Morning all
🙂 I'll squash on the 6.2 step with you Northerner and Greyhound Gal please, I'll bring my raincoat
🙂 I'll show you my sensor if you're feeling bereft Northerner
Thank you all for the good wishes yesterday. Unfortunately I haven't grown any new bone so my leg is in jeopardy. The surgeon is arranging a meeting with surgeons from the region and said he'll present my case. I assumed that meant he'd take my notes but he asked me to attend as well. I hate reading medical letters about myself let alone sit listening to surgeons discussing amputation- I really hope there are other suggestions . My head is brimful, then waiting for me when I got in was a general anaesthetic assessment appointment in 2 weeks for my retina surgery which is quicker than I expected. Diabetes just get lost will you.