Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all, a 9.5 for me today. Going to see the Bat Out Of Hell Musical tonight, I cant wait.

Wow I am sure that will be great. Be sure to let us know what it is like. Enjoy
Morning all. 3.6 and wondering if the theory that nightmares can come from low blood sugars is true - woke up at 5 (only just tested) from a nightmare not of your normal traditional nightmares but one where I woke and then woke my husband in fear that I'd actually given the ownership our house away when loaning 5k from our bank to my friend, it also involved us being on holiday (which we are not) and searching for and cafe for toast & jam which I don't eat and our family Christmas Eve box - I realise none of that makes sense but it felt incredibly real but omg it was horrific thinking I'd lost our house!

Anyway, wirralass hope the lack of sleep was intentional otherwise hope you can get some sleep too.

Right. To attempt a power nap before my small person wakes me!
Morning all. 3.6 and wondering if the theory that nightmares can come from low blood sugars is true - woke up at 5 (only just tested) from a nightmare not of your normal traditional nightmares but one where I woke and then woke my husband in fear that I'd actually given the ownership our house away when loaning 5k from our bank to my friend, it also involved us being on holiday (which we are not) and searching for and cafe for toast & jam which I don't eat and our family Christmas Eve box - I realise none of that makes sense but it felt incredibly real but omg it was horrific thinking I'd lost our house!

Anyway, wirralass hope the lack of sleep was intentional otherwise hope you can get some sleep too.

Right. To attempt a power nap before my small person wakes me!
Not intentional Grainger - but restless leg syndrome - probably have a kip later as I doubt I'll be able to ride it out til tonight - oh and good morning G hope you manage 40 winks too :) x
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Happy good Saturday morning peeps - windy & cloudy sky out there! :(
Can't say it's a waking bgl as I've been awake all night but it's a 6.3
Hope you all get the numbers you want folks and take care x
Ooh how frustrating for you...hoping you manage to get your head down this morning WL...I'm up so early least I am managing to get some sleep.
Morning...up at 5am again...rarely get beyond that time nowadays...however...given there seems to be a 'rash' of insomnia about (hope you both manage some rest @wirralass... @grainger)...grateful I am getting some sleep...woke to a 5.8 this morning...cooler weather...about to make a second coffee...wander out into the garden...enjoy that breeze!
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What's going on here or am I seeing things? Bubbsie's post & mine are duplicated!!!
What's going on here or am I seeing things? Bubbsie's post & mine are duplicated!!!
Me again...blasted internet keeps going to 'limited' have to disconnect...then it posted the one that wouldn't load's all so scientific...whereas I am not...ooh help.
Me again...blasted internet keeps going to 'limited' have to disconnect...then it posted the one that wouldn't load's all so scientific...whereas I am not...ooh help.
And it won't let me delete the it stays there...a monument to my incompetence...more coffee needed immediately!
Happy good Saturday morning peeps - windy & cloudy out there! :(
Can't say it's a waking bgl as I've been awake all night but it's a 6.3.
Hope you all get the numbers you want folks and take care x


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Good morning Everyone. After a falling out with a Sensor yesterday my new one says 5.9 my meter is 5.5
I've never had readings so close. I activated the sensor directly after putting on last night as I couldn't bear to be without one for so long.

I hope you all have a good weekend. It's lovely and cool here , no sun as yet.
Good morning Everyone. After a falling out with a Sensor yesterday my new one says 5.9 my meter is 5.5
I've never had readings so close. I activated the sensor directly after putting on last night as I couldn't bear to be without one for so long.

I hope you all have a good weekend. It's lovely and cool here , no sun as yet.
Ah, great to have readings so close! I still haven't got used to this one reading lower than blood readings and I'm 6 days in! :rolleyes: Great numbers Lin :)

I was 7.5 (blood) 6.2 (Libre once up) 5.4 (Libre still lying down). Whatever the truth, my number standing up doesn't appear to represent my levels through the night - I woke up and tested a few times and hovered around 4.0 during the night :rolleyes:
Good morning all you sleepless peeps!:) I'm an alarm clock needer And 7.2 to London with youngest son and seeing ELO tonight at wembkey.
That should be a fantastic concert - ELO one of my favourites - enjoy your evening and say 'Ello to ELO for me plz! x
Morning all. 6.5 when I woke and 5.7 after sorting the ravenous cats out despite a hypo overshoot of 9.7 before bed. Can't get 'that' chord from Creep out of my head after watching Radiohead on the tele last night.
Have a good weekend all.