Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all, hot weather's certainly doing something to my levels, 7.1 this morning, rising quickly to 8.3. Libre shows a flat line til 4am, then a steep rise. Not my usual pattern at all!
Yuk...sweltering here Robin...I never do well in this heat!
Good morning all 🙂 and 7.2 today. Gonna be another hot shift at work :(
Sorry you're getting a cold Bubbsie. Awful to feel unwell in this heat as well.
Actually eased off Linda...think its the hot & muggy here...fingers crossed!
Sweltering here too Amigo...Harry kept digging under the hedge...great big hole...he got told off several times...filled it back in...yesterday saw him do it again...just about to 'sort him out'...then as soon as he dug it...he spun himself round...promptly sat in it right in the middle... under the hedge... the coolest spot in the whole garden...may extend it & join him later...what a clever boy!

I'm looking for a cool 'hole' to disappear into too Bubbsie! This kitchen is very hot. Not sure whose mad idea it was to cook in this weather. Hope your cold disappears...maybe a bit of hayfever?

Only good thing is my BG's seem to like this heat, I'm 5.9 presently.
I'm looking for a cool 'hole' to disappear into too Bubbsie! This kitchen is very hot. Not sure whose mad idea it was to cook in this weather. Hope your cold disappears...maybe a bit of hayfever?

Only good thing is my BG's seem to like this heat, I'm 5.9 presently.
Not sure Harry will share his 'bolt hole' Amigo...he's dug a second one now (bless him)...think it's more a touch of hay fever than a cold...brightened up a bit now...until I started the housework & gardening...sweltering...haven't tested yet this afternoon...hope the hot weather does the same for on...I have just started cooking...had to...been eating mainly service station food for the last ten or so to get back into a routine...but...staying out of the kitchen as much as I can😉.
Really warm here as well. Lovely though
Hello guys 🙂 was put off by the certificate error but as everyone else was getting the same decided to just log in 🙂 twas a 5.8 for me this morning, @Northerner wonder if its the heat that causes strange dreams? I had one about an un bolused for Yorkshire pudding feast! actually woke up in a bit of distress to the partner cradling me haha, how nice of him eh lol x
Morning...muggy night...woke to a 6.3 today...up slightly for me for the last few days...think it must be the weather...finding the heat trying!
Good morning everyone. It shows every sign of being another sweltering day again. I'm so glad I live a few minutes walk from the sea, it must be awful Inland.
It's 4.7 for me after a bit of a hump in the early part of the night my Libre graph was fairly even.
Morning everyone. Shaping up to be nice here today. 8.2 for me this morning. Coming down
Good morning everyone. It shows every sign of being another sweltering day again. I'm so glad I live a few minutes walk from the sea, it must be awful Inland.
It's 4.7 for me after a bit of a hump in the early part of the night my Libre graph was fairly even.
Is there room for me on the 4.7 step, living by the sea sounds rather lovely!
Morning lovelies 🙂 5.1 here after a bedtime biscuit for a 5.9, hope everyone has a lovely day! :D x
Morning all a 8.9 for me today. And its sweltering in central London today.
Good morning 🙂 I'll join you @Ljc and @New-journey on the 4.7 step please.

My plaster cast has got steam coming out of it! I had an oh so refreshing layer of soft wool fleece put under the cast to protect my broken bones. It's like being wrapped in a high tog duvet, super! 😱

Have a good stable bg week everyone🙂