Group 7-day waking average?

5.8 on waking this morning.

really not looking forward to the colonoscopy at 8.15 this morning - only good thing I will be able to eat. Haven't had anything to eat since 6pm on Sunday.

Wish me luck
Good luck, Hazel.🙂 Enjoy your meal afterwards!
Morning...another early start...will be waiting with anticipation for the new laptop charger...the second ordered over the weekend...the first was due for delivery Sunday...tracked the package...en route until 7:30pm Sunday evening...received a text an hour later... it was undeliverable... lost...suspect the courier may have 'lost' it deliberately...fingers crossed it makes it here today...woke to a 5.6.
Morning @Bubbsie and another good number, hope the charger comes today and it doesn't get lost again!
Good morning everyone....18.1 today (after the 3.2 yesterday morning). Gastroparesis feels awful. Should be a very fun hospital diabetes review next Monday - at least I'm hoping that they will have the sense not to touch my basal because I've only been having major problems since Mum died. Hopefully everything will calm down after the funeral this Thursday.
Thinking of you and hope you feel as well as you can today.
Good morning, 6.1 today.

Best wishes Hazel, I hope you are soon home having something to eat. 🙂

Off for the bus now to go for general anaesthetic assessment followed by retina clinic. Absolutely terrified this morning, they gave me the 12th Sept for eye operation as it needs doing but I have put it back a month as I can't cope with it all. Ah well, diabetes you really do know how to treat a girl 🙄:(
Good luck Flower and hope it goes well and you get some positive news and feel some relief after. Hugs.
Good morning all 5.8 after low at bedtime, so happy with that. Missing a sensor as started power walking every day and of course it's changed everything. I have a visit with my physio for second frozen shoulder, meant to be my last one but lost more movement due to fall. Not a lot he can do but he is supportive!
Good morning folks
Checking in very early ~ insomnia but going to hit the sack in a few short minutes ~ going to ring pharmacy later to ask why the delay ref: Test strips.
Here's a little quote some of you might relate to:-
In the morning you beg to sleep more ~ in the afternoon you are dying to sleep ~ and at night you refuse to sleep! Take care folks x
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I hope you are sound asleep now and when you wake up the test strips arrive!
Morning @Bubbsie and another good number, hope the charger comes today and it doesn't get lost again!
Not saying another word about the charger...don't want to tempt fate...can use the iPhone...but...pudgy fingers & a tiny keyboard...make that quite difficult😱.
Good morning all 5.8 after low at bedtime, so happy with that. Missing a sensor as started power walking every day and of course it's changed everything. I have a visit with my physio for second frozen shoulder, meant to be my last one but lost more movement due to fall. Not a lot he can do but he is supportive!
God luck with your appointment you least he is supportive...hope he's gentle too:D.
Good morning all 5.8 after low at bedtime, so happy with that. Missing a sensor as started power walking every day and of course it's changed everything. I have a visit with my physio for second frozen shoulder, meant to be my last one but lost more movement due to fall. Not a lot he can do but he is supportive!
I hope that your appointment goes well.
Son came home to visit on Sunday. He went ..plink plink and it was done.oh I felt so dense.
Carol...don't feel too bad...I sometimes ask Aliya how to do 'stuff' online...and she's only eight (well almost nine).
Thanks! Hope you managed to eat some breakfast this morning and your numbers coming down.
Thank you New-Journey. Down to 13.9 sp it's going in the right direction but being stubbornly slow despite 7 units of bolus. I will probably have a very small breakfast mid-morning which is what I usually do. I'm looking forward to it today 🙂
That leak upstairs has been going on for ages Kaylz - too long ~ Im thinking you need to put your foot down with your landlords to have the upstairs offending cause repaired ~ its not healthy for you to live in damp conditions x
Well the housing officer came out eventually at 4pm saying it was caused by the humidity in the bathroom (always trys to fob people off with its not damp it's condensation etc) then he went to have a look up the stairs, came back 10 minutes later with his tail between his legs and apologising as they have discovered a problem between the outside and inside wall up the stairs haha, so something will finally be getting done! :D x
Good morning, 6.1 today.

Best wishes Hazel, I hope you are soon home having something to eat. 🙂

Off for the bus now to go for general anaesthetic assessment followed by retina clinic. Absolutely terrified this morning, they gave me the 12th Sept for eye operation as it needs doing but I have put it back a month as I can't cope with it all. Ah well, diabetes you really do know how to treat a girl 🙄:(
Good luck.
Morning guys 🙂 I see people have appointments today but had trouble getting on here with my phone this morning so havent had time to catch up properly and as I'm off out soon I will catch up later so just wishing everyone with appointments good luck! Anyways 4.8 for me this morning and reduced to 5 units last night so will see how that goes the DSN I caught up with yesterday said to call back on Friday and see what to do from there, hope everyone has a lovely day and will catch up on everything later :D x