Group 7-day waking average?

Morning lovelies :) 4.9 here hope you all have a fab day :D x
Good morning :) 5.1 for me - oh so close!

All the glucose tips out of my head when it comes off the pillow and ends up in my fingertips, I'm sure! :)

Wasn't that your tip in '100 things I wish I'd known about living with diabetes' Northerner? ;)
Morning all, a 9.5 for me today. Going to see the Bat Out Of Hell Musical tonight, I cant wait.
Good morning. 2.8 when I first woke up. 3.8 now. I really don't like juice or glucose for brekkie.
14.8 today, but I did forget to take my meds again last night, second time this week.
A 7.7 for me which suggests there's still some kind of issue brewing. Aww well, it will all come out in the wash! :(
Morning all. 10.7 this morning - house renovation stress i seemed to have used as an excuse to eat crap and loads of ice cream... back on the ball today!

Hope everyone has a nice day.
Oh no, poor you, how are you feeling? Have your numbers gone up now? I agree glucose first thing is not fun!
Thanks they've gone up now , took some doing though.
I just want to crawl back to bed now :eek:
Morning everyone, now I have the forum access sorted out, I can rejoin you daily.

5.4 this morning
Welcome back Hazel.
Good morning all on this sunny Friday.
And it's 6.8 for me.
Hope you all have an enjoyable weekend folks, take care. x


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6.1 for me this am good I say as I was getting worried but then I know why it was high the other days.