Group 7-day waking average?

Fantastic! He looks very healthy, love seeing foxes.
Me too. I just wish I could have got a better pic of him But he was just too skittish.
Morning all. A 6.4 for me this grey morning.
Good morning lovelies 🙂 sorry to rub it in but quite sunny here lol, 5.0 for me after a weird day yesterday! Haha, have a fab day everyone! :D x
Good morning everyone. 4.3 for me this morning 🙂 Two hours to get ready before the journey to Dad's in preparation for Mum's funeral tomorrow.
I hope everything goes as well as it can do Amanda {{{hugs}}}
Thank you Greyhound Gal
Good morning 🙂 It's a midweek 5.9 for me.

I hope the next few days go as well as they can in the sad circumstances Amanda x

Eye appointments were a waste of nervous energy and time! I needed general anaesthetic assessment but had been sent appointment for procedures under local. Once we'd established I had been sent wrong appointments I was soon out of the hospital and told to wait for new dates. 🙄
Morning all. 8.0 here! Tried a protein snack before bed last night, in the hopes that if I didn't drop, I wouldn't rebound. Well I didn't drop, went to bed at 7.2, was in the 7s all night......but started rising as usual from 4am onwards, now 8.9 with an upwards arrow on the Libre.
Good morning 🙂 It's a midweek 5.9 for me.

I hope the next few days go as well as they can in the sad circumstances Amanda x

Eye appointments were a waste of nervous energy and time! I needed general anaesthetic assessment but had been sent appointment for procedures under local. Once we'd established I had been sent wrong appointments I was soon out of the hospital and told to wait for new dates. 🙄
Thank you Flower.
I am so annoyed on your behalf about your eye appointments. I hope that it gets sorted soon x
Good morning everyone. 4.3 for me this morning 🙂 Two hours to get ready before the journey to Dad's in preparation for Mum's funeral tomorrow.

Sending supportive wishes for a very difficult time Amanda x

I haven't tested yet. Got the delights of my pneumonia vaccination later (Part 2).
Morning all, it was a 5.7 for me today. Definitely liking these "normal" levels now, very rarely go over 9 during the day now and that's usually after I've had something I shouldn't have! Even people at work have commented that I seem less tired and more perkier than before.

Sending you hugs @AJLang. XX
Me too. I just wish I could have got a better pic of him But he was just too skittish.
Odd Lin...when we lived in London...saw so many urban foxes...poor skinny little blighters...been out in the countryside for almost four years now...haven't seen one yet!
Good morning everyone. 4.3 for me this morning 🙂 Two hours to get ready before the journey to Dad's in preparation for Mum's funeral tomorrow.
Amanda it's never easy to lose a parent... no matter what age we are... words never seem adequate in moments like doubt it will be a difficult day for you and all of your family...I will be thinking of you...seated on the cliffs overlooking the beach... taking comfort in remembering those walks with your mum (and Susie)...savouring the wonderful memories we are privileged to have....look after yourself...Barbara xx.
Good morning 🙂 It's a midweek 5.9 for me.

I hope the next few days go as well as they can in the sad circumstances Amanda x

Eye appointments were a waste of nervous energy and time! I needed general anaesthetic assessment but had been sent appointment for procedures under local. Once we'd established I had been sent wrong appointments I was soon out of the hospital and told to wait for new dates. 🙄
How frustrating for you Flower.
Thinking of you Amanda, 10.2 for me today, after a bad few days. I am on and off the wagon all the time at the moment more than a yoyo.
Morning all, it was a 5.7 for me today. Definitely liking these "normal" levels now, very rarely go over 9 during the day now and that's usually after I've had something I shouldn't have! Even people at work have commented that I seem less tired and more perkier than before.

Sending you hugs @AJLang. XX

Fantastic news Stitch. Took some time to get the winning combination but glad you have! 🙂

A 6.8 for me.
Good morning everybody hope you're all keeping well 🙂. Here's my BG'S all the way from a rainy Cleethorpes yesterday it was 6.8 & this morning it was the other way round 8.6 🙂
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Odd Lin...when we lived in London...saw so many urban foxes...poor skinny little blighters...been out in the countryside for almost four years now...haven't seen one yet!
They seem more skittish in rural areas. , not that my village is rural
anymore :( when I lived in Tooting, opposite the ground of a crematorium their were loads living there, the poor blighters often had mange.
Well guys the plumber has been up the stairs (well outside their house using a ladder lol) and that should be the problem fixed now! Woohoo FINALLY lol :D x