Group 7-day waking average?

A very good and very early Sunday morning. 6.7. I’ve been up since 5 and awake since 3.20am! I’m definitely going to need a nana nap later. 😱

Yesterday’s wedding started fine, no hugs, everyone understood. Lovely to see all the family after such a long time. Wedding ceremony at 2.30 in the venue, short and sweet. Then canapés arrived, I hadn’t eaten since my breakfast at 9, which to be fair was sausage, bacon and egg. I thought maybe the wedding breakfast was going to be about 6, but no, 4.30! (BGs 9.3 as I hadn’t bolused for canapés as they just appeared on the terrace where we were all mingling, I had no idea of carbs etc. I also didn’t have any Creon! ) It was very nice, I had chicken liver pâté and baked salmon. Didn’t finish it though. Absolutely stuffed. At 7 the evening party started and we did some dancing, thought I might have forgotten how but I busted some moves! I was still really full at this stage and hot and uncomfortable. Got a glass of water, I’d had a couple of glasses or sparkly stuff and another couple of a mediocre white wine, and went outside to cool down. I really didn’t feel well. BGs 9.1. Again, it had been difficult to bolus for the meal, I had decided on a split dose in the end, couldn’t inject in tummy as had a dress on so did them in my upper arms, which are quite thin and I’m certain the bolus doesn’t work as well. Anyhoo, a bit more prancing around the dance floor with the grandchildren and I felt really, really ill. My stomach was becoming very, very bloated. My lower back was aching and my mouth was so dry it was unbearable . Classic signs of a blocked small intestine, so we quietly slipped away at 10pm. Have had a very restless night, very bad reflux, uncomfortable stomach, been to the loo twice! So I’m up, drinking water and eating white toast as I was kind of feeling hungry. Low residue diet for a few days plus teeny tiny portions should sort me out. I feel annoyed with my self, I should have said no to the canapés but when in Rome…..oh I didn’t have any evening buffet BTW, I think I may have died if I did! I haven’t really had many “opportunities” to test out my permanent partially blocked bowel since my emergency trip to hospital last November but I now know for certain that it doesn’t like canapés! Pity I do. :confused:

If you’ve managed to get through that tale without falling asleep, have a great Sunday, I will mostly not be eating.😳 Here’s a before pic, we scrub up ok for a couple of decrepit old codgers!


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So I’m up, drinking water and eating white toast as I was kind of feeling hungry. Low residue diet for a few days plus teeny tiny portions should sort me out. I feel annoyed with my self, I should have said no to the canapés but when in Rome…..oh I didn’t have any evening buffet BTW, I think I may have died if I did!
Unpleasant (understatement). I hope you recover quickly and get back to “normal” asap.
Good morning. Lovely and sunny out there but alas I will not be going out. I am recovering from yesterday. Much too much exercise, suffering a little today. A days rest will sort it all out.

Yesterday was brilliant. My daughter invited us over and we had a great afternoon with her and the granddaughter. It did my wife a lot of good too. She was less than enthusiastic about going but that all changed as the day went on. In the end she thoroughly enjoyed herself and was very happy (a rare thing). A great evening at home too.

I ate quite a lot during the afternoon and evening to offest the exercise. Carbs up but BG was not adversely affected which surprised me. I mean 52g of carb just for an afternoon snack and BG 2 and a bit hours later 4.5

It was the best day we have had in years.

BG this morning 4.6. Quite low for me. But ok.

Working on my calendar this morning. Programming a calendar to interface with my 'Diet App' is surprisingly complex in places. Enjoyable brain teaser though.
4.0 for me and off to Daughters graduation photo shoot in Brighton but discovered yesterday that my suit is too big, didn't think to check, so just hope my trousers don't fall down during photo's so must remember to wear clean pants today :D .
Have you got a belt @Maca44 ? 😱

Have a good day
Well funny you should say that, yes but that's too big as well so had to make an extra hole in it
Maca44 I can relate diectly to that. I have had to make at least 3 extra holes in my belts.
Maca44 I can relate diectly to that. I have had to make at least 3 extra holes in my belts.
Your two holes up on me, but I will catch up :D
3.9 for me this morning and that was after a basal reduction of 1 unit last night. Woke up before the alarm so must have felt it, which is always reassuring, especially whilst sleeping. Libre shows a slow steady descent after I went to sleep.

I managed to get out for a run yesterday evening. Actually, we took the horses out for a drive and it was cool and wet and I started to feel cold in just a damp fleece so I got down and jogged with them to warm up. Wasn't exactly dressed for running but I did at least have trainers on. As a result I had to reduce Levemir last night and I have knocked a couple of unit's off this morning's dose too. Hope I am not back to multiple corrections today but we are away with the horses for a club drive and I can't afford to hypo when I am in charge of 2 horses. Arthur hasn't been to a club drive before so he will probably be excited and I will need my wits about me.

Hope everyone has a good day and @eggyg, I hope your digestive system settles down again soon. Such a shame when you were just getting into the swing of things. Love the photo. You make such a handsome couple.
7.1 for my OH. His morning readings are slowly improving, but for him it is the most frustrating reading of the day. I keep telling him that although it's higher than he'd like it's still a lot better than it was and it's going in the right direction. And also it seems quite common for people to have slightly elevated readings in the morning. We're just heading out for a walk to counteract the higher BG.

Can I ask why 5.2 is a house special? I love seeing you all getting them even though I don't understand the significance of it.

Have a good day all.
Good Morning
today’s score is a more respectable 6.4

have a Great Day Everybody
Another long sleep-in. 😳
And it produced a 5.1.

8.8 for me at 8:30. Had little granddaugher yesterday and for some strange reason she wanted to go to Southampton, so off we go and into West Quay. Next thing I know we are in the high street at KFC. oops. Funny thing though, made no difference to my levels as far as I could tell from the readings. It was bad because I had my fortnightly dose of fish and chips from my favourite chippie the day before.
And I've been sooooo good for the last month since diagnosis. Anyway back in sunny Poole and back to normal.
EDIT- Just seen eggy's post really hope you recover ok love, hope the wedding was worth it.
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10.3 here

Quite nippy here today, so much so I've actually been shivering this morning 😱 xx
Morning everyone. 8.0 for me, bit higher than i like but have been in target all night.

@eggyg, i hope you feel better soon. The photo of you and Mr Eggyg is lovely.
@Maca44 enjoy your day, just hold on to your trousers!

Its showery here. I hope it dries up later, i've got a load of washing to hang out (it said it was going to be dry!) and planning a walk this afternoon.

Have a good Sunday folks
Well, it seems I can’t sleep for longer than about 90 minutes, at the moment! Subconsciously HAD to test again, I suppose, after active insulin to see where I finish at? 07:59 BS 5.7 :D Yay! VERY pleased with that! Couldn’t get back to sleep: sometimes the pressure of knowing I can only sleep for so long before I need to get up makes me unable to sleep; also, afraid I’ll miss tesco shopping, be startled awake by the doorbell, IF they ring it as sometimes they don’t, & have a mad scramble to the front door! So, here I am up: semi tired AND wired; but, up until I get the shopping & get the support bandage on my wrist & hand! I’m back in range with a great reading in the 5’s & know what the “pain factor” so, hopefully get doses right from the start?🙄 NOT EVEN GOING TO try messing about with LR although, I suspect I may not need so much NR if I up that a bit: the potential of longer lasting chaos if I get THAT wrong!o_O
Morning all and a 5.3 for me

Must give the yew some attention if it stays dry.

Happy Yorkshire Day everyone.
Yorkshire Day? Must’ve stolen 1 August from the Swiss.