Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning all - bright sunny warm day here.🙂
Awoke to a 6.6 not bad considering.....
Take care all x

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Good number the attachment...trouble is...there's only me & Harry here at the moment...may take him for a walk...although those we meet may find it odd me whispering sweet nothings in their ears...will give it a try...if I'm arrested (or accosted)...we'll blame you:D:D:D...have a good day.
Help help help there's two huge plates of spag bog and garlic bread and I'm tempted to eat it despite going over 10 with tonights' dinner of chicken curry and rice. My thinking is I'm high anyway so eat it and then never have it in the house again, yeah right. Why did my bro leave it, I keep asking him to chuck stuff?! Agh. Quandary.
Well did you or didn't you? xx
Started Monday with a series of stressy hassles not of the minor variety which has been reflected in the worst morning level this year of 7.9. Not good but too much on my plate presently! (Won't even let me do any emoticons at the moment!)
Morning all. 3.9 for me today - stupid error not taking into consideration the 2 glasses of wine I had last night

Happy Monday all x
Well did you or didn't you? xxWL
It was an absolute nightmare, fought with myself for ages. Good job I didn't eat both plates and the garlic bread as it filled a metal dog bowl there was that much of it. It wouldn't have touched the sides though. Gave it to the fox. My mindset is all about the waste, I'm thinking in future when I don't have anything to eat I shall think about this. :D My next battle is Jersey Royals. To have them for tea or not? I would quite like to comfort eat, feel unsettled by Northerner's MancMeet post. 😱

8.2 @ 7.55 am. Bad enough but wonder what it would have been with the spag bog and garlic bread?
It was an absolute nightmare, fought with myself for ages. Good job I didn't eat both plates and the garlic bread as it filled a metal dog bowl there was that much of it. It wouldn't have touched the sides though. Gave it to the fox. My mindset is all about the waste, I'm thinking in future when I don't have anything to eat I shall think about this. :D My next battle is Jersey Royals. To have them for tea or not? I would quite like to comfort eat, feel unsettled by Northerner's MancMeet post. 😱

8.2 @ 7.55 am. Bad enough but wonder what it would have been with the spag bog and garlic bread?
Well done Ditto. I have a thing about waste too, I used to finish up what the kids had left when they were little. Someone said to me one day, you're not a dustbin. I try to remember that when I'm tempted to hoover up the leftovers. Much better that the fox got it, might have saved someone's chickens last night.
It was an absolute nightmare, fought with myself for ages. Good job I didn't eat both plates and the garlic bread as it filled a metal dog bowl there was that much of it. It wouldn't have touched the sides though. Gave it to the fox. My mindset is all about the waste, I'm thinking in future when I don't have anything to eat I shall think about this. :D My next battle is Jersey Royals. To have them for tea or not? I would quite like to comfort eat, feel unsettled by Northerner's MancMeet post. 😱

8.2 @ 7.55 am. Bad enough but wonder what it would have been with the spag bog and garlic bread?
Well done Ditto - you chose the right option - I know the news of Northie has unsettled you, us too, but I think he would have wanted you to do exactly what you did - so very well done u. There's no reason why you can't have your spuds - just one or two baby ones that's all - fill 1/2 the plate with your favourite veggies & meat of your choice - but don't go overboard - meaning watch the portion size. I use largish size side plates to serve my meals on - it looks full but not half as full if I used a dinner plate. You're thinking more positively now Ditto so stay on this line of thinking - good luck hun x
I can't do one or two, it's not on my radar. :D It'll have to be none or most of the bag. Best none then. I'm even being good with my protein, I'm saving one of the pieces of meat for tomorrow, normally I'd have both! Got to go for another liver blood test and I feel dire so something has to be done!
Exactly the same here Davo...don't remember seeing much of the it's did that happen?

Each week seems to mold into one at the moment. Just got to get this week over then I have a week's holiday

6.2 this morning. Dreading tomorrow morning's reading as I have eaten a load of rubbish today
Morning...wide awake at 4am this morning...couldn't get back to sleep...still full of aches & pains from my supermarket incident last week...cannot put any weight on my elbow yet...annoying...woke to a 5.7 today.
Started Monday with a series of stressy hassles not of the minor variety which has been reflected in the worst morning level this year of 7.9. Not good but too much on my plate presently! (Won't even let me do any emoticons at the moment!)
A lot on your plate at the moment can be difficult enough without added hassle...well done for holding things together...seems to be the season for added stress.
Slept in yesterday. Found out this morning I had put my sounds off on iPad. Lucky I set alarm on phone today as well. Och never mind. Will be late finishing this week. Does anyone else do almost an extra half there hours before holiday and same after. It's almost amounting to a week of extra for the sin of having 2 weeks break
Slept in yesterday. Found out this morning I had put my sounds off on iPad. Lucky I set alarm on phone today as well. Och never mind. Will be late finishing this week. Does anyone else do almost an extra half there hours before holiday and same after. It's almost amounting to a week of extra for the sin of having 2 weeks break
Can't say yes to that Carol...self employed...temptation is never to say 'No' to work when it comes does get to a point where I have to...going to go mad & take the whole week off from 4th to 7th of August...although having the kids for that week...wondering if two 8 year olds will be more exhausting than actual work!...looking forward to it immensely...enjoy that holiday/break...well deserved.
Morning all. Back on parade again with a 5.8.
Libre-less at the mo and boy are my fingers sore :(, but I'm timing their use so that I have one on for end of July for my Dad's 80th shindig.
Morning all.🙂 7.2 here.🙂

Still stuck in the clouds AND it's raining...ho hum. Just hope the weather's still nice in the U.K. when I visit in July - at this rate I'm going to be whiter than white this summer. Now where did I put the gravy browning?🙄
Good morning everyone