Group 7-day waking average?

6.1 at 6am
9.2 at 8.30am
Most weird
Thanks and was rushing out to work yesterday and back late, will ring soon. I will wait now till after my holiday as will be swimming and in water too much!

I hope you can really rest today and enjoy do nothing.
Had a mad day yesterday...determined I wasn't going to work...went for a drive with Harry...roof the front seat where he loves to be...home...feet up...watching rubbish TV...then came the call...what can you do?...yes sensible to wait...and the must be counting the days...Harry sends his love...getting a bit full of evidenced by the photo...he says it's just for you...will send it on another post...can't seem to attach it here.
@New-journey Harry sends his love...19420784_1913618785553622_3474325871975945670_n.jpg getting a bit too full of himself...this is entitled (at his suggestion)...'I'm just too cool for school'
Good morning, 7.3 @ 7.00am. Not bad considering I had white bread for tea yesterday.
Good number Ditto...considering the white bread...ran out of Burgen the other week...had white bread in the enjoyed it...made sure I threw the rest of it case I was 'tempted' again.
8.5 this morning, though 5.0 when I happened to wake at 3am. DF was definitely in the Cotswold area last night.
My god,,,she's busy busy busy Robin...seems shes all over the place like some kind of bad rash!
He looks like he means business too! :p
My goodness...if he had a licence...he'd be in the drivers seat...he loves his own seat belt attachment...rests his head on the arm rest...occasionally sits up looking out the side window...some of the 'double takes' we get are hilarious.
Am honoured, all feelings of dead sensor gone, please give him my love and will come and see him soon. Great car too!
Yes he'll look forward to that...although if you'd seen what he'd just brought in from the idea what it is...but...pretty disgusting...mopped it up in some kitchen towel double quick...YUK!!!
My goodness...if he had a licence...he'd be in the drivers seat...he loves his own seat belt attachment...rests his head on the arm rest...occasionally sits up looking out the side window...some of the 'double takes' we get are hilarious.
It must be a extraordinary sight, I didn't even know you could get seat belts for dogs, Harry is one lucky dog!
It must be a extraordinary sight, I didn't even know you could get seat belts for dogs, Harry is one lucky dog!
Jo...he snores...farts endlessly...sometimes dribbles...and will eat whatever he can get his hands (paws)on...drives me bonkers sometimes...but this morning when he wagged that stumpy little tail...shimmied his little derriere...just makes me melt
I know where she is Flower...lurking round my pillow zapping me with a waking 7.4. It drops after breakfast when she's cleared off! :rolleyes:
She's a right B****h Amigo...needs sorting out...the worse kind of uninvited guest:eek::eek::eek:.
Think df came away with me this weekend. Sitting nibbling crisps n pizza last night but nothing alcoholic so won't say what BG was this morning
Jo...he snores...farts endlessly...sometimes dribbles...and will eat whatever he can get his hands (paws)on...drives me bonkers sometimes...but this morning when he wagged that stumpy little tail...shimmied his little derriere...just makes me melt

That's exactly how my friend describes her hubbie! :D
Think df came away with me this weekend. Sitting nibbling crisps n pizza last night but nothing alcoholic so won't say what BG was this morning

In classic Mrs. Doyle style I'll say, 'go on, go on, go on!' :D

No blame, no shame on here Carol :)
12 exactly this morning.
That's exactly how my friend describes her hubbie! :D
Yes...come to think of it...sounds just like my ex...but...Harry has better manners!