Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning 🙂 Joining you on the 7.1 step today, but not intending any gardening 😉 Still feeling a bit giddy and nauseous when upright, hence being a bit awol lately, GP says inner ear infection :(
Oh yikes. Hope you feel better soon, but don't fall into the trap of feeling better and doing too much. Take care
I know it's not waking BG but before a late tea BG was 5.9 . The lowest for months and months. Really pleased
Thanks WL...Bank Holidays never a rest for me...lots to do...yep...absolutely right I've started have to finish it...job that needs doing...should have done it al least a year ago...looking forward to seeing the worktops back to their best...Thanks.
Bubbsie I hope by the time you read this that your worktops are prestine & ready for use again - whats next on the agenda? x
Yes very fulfilling... until...I look at the disarray in my living room (full of kitchen equipment)...then look at the rest of the worktops to be done...wonder why on earth you started...not quite at that stage yet...shower...dress...then back to the kitchen...wonder if my lovely neighbour will object if I start the sander in about half an hour:D:D:D.
Heehee! Knowing of your kind neighbour she'll have been up at 7am so she shouldnt have any objections or complain that you disturbed her sleep! Pacify her with a cup of your delicious coffee🙂 x
Not sure it was simply the chocolate biscuit Carol...what with account...could be the stress of modern living...I remember when you could wander into the bank...sit down...have them persuade you they deserved to look after your but your weight & bra size to open an account...even on line...then there's picking the dreaded matter how obscure a password you pick...someone has always had it first...mine last one was £"! &*()(*&^^ wonder I can never remember it😱😱😱😱😱.
Bubbsi, passwords will be the death of me so much so I now add them to my index box to remind me ~ so how come the very one I want ~ is missing 😱 Then there's the business of creating a new password & getting the Company to accept & change it ~ nightmare😱 I've always believed that simplicity is the best policy but nowadays nothing appears as simple as it once was before todays technology etc!!!
Awake early after late night watching tv n dozing in chair. 10.1 for me but had chocolate biscuit before bed.frustrated at moment as going round in a circle trying to open a savings account on line. Son visiting today so will see if he can get through maze. Have a good day all
I gave up trying to open an account on line Carol and sometimes think its easier to visit your named bank to open an account ~ last time i visited my bank i walked in to find one cashier/customer services desk instead of the usual six! Times are definitely a~changing! x
Morning...another early rise...irritated beyond measure last night...waited all day for a new laptop charger to arrive...have a text just before charger is 'undeliverable'...apparently it was on track until 7:30pm...then suddenly the courier lost customer answered with 'Hello whom do I have the very great pleasure of speaking with'...just knew that call would not go well...I was right...woke to a 5.7
Bubbs, your Courier may have accidentally lost your laptop charger accidentally on purpose!!!
I had a bit of a struggle yesterday but I think I dealt with it quite well & am back on track. After the hypo at lunchtime my BG went to 23.1 before tea I corrected then ate tea & bolused after tea because we were having a chinese takeaway & I didn't work out carbs until after I'd finished eating. I'm thinking BG was 23.1 due to maybe a rebound from the hypo & too many extra carbs eaten plus at the time of the 23.1 I was also stressed because of forgetting to order a chicken curry for my daughter - naughty Mum! I checked BG'S during the night & they've come back down nicely 🙂
Compared to Type2 ~Type1sounds really complicated to me @Bloden ~ I'm in awe but not understanding it ~ sounds like stress elevated your number and glad your numbers are back in range x
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Good morning all and it's a sunny Bank Holiday in Somerset. I am back to Brunel SS Great Brirain in Bristol with my Mum to see youngest daughter perform again. Four months since my Mum's heart operation and she is doing well
I wish you all a great day whether it's a bank one or not.
Nearly forgot 5.6.
I bet you were very proud to see your daughter perform again NJ x
Oh well my day is getting better, NOT, the blooming leak from the bathroom upstairs has started again, hopefully this time something will be able to be done though as it's filled a large mushroom tub with water in the last couple of hours x
That leak upstairs has been going on for ages Kaylz - too long ~ Im thinking you need to put your foot down with your landlords to have the upstairs offending cause repaired ~ its not healthy for you to live in damp conditions x
Oh yikes. Hope you feel better soon, but don't fall into the trap of feeling better and doing too much. Take care
Good advice there Carolg ~ i cant tell you how many times I've set to after being poorly ~ to my detriment:( ~ learned my lesson ~ won't do it again🙂 x
Good morning folks
Checking in very early ~ insomnia but going to hit the sack in a few short minutes ~ going to ring pharmacy later to ask why the delay ref: Test strips.
Here's a little quote some of you might relate to:-
In the morning you beg to sleep more ~ in the afternoon you are dying to sleep ~ and at night you refuse to sleep! Take care folks x
___ Tuesday__ on Pinterest _ Happy tuesday, Tuesday quotes and Happy.jpg
Bubbsie I hope by the time you read this that your worktops are prestine & ready for use again - whats next on the agenda? x
Three quarters done WL...lots of fiddly bits to do...they took time...slightly darkened the wood...leaving it for a few days to see if its exactly what I so...will press on with the last bit.
Good morning folks
Checking in very early ~ insomnia but going to hit the sack in a few short minutes ~ going to ring pharmacy later to ask why the delay ref: Test strips.
Here's a little quote some of you might relate to:-
In the morning you beg to sleep more ~ in the afternoon you are dying to sleep ~ and at night you refuse to sleep! Take care folks x
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Me to a stalking me WL:D:D:D.
Morning...another early start...will be waiting with anticipation for the new laptop charger...the second ordered over the weekend...the first was due for delivery Sunday...tracked the package...en route until 7:30pm Sunday evening...received a text an hour later... it was undeliverable... lost...suspect the courier may have 'lost' it deliberately...fingers crossed it makes it here today...woke to a 5.6.