Group 7-day waking average?

Still doesn't appear to be a huge change in your levels Stitch, when is your next HbA1c/appointment due?
Morning Northie, its not a huge change even though my waking numbers are normally under 10 now (still not as low as I'd like them to be). My next review is in October (should have been February, but was brought forward due to the change in medication). My lowest daytime reading recently has been 6.8 following several hours spent in the garden doing stuff. But I am still getting readings up to 14-15.
Morning guys 🙂, sorry to hear about your fall @Bubbsie I hope it starts to ease and you feel better soon! 5.4 here this morning and thunderstorms are the forecast so will see haha x
I think you're on to something there Northerner 🙂 After nearly 40 years of sticking strictly to its zero hours contract it's going to have to build up its strength slowly- maybe just trying a few night shifts 😉
Not at all funny Flower...but...that did make me smile...that's certainly one way to look at it.
Morning guys 🙂, sorry to hear about your fall @Bubbsie I hope it starts to ease and you feel better soon! 5.4 here this morning and thunderstorms are the forecast so will see haha x
Thanks Kaylz...pottering about this morning...still painful but much better than yesterday...selfishly hoping for some rain (not sure about the thunder)...need to cool down...good score.
Was at first aid training all day yesterday so didn't see much, but room was hot at times. Hence headache yesterday. Got home about 5.30 and opened door, sun room was like an oven and it was still lovely. Cool this morning. Roll on holiday
Blimey Carol...could have done with your services yesterday...if only I'd known:D...honestly hate training courses...for me...the never seem to deliver what I am expecting...sounds hot...humid...and that relief was palpable when you got home...yes indeed...roll on that holiday...hope its not too far away.
Morning (just) all. A good 5.4 today, and an even good-er nice round 5.0 yesterday 🙂
I hope the pain has eased a little @Bubbsie as the day has gone by.

4.4 for me this morning (like to be a little higher)
13.6 for me today so back high, but I was anxious about my mammogram so I am hoping that caused it. See the doctor again in 3 weeks so will see what the next course of action is.
4.4 for me this morning (like to be a little higher)
Me too! If I see anything from 4.5 under I'm like oh god haha x
Sorry to hear you had an unforeseen accident Bubbs - make that claim - I had similar fall yonks ago, broke ankle - was off work nearly 3 months with leg in plaster! Hope your aches and pains are easing off with the painkillers. Sending some TLC & (((hugs))) take care now x


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Sorry to hear you had an unforeseen accident Bubbs - make that claim - I had similar fall yonks ago, broke ankle - was off work nearly 3 months with leg in plaster! Hope your aches and pains are easing off with the painkillers. Sending some TLC & (((hugs))) take care now x
Thanks WL...had a better day today...still painful...but been pottering about...have some strong pain killers...managed to get ll paperwork done...don't believe I've broken anything...but need to keep an eye on elbow...GP thinks I may have chipped bone...we'll see...had a call from manager of supermarket today...asked him to make sure CCTV of incident is preserved...also full names of staff who dealt with it...very apologetic...said I will be in touch...may have a meeting with overall improved...keeping myself moving as much as I can...good job you can't hear the language as I lift myself out of the chair😱😱😱.
13.6 for me today so back high, but I was anxious about my mammogram so I am hoping that caused it. See the doctor again in 3 weeks so will see what the next course of action is.
Natural to be anxious at that time Lorraine...stress/anxiety will raise those levels...hopefully will come down now that's out of the way.
A 6.8 for me this morning. And now the torrential rain least the forecasts were accurate! 🙄

Hope the soreness eases off today Bubbsie.
Getting there Amigo...would kill for some rain here...sweltering here again...maybe we'll get some later.
Blimey Carol...could have done with your services yesterday...if only I'd known:D...honestly hate training courses...for me...the never seem to deliver what I am expecting...sounds hot...humid...and that relief was palpable when you got home...yes indeed...roll on that holiday...hope its not too far away.
7 working days to go,,,,14 days work plus to do before I go