Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning everybody hope you're all keeping well 🙂. I don't think I posted my waking BG from yesterday it was 4.6. I forgot to test on waking this morning so before breakfast it was 4.0 🙂.

Had my lunch not too long ago I'd eaten my jacket potato & was eating my choc ice & went hypo but it was too late to do anything about ie testing because the hypo symptoms had well & truly set in ie sweating & a fuzzy feeling on my tongue but it was one if those eating hypos so I ended up having an extra choc ice 2 jelly babies & 2 custard cream biscuits which is 38g extra of carbs. I'm going to be testing again approx 2 hours after I had my lunch so we'll see what my BG level is then!

I had a bit of a struggle yesterday but I think I dealt with it quite well & am back on track. After the hypo at lunchtime my BG went to 23.1 before tea I corrected then ate tea & bolused after tea because we were having a chinese takeaway & I didn't work out carbs until after I'd finished eating. I'm thinking BG was 23.1 due to maybe a rebound from the hypo & too many extra carbs eaten plus at the time of the 23.1 I was also stressed because of forgetting to order a chicken curry for my daughter - naughty Mum! I checked BG'S during the night & they've come back down nicely 🙂
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A male mouser? Churchill is a rarity...I think I prefer the 'gift' of a mouse trap with a squashed mouse in it, rather than a bloody and battered present on my pillow (I used to live in a house with 2 generous mousers!😱 "Half a dead mouse, for me? Oh thank you are kind"...not).:confused:🙂
Bloden...Churchill is not allowed a cat flap here...too many carcasses brought home when we lived in London...he brings them in alive...when the garden door is full working order...he is also fond of idea how...but he gets them home intact...hours spent trying to get them out...his biggest triumph since we have been here was a live bat...flew upstairs...we managed to capture it with the aid of the kids fishing net & a dinner plate...released it unharmed 😱😱😱...that was scary.
Bloden...Churchill is not allowed a cat flap here...too many carcasses brought home when we lived in London...he brings them in alive...when the garden door is full working order...he is also fond of idea how...but he gets them home intact...hours spent trying to get them out...his biggest triumph since we have been here was a live bat...flew upstairs...we managed to capture it with the aid of the kids fishing net & a dinner plate...released it unharmed 😱😱😱...that was scary.
Oooh yeah, bats. We had four in our bedroom one night...ugh...I know they're just flying mice...but...make my skin crawl...once they're in your hand, that's fine, but it's catching them that's hard....bleugh!:confused::confused:

Morning all.🙂 A whopping 16.2 here, aaah.😱 Chick peas, they take forever to digest!

Up early cos OH has got an appt an hour's drive away at 8.30 and he isn't' driving at the mo. Best go and shake him now - he's more than rubbish in the morning!😉
I had a bit of a struggle yesterday but I think I dealt with it quite well & am back on track. After the hypo at lunchtime my BG went to 23.1 before tea I corrected then ate tea & bolused after tea because we were having a chinese takeaway & I didn't work out carbs until after I'd finished eating. I'm thinking BG was 23.1 due to maybe a rebound from the hypo & too many extra carbs eaten plus at the time of the 23.1 I was also stressed because of forgetting to order a chicken curry for my daughter - naughty Mum! I checked BG'S during the night & they've come back down nicely 🙂[/QUOTE]

Nice work, Gill.😛
Morning...another early rise...irritated beyond measure last night...waited all day for a new laptop charger to arrive...have a text just before charger is 'undeliverable'...apparently it was on track until 7:30pm...then suddenly the courier lost customer answered with 'Hello whom do I have the very great pleasure of speaking with'...just knew that call would not go well...I was right...woke to a 5.7
Morning all. A nice 5.7 for me today.
Good morning. It's trying hard to be a nice sunny day here.
An unaccountable 7.9 today .
Morning all. Dismal here. 8.1 for me.all organised for work, just shower, hair wash and away. Pleased to say that unexpectedly yesterday I found a pair of works trousers that actually fit (so ordered another pair).really pleased as others were "baggy breeks" and some folks commenting "you've lost more weight" "you need to stop" as if it was deliberate. Never mind I still look in mirror and see pre diabetes shape and size but do see flappy bits I suppose
Good morning everyone 🙂 well it was the ultimate ultimate test last night, went to bed on 6.7 obviously no biscuit needed well I woke to a 4.9 today so looks like I only wake in the 5's if i go to bed in the 5's and have a biscuit :(, just had some different cheese for breakfast, instead of my edam had some maasdam twas rather nice just ashame i have to travel like 20 miles to get it! Lol, anyway hope everyone has a fab day :D x
Good morning. It's trying hard to be a nice sunny day here.
An unaccountable 7.9 today .
Not your 'usual' Lin...irritating when it is unaccountable...could be the stress of anticipating sunshine on a Bank Holiday must be doubt those levels will balance out shortly.
Morning all. Dismal here. 8.1 for me.all organised for work, just shower, hair wash and away. Pleased to say that unexpectedly yesterday I found a pair of works trousers that actually fit (so ordered another pair).really pleased as others were "baggy breeks" and some folks commenting "you've lost more weight" "you need to stop" as if it was deliberate. Never mind I still look in mirror and see pre diabetes shape and size but do see flappy bits I suppose
Well done Carol...always a mark of success when clothes fit better...'flappy bits' an all (made me laugh).
Good morning everyone 🙂 well it was the ultimate ultimate test last night, went to bed on 6.7 obviously no biscuit needed well I woke to a 4.9 today so looks like I only wake in the 5's if i go to bed in the 5's and have a biscuit :(, just had some different cheese for breakfast, instead of my edam had some maasdam twas rather nice just ashame i have to travel like 20 miles to get it! Lol, anyway hope everyone has a fab day :D x
It's all Greek to me K...don't know my basal from my sound happier this morning...keep it for the cheese...what about an online shop?
Morning...another early rise...irritated beyond measure last night...waited all day for a new laptop charger to arrive...have a text just before charger is 'undeliverable'...apparently it was on track until 7:30pm...then suddenly the courier lost customer answered with 'Hello whom do I have the very great pleasure of speaking with'...just knew that call would not go well...I was right...woke to a 5.7
How very very frustrating! How is it possible the courier lost it, I doubt you getany answers on that phone call. Do you have a new time today?
Good morning all and it's a sunny Bank Holiday in Somerset. I am back to Brunel SS Great Brirain in Bristol with my Mum to see youngest daughter perform again. Four months since my Mum's heart operation and she is doing well
I wish you all a great day whether it's a bank one or not.
Nearly forgot 5.6.
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Morning all. Dismal here. 8.1 for me.all organised for work, just shower, hair wash and away. Pleased to say that unexpectedly yesterday I found a pair of works trousers that actually fit (so ordered another pair).really pleased as others were "baggy breeks" and some folks commenting "you've lost more weight" "you need to stop" as if it was deliberate. Never mind I still look in mirror and see pre diabetes shape and size but do see flappy bits I suppose
Oh gosh hope your day gets better and great you ordered another pair of trousers that fit. I hope work goes well.
It's all Greek to me K...don't know my basal from my sound happier this morning...keep it for the cheese...what about an online shop?
Well you clearly know a little as I never mentioned either in my post lol, and I've thought about it but it wouldn't be worth it as I would need to use different sites for different things! Went to Asda last night they only had 1 thing on my list! A packet of topside of beef! What else was I looking for there? Oh yeah I was wanting the Maasdam but they didn't have any so luckily Morrison's sells that, dearer than Asda though, cant get it at all at Tesco, was needing Hake fillets at Asda's but they didn't have them either, neither did Morrison's and my Tesco fish counter have stopped getting it :( it's ridiculous round here you get something for a while then they stop stocking it! Going to see if the fish shop in my town or the next one gets Hake all this trouble for a bit of fish! haha x
Morning all. A slightly high 7.1 for me. A bit more gardening should sort that.
Have a good day everyone.
Good morning 🙂 Joining you on the 7.1 step today, but not intending any gardening 😉 Still feeling a bit giddy and nauseous when upright, hence being a bit awol lately, GP says inner ear infection :(
Well you clearly know a little as I never mentioned either in my post lol, and I've thought about it but it wouldn't be worth it as I would need to use different sites for different things! Went to Asda last night they only had 1 thing on my list! A packet of topside of beef! What else was I looking for there? Oh yeah I was wanting the Maasdam but they didn't have any so luckily Morrison's sells that, dearer than Asda though, cant get it at all at Tesco, was needing Hake fillets at Asda's but they didn't have them either, neither did Morrison's and my Tesco fish counter have stopped getting it :( it's ridiculous round here you get something for a while then they stop stocking it! Going to see if the fish shop in my town or the next one gets Hake all this trouble for a bit of fish! haha x
If it gets your weight/BMI up...builds a bit of you some stamina...worth it K...come defeatist mood...we need to think of a way around it...thinking caps on😛😛😛.