Group 7-day waking average?

Sorry to hear you had a troubled night's sleep @wirrlass :( I hope you get a good night tonight and feel refreshed and raring to go tomorrow {{{HUGS}}}
Thank you Got this??? Flippin autocorrect!!! Thank you Northie - it has become an unwelcomed habit - I can sleep 10 hour's solid one night - and the following night no sleep at all - story of my life - just have to go with the flow - no point fighting it x
Shame WL...absolutely hate it when I haven't had enough sleep...try & get your head down later...not raining here yet...just went out into the garden...was thinking of sitting out there for another coffee...the noise!!!...filled the bird feeder last night...dried worms (hope everyone has had their breakfast)...there is a feeding frenzy...absolute a Hitchcock film...retreated back to the dining room 😱😱😱.
Hahaha:D:D:D Bubbs I love the dawn chorus - blackbirds thrush(s) and the occasional robin - even the squawking magpies - music to my ears :D
Yes will try get some shut eye as I don't think I'll be able to ride it out til tonight - I think you borrowed my sleep last night - youd better post it back to me for tonight!! x
Thanks, Northener, just the question I needed an answer to! 😛

Morning good people.🙂 4.2 here.

Very sad news in the village - my neighbour's brother and his wife were killed by a drunk driver on Saturday evening. He was up here every afternoon to work on the family farm...heart-breaking. :(
Bloden I'm so sorry to hear this sad news. Love and hugs xx
Good morning everyone. 5.3 this morning. Feeling numb about Mum going into the hospice today.
Thinking of you & your parents today Amanda {{{comfort hugs}}} Stay strong if you can hun. 5.3 a great number xx
Hahaha:D:D:D Bubbs I love the dawn chorus - blackbirds thrush(s) and the occasional robin - even the squawking magpies - music to my ears :D
Yes will try get some shut eye as I don't think I'll be able to ride it out til tonight - I think you borrowed my sleep last night - youd better post it back to me for tonight!! x
WL...I love to sit outside with a the birds at the feeder...listen to the dawn chorus...but...this morning so many of them at the feeder...on the lawn squabbling over the worms spilt when filling up the Armageddon...made a calculated decision to retreat.
Morning all.🙂 Waiting half an hour between injecting and eating is boooring, so I thought I'd just pop in and see what you lot are doing...🙄...4.0 at 6am. Good thing I lowered my basal last night!

(((HUGS))) to you and your family, AJ. Take care of yourself.
Morning all. A 4.9 today and off to see the vampire for full tests including HbA1c. To quote the late Tony Hancock 'that's almost an armful of blood!'.
The only thing I hate about fasting blood tests is that I can't have a cup of tea. I'm just not 'with it' until I've had my morning cuppa :(
And a very good morning Northie Bubbsie & Ljc you early birds🙂 too early yet to see what the weather's going to do in this neck of the woods
6.1 - following yet another sleepless night:(
Take care folks and I wish everyone a happy & stress free weekend x
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Good morning Wirralass, hope you can sleep today and catch up on your lost sleep. Wishing you a happy weekend.
Morning peeps 🙂 4.7 for me today, hope everyone has a nice day 🙂 x
Morning all, its finally Friday (can I pleeeeaaaassseeeee celebrate with a Crunchie?). Anyway its a 7.6 for me today. Looking forward to getting my new meter on Tuesday evening, wonder what I'm gonna get. It will be the first time seeing the DSN at my surgery since diagnosis as I just normally deal with the gp.
Morning all, its finally Friday (can I pleeeeaaaassseeeee celebrate with a Crunchie?). Anyway its a 7.6 for me today. Looking forward to getting my new meter on Tuesday evening, wonder what I'm gonna get. It will be the first time seeing the DSN at my surgery since diagnosis as I just normally deal with the gp.
That should be an interesting encounter with plenty to talk about! Hope the appointment goes well Stitch 🙂