Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning 🙂 I'll join you @Ljc and @New-journey on the 4.7 step please.

My plaster cast has got steam coming out of it! I had an oh so refreshing layer of soft wool fleece put under the cast to protect my broken bones. It's like being wrapped in a high tog duvet, super! 😱

Have a good stable bg week everyone🙂

How I feel for you Flower! 😱 It's unbearable enough without the added cladding to contend with!

A round, rotund 7 this morning but as I was sat outside a pub in the welcome cool air late last night eating chips and gravy from the Chinese, it's a lucky escape! :D
Cloudy here but still warm, struggled to sleep last night!!

7.9 this morning which I was pleased with since I had a Chinese takeaway last night
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Been 10.5 Sat & Sun, but upto 14.5 this morning, don't know whether that is the weather, lack of sleep.
Good morning everyone. It's a cloudy and much cooler day so far. I'm sitting here right next to the wide open patio doors, listen to the birdsong and relishing the coolness. Whilst giving my brekkie bolus the time it needs before I can eat.
It's 4.6 with a washing line into the red zone during the night.
Oh our awning has seized up, it just won't come out to play. I did a bit of googling and checkatrade , just by chance the second one we phoned, was the one that installed this poorly one
Wait for it
16 years ago, I think we've had our monies worth out of it.
Morning folks.🙂 8.8 here - I suspect it's the weather, or hormones, or the colour of my neighbour's car, or my excitement cos it's the end of term...could be ANYTHING!😛
Morning...another hot muggy to the anti-coagulation clinic today...had to cancel last weeks appointment at short notice...hoping I get the 'magic' number this time...woke to a 5.9.
Good luck, Bubbsie!
Thanks Bloden...good luck with the weather...the end of term...and if it is the neighbours car...tell me' to park it elsewhere:D:D:D.
Morning like most of us had a restless nights sleep woke to 7.4

Good luck at clinic Bubbsie hopefully the magic number 🙂
Thanks Barbara...haven't been for five weeks now...feeling quite resentful I have to go this morning...silly I know...keeping me going...ooh such hot muggy nights...7.4... great in the circumstances...supposed to be cooler this evening...fingers crossed.
Good morning everyone. It's a cloudy and much cooler day so far. I'm sitting here right next to the wide open patio doors, listen to the birdsong and relishing the coolness. Whilst giving my brekkie bolus the time it needs before I can eat.
It's 4.6 with a washing line into the red zone during the night.
Oh our awning has seized up, it just won't come out to play. I did a bit of googling and checkatrade , just by chance the second one we phoned, was the one that installed this poorly one
Wait for it
16 years ago, I think we've had our monies worth out of it.
Definitely had your monies worth Lin...I have the patio doors open...cooler this morning...just been out in the garden...birds at the feeder...singing their hearts out...about to sit down for breakfast & coffee there...had to come in...the temptation is to sit there for the rest of the morning...have to get ready...hope that awning is back in action soon...can't do this heat.
Good luck grandson is so lucky, he self tests and text his results to lab, and gets a text back. This is through paediatric service though, and possibly will change when goes to adult service
9.8 for me, but had munchies last night.good morning everyone