seeing that Michael has posted a result........ even if it is 2.2..... I hate giving those posts a "like" but it is for the fact that he is conscious and able to post anything, not the number!

@Michael12421 I understand you are concerned about UTIs but readings under 10 should not be able to cause an infection. The kidneys tend to start removing glucose over 10, usually mid teens. Those hypos where you are losing consciousness and/or fitting are extremely life threatening and the more often you have readings in the low 3s and 2s, the more chance you have of those life threatening episodes.

I really think you would benefit from a half unit pen. 1 unit difference with the Toujeo seems to be an "all or nothing" situation for you. Not sure if a half unit pen is even possible with that insulin and I know your GP has little idea about treatment of Type 1, but if you ever get to go back to the hospital clinic, please ask them about it.
No haven't. The wine I drink, just one glass, is only 13% by volume and is therefore very light. I drink it because it complements my meal and not because of any other reason.
I wasn't questioning why you were drinking it, just Type 1 is more difficult to manage when alcohol is added to the mix as it's known people will go low as the body is trying to deal with it hence why people usually have something without bolus before going to bed xx
I have already asked them for a half unit pen but they are not available. I have not lost consciousness for a long time and am surprised sometimes when I read in the morning and am in 2's and 3's but do not feel at all unwell and out of control.
I thank you all for your concern.
I thought you lost consciousness in the campo a few weeks ago and were brought home by a neighbour?

The fact that you don't feel unwell or out of control in the 2s and 3s is exactly the problem. It is not a good thing. If you don't feel bad when you are in the 2s then there is a very short time scale for you to act before you lose consciousness or start fitting and occasionally you are not getting any warning signs and just losing consciousness. This is why it is all the more important to use the right sort of fast acting carbs like Dextrose tablets to treat your hypos, rather than cake or whatever you sometimes eat.

I will admit that I can be a little bit cavalier about hypos so I am not an ideal person to be raising this issue but I have good hypo awareness and I have never needed assistance or lost consciousness (heaven forbid) and I have Libre and check my levels 30+ times a day/night to stay safe.

I am sure we all feel the same about your levels and really just want you to take those low readings much more seriously than you seem to do. The fact that you don't feel unwell is conning you into believing that they are OK and not doing you any harm, but they really are incredibly dangerous. A lifetime of constant readings in the 7-10 range would be far less damaging to you than just one of those low readings a week, let alone several!

I know that it will feel like @Kaylz and myself are getting at you but it is because we care. I try hard not to comment every time you have a low reading but you just don't seem to understand how dangerous they are.

Personally I would not worry about you having a drink if you were getting readings in the 7s every morning. I enjoy a drink myself and don't find it has any significant impact on me BUT when you are getting very low readings in the 2s through the night, that is when that alcohol can just inhibit the liver enough to make it a potentially life or death situation because the liver is your last line of defense when your levels are dropping dangerously low and if it is too busy processing alcohol to release glucose, you are knackered!! So if you want to continue to enjoy a drink with your evening meal then ensure that you keep your basal insulin dose low enough that your overnight and morning levels are safe or high even. You can always do a correction in the morning when you wake up (like I do) if your levels are too high. We just want to help ensure you do do wake up!!
It was difficult for me too years ago as a type 2, still on tablets then, as I was never much of a drinker & it didn’t take much to get me drunk: only ever drunk once in my life on 2 glasses of champagne when I was 19; only drank a zip or two on special occasions & gave it up entirely, to my relief, shortly after becoming diabetic. Some may remember my telling this before. I was spending Christmas at my brother’s one year when he urged me to have a drink: was already aware having read up on it that alcohol can have an effect in lowering blood sugars; went with an Irish Cream as it’s the sweetest to counteract that, I thought, & still ended up with a massive case of “the munchies” & ate all night! I didn’t get any sleep as my hunger, now know it was my dropping BS, made me raid my brother’s cupboards & he woke around lunchtime on Boxing Day to find that I’d eaten all of the snacks he’d gotten in for the Christmas holidays: he never urged me to drink ever again; I went tee total as I never liked the taste of alcohol anyway & I never wanted to go through that again! Read up on it in more detail & discovered the blood sugar lowering effect can last up to 12 hours with some people & I DID continue to eat for about that! It’ll be SO MUCH more difficult now on insulin! 😱 I’ve been tee total now for almost 20 years!
Thank you. My problem in the campo recently was not one of loss of consciousness, just a little unsteadiness on my feet. I did realize that something was amiss and so I ate some jelly babies and by the time the neighbour got me home and onto my sofa I had already recovered. I now always carry JB's with me and luckily a friend of mine who lives in Murcia messaged me to say that a branch of Tesco had recently opened there and she posted me 10 bags. They were supposed to have been delivered this morning according to the tracking service but they did not arrive. Perhaps tomorrow. My consumption of alcohol is not high, not even moderate. I do understand that the liver has to deal with any alcohol and therefore I take that into consideration when I have my glass of wine.
An undershoot from me at 05:21 this morning with a 5.1 With yesterday's 5.3 and Tuesday's 5.2 I do have a three day average HS 🙂
I think that is cheating, but then the original thread started as an average!!
Anyway still congrats on such a steady pattern Adrian.
6.5 This morning, and yesterday.
Consistent and still ‘normal’

@Flower it must be so frustrating, and as you say the telephone appointments are absolutely pointless.

A grey day but still dry so far. Hoping that the rain is done by tomorrow evening as we are off to an outside performance of The Rime of the Ancient Mariner.
I think that is cheating, but then the original thread started as an average!!
Anyway still congrats on such a steady pattern Adrian.
I went to a diabetic eye check this afternoon, came back, checked my BG as 2 hours after lunch, then fell asleep in front of Telly.
woke up at 17:45 so tested immediately for before dinner. A 5.2 on the meter! Does that count as a win on waking BG level. o_O🙄😳
I went to a diabetic eye check this afternoon, came back, checked my BG as 2 hours after lunch, then fell asleep in front of Telly.
woke up at 17:45 so tested immediately for before dinner. A 5.2 on the meter! Does that count as a win on waking BG level. o_O🙄😳
I don't know! 🙄 You and @adrian1der must be desperate! Both trying to stretch the rules today for the sake of what?? An ill gotten "Congratulations" and a virtual pat on the back!
If it really mean that much to you then.... here.... have it!!... Many congratulations to you both on your House Special achievements! 😉😎
I asked for half unit pens when I was living in Spain and was told they were unavailable too - my GP looked for them on her computer, but they weren’t on any list available to her.
Seems Toujeo is only available in pre-filled pens anyway xx
Seems Toujeo is only available in pre-filled pens anyway xx
Yes I just looked it up and I think because it is 3x more concentrated than Lantus, the amount dispensed is 3x less so a half unit pen might be an impossibly small increment to accurately administer via a disposable pen.

I do wonder if the reason people find it causes them BG upheaval is because it is so much more concentrated. Even though I hold the needle in for 10-20 seconds after I inject my insulin, a droplet sometimes develops after I remove it. I am assuming this also happens to other people. If that is part of your dose then you are going to be slightly under dosed. If the Toujeo is 3x more concentrated then a droplet like that could have a significant impact on levels and if sometimes it is fully injected and other times it isn't, then that could cause considerable variability from one day to the next.

I really think Toujeo is suited to people who need larger doses and in particular Type 2 diabetics who are insulin resistant. The info I read suggested that it was recommended for people who need doses of more than 20 units which suggests that they realize this may be an issue.