Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning everyone. 3.9
From around 1am Libre shows a nice even line
Sorry to hear you're very sore @Bubbsie , I hope it eases soon.
Good morning all 🙂. Pleased with a 6.3 today. Another cortisone injection in hand this morning then s trip to chiropodist later as very painful toes and blisters. My new hotters shoes don't appear to be a good fit. Though could be the sheer amount of walking I've been doing in the heat lately!
Hope you can rest today Bubbsie and your pains soon ease.
Sorry to hear you're very sore @Bubbsie , I hope it eases soon.
Thanks said been hobbling about this 's not as bad as at least moving around...albeit slowly:D.
Good morning all 🙂. Pleased with a 6.3 today. Another cortisone injection in hand this morning then s trip to chiropodist later as very painful toes and blisters. My new hotters shoes don't appear to be a good fit. Though could be the sheer amount of walking I've been doing in the heat lately!
Hope you can rest today Bubbsie and your pains soon ease.
Ooh sounds painful Linda...on both counts...after all that fitting & waiting hope those shoes are not to blame...I am up...getting improving...thank you...hope those blisters...feet...hand & shoes behave themselves today...yuk...blisters in this hot weather...ouch!
Well got to the anti-coagulation clinic...despite an accident en route...popped into the supermarket on the way...heading to the check out...slipped on something on the floor...went straight down...basket & everything went flying...I was flat out on the ground...finally when I got up...realised my elbow was bleeding profusely...fortunately only two minutes away from the clinic...when I got there they stopped the bleeding...dressed my elbow...aching so much everywhere...certainly could have done without that...yes...did get a number three after all that!
Oh, poor you. Hope you are better today
Good morning. Woke at 4 then back to sleep for a bit.headache again, so maybe not drinking enough. 8.6 this morning. Have a good day everyone
Good morning. Woke at 4 then back to sleep for a bit.headache again, so maybe not drinking enough. 8.6 this morning. Have a good day everyone
Could be Carol...trying to up my drinking now...or maybe the hot & muggy here...not sure how Scotland is faring in this heat?
Morning...managed to get out of bed & downstairs this morning...everything aches...first cup of coffee & pain killers...good news is INR levels consistent...can start to reduce my some good woke to a 5.8 today.
Great for some progress, glad you have strong pain killers and good news about Warfarin. I hope today you can take it easy and recover, gentle hugs from me.
Could be Carol...trying to up my drinking now...or maybe the hot & muggy here...not sure how Scotland is faring in this heat?
Was at first aid training all day yesterday so didn't see much, but room was hot at times. Hence headache yesterday. Got home about 5.30 and opened door, sun room was like an oven and it was still lovely. Cool this morning. Roll on holiday
Good morning 🙂 6.4 for me today, with 5.9 on Libre 🙂 Libre seems to have settled down and is now showing around 1 mmol/l lower than fingerprick.
That is very good news about the Libre, I am loving mine and finding it so useful. I am having flat line at night and just little rises during the day, 8 days left for me. With this hot weather my numbers are lower and I wouldn't have noticed the lows so early.
That is very good news about the Libre, I am loving mine and finding it so useful. I am having flat line at night and just little rises during the day, 8 days left for me. With this hot weather my numbers are lower and I wouldn't have noticed the lows so early.
They are brilliant, aren't they? 🙂