Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning all, lovely to see you Northerner 🙂 khskel I hope things improve for you and you are soon home away from those healthy juices!

An on the edge 3.9 for me this sunny morning. Off to brave town to buy a sandal, I only need the one but shops insist on selling them in pairs 😉
Good morning 🙂 Remember me? Full of hay fever this week and woke after a largely sleepless, uncomfortably muggy night to a 6.9. Putting a new sensor on today, haven't quite managed the full fortnight without one!

Good to see you back, going to be even warmer for the next few days try to keep cool...
Morning all. A 6.9 for me despite guessing the carbs in hispital food. I've managed to resist the suitable for diabetics fruit juices.
Have a good weekend everyone.

Sorry to hear you are in hospital hope you feel better soon and you back home take care x
Good to see you northerner. Sorry to hear you are in hospital Khskel. Hope you both feel better soon. Flower, good luck with sandal search. Cool here today, but supposed to be nice. 8.8 for me this morning but out with friends for meal. Forgot to take meds so yogurt at 12 midnight, so not too bad levels I suppose
Morning all. A 6.9 for me despite guessing the carbs in hispital food. I've managed to resist the suitable for diabetics fruit juices.
Have a good weekend everyone.
I hope you feel better soon and you can get the food you need, must be a nightmare with the foods suitable for diabetics!
Good morning all, lovely to see you Northerner 🙂 khskel I hope things improve for you and you are soon home away from those healthy juices!

An on the edge 3.9 for me this sunny morning. Off to brave town to buy a sandal, I only need the one but shops insist on selling them in pairs 😉
The Fairy suggests just nicking one from the display outside the shoe shop 😱 However, I don't think she's thought out the potential problem of making a quick getaway, so maybe not! 😱 😉
Morning guys 🙂 nice to see you back @Northerner 🙂, get well soon @khskel, anyway a so close yet so far 5.3 for me surely I'm due a HS soon not had one in ages! Anyway have a lovely day everyone :D x
The Fairy suggests just nicking one from the display outside the shoe shop 😱 However, I don't think she's thought out the potential problem of making a quick getaway, so maybe not! 😱 😉

It has crossed my mind a few times but my getaway plan to' leg it' on crutches let's me down badly!😉🙂
Good morning all 🙂 and I overdosed on strawberries and After Eights last night. We had friend round and I was greedy. Oh and Asti too! Better confess to a shocking 8.3 😱
Also had first of 2 cortisone injections in my hand for arthritis. Could that have had any impact?
Sorry to see you're in hospital khskel. Hope you're soon better.
Yes it certainly can, I had it in my knee earlier in the year and it definitely affected mine.
A 6.2 for bed and a 7.2 waking. Bit of the Dawn Phenomenon I think plus a thousand other factors.

Feel better soon @khskel and hope you find a comfy sandal Flower :confused: Must be harder going for you when the weather hots up.
It has crossed my mind a few times but my getaway plan to' leg it' on crutches let's me down badly!😉🙂
Could you not find one and write to suppliers and plead for help
An on the edge 3.9 for me this sunny morning. Off to brave town to buy a sandal, I only need the one but shops insist on selling them in pairs 😉
@Flower . Apologies for the snip.
I'm wondering if their is an organisation or charity that could help you. , I know their is one for people with odd sized feet, so their might be something similar for people who only need one shoe, your foot clinic might know.
Went to bed on a 4.8
Awoke to a 10.5 SD Codefree 😱
Seconds later 9.1 SD CODEFREE 😱
Seconds later 6.4 Contour TS 🙂
Make head or tail of this then but I'll take the Contour 6.4 Today 🙂

Enjoy this lovely weather (Sorry Steff :() and take care folks xxx


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Get well soon @khskel and I hope everyone has a nice weekend. Started this morning with 6.8
Good day all, glorious! 🙂 6.9 @ 9.24am forgot to take it as not sure when I was actually 'up' due to sleep routine well messed up. I don't sleep well unless I do Atkins. I need to get back on it.
Good morning 🙂 Remember me? Full of hay fever this week and woke after a largely sleepless, uncomfortably muggy night to a 6.9. Putting a new sensor on today, haven't quite managed the full fortnight without one!
Remember you? How could we ever forget you Northie - you're the mainstay of this forum 🙂 Sorry to hear about your hayfever - itchy eyes atishoo atishoo and all :( understandable you took time out but so pleased you're back with us.
Take care now and stay well x