Group 7-day waking average?


12.2 today, contraceptive injection is due in 12 days so usually see an increase when it's close to being due

Received my new fit note, unfit for work due to anxiousness and phobia re covid is what they have marked it down as so that's valid until the 23rd October
..... Think Mr Coleridge was on the opium when he wrote it!
I loved the line "Hold off! Unhand me, grey-beard loon!" o_O
5.3 for me this morning. 🙂

Morning. 7.2 for me, so that’s better than yesterday morning’s surprise.

@eggyg and @Robin I did Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner too...and the Merchant of Venice. It’s funny how odd lines pop into your head when reminded.

Well it’s a grey blustery drizzly start here...I’ve already forgotten what to wear in this weather, having got so used to shorts, T-shirt’s and flip flops ...converses at a push.

Putting big girl pants on and driving to London to visit my daughter in her new house...just us girls for the am very excited about that. Attempting to sneak some bits out of her bedroom and into her new place...along with requested tools and garden equipment.

Wishing everyone a lovely day.
Morning all, 5.3 here, so close!
I did Ancient Mariner for O level too, @eggyg, and other old ballads. Knowledge is never wasted, I helped my son in a pub quiz (he was doing it on zoom from our house) a few weeks ago when thanks to doing Tam O'Shanter, I knew that a Cutty Sark was a short petticoat. My favourite was Sir Patrick Spens
The king sits in Dunfermline town
Drinking the blood red wine
Oh where can I get a skeely skipper
To sail this good ship o' mine

Needless to say, it all ends in tears.
My brain is full of useless knowledge, until it’s needed! Mr Eggy was doing a crossword the other day, TBF he does one everyday, and was stuck on a clue. I answered straight away with some obscure fact which must have been embedded there for 30 years. He replied “ you aren’t half clever our Elaine!”
I really enjoy poetry, now, didn’t at school. I have a few poetry books knocking about, grown up ones and children’s which we all know by heart. I’m enjoying reading them to the grandchildren now.
Good morning. 4.5 this morning, rising to 6.1 just before breakfast.
Drizzly, cloudy and cool here today. Going for lunch with a friend later and looking forward to it.
@Gwynn congrats on the HS
@khskel congrats on the later HS
@Lisa66 enjoy your time with your daughter.
Have a good day all.
I loved the line "Hold off! Unhand me, grey-beard loon!" o_O
5.3 for me this morning. 🙂

Gosh, that took me back. It is a weird old poem/rhyme but very readable as it flows really well and tells a story. I’m going to Google it and have a re read. Thanks @SB2015 for rekindling our interest.
I’ve never really got to grips with poetry, other than Ted Hughes.
8.4 at 7:47am for me, slooowly does it.
Hubby blood was 15.1 this morning the Diabetic dietician sent a sample menu in a booklet as what he should be eating to build him up I gave him the hot chocolate and A handful of cashew nuts for supper and it spiked his blood to 23 before bad he goes to bed very early . It seems wrong to me to be giving him all this


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5.9 for me this morning but it involved a fizzy worm at 4am and disappointingly my levels meandered up into double figures last night again between 7-9pm and I had to hit the corrections. Looks like I might need to get the evening Levemir dose in at 6pm to prevent it instead of 8pm (or 11pm-12 as I used to!)
I am experiencing FOTF this morning though which I haven't had for weeks so it looks like I either take the Levemir early in the evening and try to prevent the evening high, which is probably best, as it is not a great idea injecting Fiasp at bedtime or deal with the rise in the morning which is easier to manage and inject for it as soon as I wake up like I used to. As it is I did that with 1.5 units expecting it to cover breakfast but looks like FOTF has soaked it all up plus a rise, so breakfast is sitting here uneaten and I will have to bolus for it again and wait another 45 mins to come down. Sigh! Plenty to occupy me in the mean time though.
Overcast here but no rain yesterday or today so far.

Congrats to @Gwynn and @khskel on your House Specials. @khskel Curious to know if you had got the 5.2 first time around if it would have motivated you to get straight up then??... I know it would me!

@Lisa66 Hope you enjoy your trip to the big smoke! You are very brave driving into London!

@SueEK Hope your pre-op assessment went well yesterday and you are feeling a bit more reassured about it all.
07:02 Oops!😳 Took me THAT long to respond VERY reluctantly to 6am alarm! 07:02 BS 5.0 Yay!:D Back in the 5’s & LR in before I post!😛🙄 AND a DP busting dose with half oatcake as it took me 2 hours to post yesterday& risen to BS 8.8 by the time I bolused for breakfast! 😳 o_O

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

So, what happened on Day 6 of The Olympics? 🙄 First off in “The Underdog Special” there’s been a new record broken again just 2 days after the last one was set! The bronze medal in the ladies trap shooting was won by Alessandra Perilli of San Marino: tiny island micro state just off the northern coast of Italy with a population of just 34,000 people; now the least populated nation to win an Olympic medal!😎😛:D GO, GO, GO, the small nations; who says bigger is better!:D😛😎

Next more explanations of what Simone Biles & the Americans calls “The Twisties” & what Beth Tweddle, former British gymnast, cals Mental Block/s: can happen with just one skill on one piece of apparatus or multiple skills on different pieces or even all of them; can take months to work through & needs a gym padded with softer landings than the hard ones in competition! 😱 So, that’s what meant by daily assessment & why she had to pull out of the all around yesterday: has to do the vault as all the pieces need to be done in the all around & the problem showed up in the vault; presumably testing her other skills on the other pieces to see if there’s other problems? In hindsight, even in qualifying she made mistakes on all pieces & landed the vault quite badly, from her usual, that she rolled her eyes & pulled faces at the camera: the media called it a bad day at the office as she didn’t do a single clean routine on any piece; STILL qualified for everything, though!🙄 There are now 2 more days until gymnastics apparatus finals on Sunday, Monday & Tuesday & see if she can compete, safely, for any of them with vault as the least likely? Fingers crossed emoji!

Now, the main part & a break after this one of 2 days of no gymnastics, about the “Free for all” FIGHT for the ladies gymnastics all around final: perked everybody up as the title was up for grabs & not just to see who gets the silver & bronze; nobody knew.who would win gold! o_O

The fight started straight away in the leading group, highest qualifying scores, of 6 on the vault, 4 groups of 6 on each piece for each of 4 rotations, of 2 USA, 2 ROC, 1 Belgium, never won any medal before in ladies gymnastics, & 1 Brazil, also never won any medal before in ladies gymnastics. Everybody went all out & all landed safely, Phew! & Brazil was in lead the lower scoring USA gymnast in 2nd behind her, lucky to get in only because of Simone’s withdrawal under the only 2 gymnasts per country rule, the top scoring ROC in 3rd & the top scoring USA, it’s one of her weaker pieces.

Rotation 2 on the bars lower USA made a mistake & recovered without falling but, a low score & dropped down from 2nd place, ROC pair next going all out & no mishaps to be in 1st & 2nd respectively. With the last 2 to go was the top USA, with her best piece, going first going absolutely ALL OUT, even to my untrained eye, it was SO obviously off line & it looked, to me, like she’d almost stopped in the air after a series of linked catches moving between the bars, & I thought she would fall but, to the commentators surprise, mine too holding my breath, she caught it & stayed ON! The commentators said anybody else THAT off line would have been OFF! 😱😱😱 She was down in 4th at the start of the rotation & leap frogged into 1st! Brazil going last on not one of her best pieces & a case of can she score high enough to still stay in the lead ahead of the top USA gymnast? Well, she went all out, upping her difficulty from qualifying with no mishaps & only JUST stayed in the lead!

Rotation 3 on the beam: make or break piece! First up lower USA fell off the beam & that was it for with no chance of a medal with just 1 rotation to go! That was the only fall & everybody else stayed on. Again it came down to the last going on the beam being the top USA Sunisa Lee & Brazil Rebecca Andrade. Lee on one of her best pieces going all out almost fell off twice & wobbled once! The first crouched triple spin was SO fast she ALMOST over balanced & her back was SO far off the centre of the beam everybody thought she would fall but, SOMEHOW STAYED ON! She couldn’t follow that up with a linked crouched double spin, as in qualifying & the team event, BUT, staying on was MIRACULOUS! Then, nearly came off AGAIN doing a jump with a slight wobble just before the leap & fought for the landing & stayed on to finish with the dismount! 😱😱😱 Last up Andrande, again not one of her best pieces, was trying to stay ahead, did a clean routine & dropped all the way to 3rd place with Lee in 1st place. Brazil put in an enquiry on the judges difficulty score as it was SO low as everybody moved onto the last rotation.

Rotation 4, & last, on the floor Brazil’s enquiry was successful & score was changed so Andrade was in 2nd place behind Lee. This time it came down to Lee going 4th on not her best piece & Andrade going 5th on her best piece & the other USA gymnast going last as the top qualifying score but, too far down after her fall on the beam to medal. But, first the top ROC gymnast did a brilliant routine for the highest floor score to put her in 1st but, could it hold off the American’s lead? Then, Lee went all out with no mishaps with a lower score that still kept her in 1st. Next, Andrade on her best piece went all out with a more difficult routine stepped out of the floor but, could still win! Then, she stepped out again & it was REALLY iffy if she COULD win! The judges took ages to decide & it wasn’t enough: Lee only JUST held her off to win the gold by 0.135; each step out of the floor costs 0.1 deduction so, it was that 2nd step out that cost Andrade the gold! Then, last up the other USA gymnast Jade Carey equalled the top scoring floor routine done by ROC’s Angelina Melnikova to finish in 8th place. So, it was Sunisa Lee USA, Rebecca Andrade Brazil & Angelina Melnikova in the medal positions! The commentators said Brazil lost the gold with 2 steps out of the floor but, for me, USA won it on the bars & the beam by staying ON! It’s still an historic moment, though, as Brazil won its first ever medal in the Olympics ladies gymnastics! :D😛😎 That was SOME final & I loved it!😱😛😎:D
Good Morning All
Well done @Gwynn and if my tea- time waking one yesterday, partially counted, @khskel on that magic number.
I managed a 5.3 at 07:04.
I’ll have to watch my levels over next week as having spoken to Diabetes Team I’ve cut the morning insulin from 2 units to 1. What’s happened over the last few days with my pancreas or body I’m not sure but any exercise caused a drop in glucose levels and I had to eat to do anything other than sit and watch telly.
It was a case of getting them to look at patterns over the last week that let them see that I tended to feed the insulin when doing any exercise. As they said I’m on very small doses but can’t cut it out due to having loads of Type 1 antibodies
Have a great day and stay safe.
Morning all. :D 4.1 here. My sensor said 2.7 - it’s one of those that trails in the red mistakenly, so it’s a good thing it’s being replaced today.

Anyone got any remedies for a stiff neck? It’s been waking me up at night all week. It’s my last Welsh class today. brain’s full. Maybe that’s why my neck is sore - it’s struggling to carry the extra weight.😉
You could try gentle neck stretches of just putting your head to each side just enough to feel the stretch point & holding it there for second or two & do the same on the other side. Don’t over do it & just to the point you feel the stretch! Try 5 on each side & see how it goes before doing any more?
I’ve never really got to grips with poetry, other than Ted Hughes.
Obviously as I’m from Cumbria Wordsworth is the king of the great poets. My, very tenuous, claim to fame is that I went to primary school with William Wordsworth’s great, great etc niece. I lived in Cockermouth way back then where he was born.
Hubby blood was 15.1 this morning the Diabetic dietician sent a sample menu in a booklet as what he should be eating to build him up I gave him the hot chocolate and A handful of cashew nuts for supper and it spiked his blood to 23 before bad he goes to bed very early . It seems wrong to me to be giving him all this
Is your husband now on short acting insulin with his meals? If you’ve to give him extra snacks to get his weight up, it won’t work if he’s not also receiving extra doses of insulin to enable his body to turn the food into energy. Can you have a word with his diabetes nurse? It sounds like you need input from the insulin side of things as well as the dietary side, and as with most 'specialisms' in hospital, one side doesn’t know what the other is doing.
Good morning everyone hope you're all well 🙂
7:14am 4.3 for me and not much change between bedtime and now - 16u of tresiba taken

22:58pm bedtime 10 mins short of 4 hours after teatime bolus 4.2 - 26g of carbs and no humalog - also risked having 5g of carbs with no insulin an hour or so before bedtime test

Why is there no change between bedtime and waking?
Is your husband now on short acting insulin with his meals? If you’ve to give him extra snacks to get his weight up, it won’t work if he’s not also receiving extra doses of insulin to enable his body to turn the food into energy. Can you have a word with his diabetes nurse? It sounds like you need input from the insulin side of things as well as the dietary side, and as with most 'specialisms' in hospital, one side doesn’t know what the other is doing.
@Robin He’s on 44 units novo mix 30 morning and 8 rapid acting novo mix lunch and 18 novo mix 30 at tea
the Dietician sent me the booklet and the hospital diabetic specialist is ringing tonight but he’s had a blood test to see if he’s type 1 . He has some hot chocolate made with a tea spoon of chocolate and some cashew nuts only a hand full before bed tea was a bit of quiche pie and a very small slice of cake with whole milk to drink and by bed time his sugars had spiked to 23 but he does go to bed early it dosent seem natural to give him all the things they say
A 5.6 for me at 06:24 this morning on a very dull and drizzly day. Where has all the nice weather gone?

Congrats to @Gwynn on the HS and to @khskel on the second time around HS. Nearly the weekend!
Morning late on parade with a 6.5

Had to get to town on the early bus and I’m currently drip drying in a cafe as the latest storm saw me and deposited all it’s rain on my head. My showerproof coat has proved to be a big disappointment!

Ah well on with the show. I hope you’re all ok out there 🙂