Group 7-day waking average?

Bit late posting today was 15.3 this morning which is strange as my doc started me on a new med yesterday (not that I expect it to be instant). Had a diabetes info day yesterday will update with that later when I have more time.
X-ray results in - pelvic calcification, phlebotiths - no further action at present
Good morning 🙂 Remember me? Full of hay fever this week and woke after a largely sleepless, uncomfortably muggy night to a 6.9. Putting a new sensor on today, haven't quite managed the full fortnight without one!
Alan there you are...did ask where you were...good to see you back...hope you get a chance for some rest later today.
Morning...had to dash off to work yesterday...back again today...still 'eating on the run' some decent sleep last night...woke to a 6.1 today.
Good morning 🙂 Remember me? Full of hay fever this week and woke after a largely sleepless, uncomfortably muggy night to a 6.9. Putting a new sensor on today, haven't quite managed the full fortnight without one!
Glad you are back and sorry to hear of your hay fever week. Hope you are able to rest and the sensor helps.
Good morning folks. It's another bright sunny one here.
Was 4.2 earlier.
Good morning all 🙂 and I overdosed on strawberries and After Eights last night. We had friend round and I was greedy. Oh and Asti too! Better confess to a shocking 8.3 😱
Also had first of 2 cortisone injections in my hand for arthritis. Could that have had any impact?
Sorry to see you're in hospital khskel. Hope you're soon better.
Morning all. A 6.9 for me despite guessing the carbs in hispital food. I've managed to resist the suitable for diabetics fruit juices.
Have a good weekend everyone.
@khskel . Oops sorry I didn't know your in hospital . I hope you're better soon and you don't have to stay in much longer
Don't forget the syrup/jam sponge thats suitable for diabetics too 😉
They are supposed to be able to provide us of with a list of nutritional info , I never managed to get one on any of my stays so I googled my meals
I am glad to hear you slept well and number good considering, hope you can relax later.
Not bad in the circumstances Jo...although have stopped having my late night snack...may have to reinstate that...get back to those to work again later...still have mountains of paper work to do...then invoices...hopefully will get to start those tomorrow...enjoy your weekend.
Good morning all 🙂 and I overdosed on strawberries and After Eights last night. We had friend round and I was greedy. Oh and Asti too! Better confess to a shocking 8.3 😱
Also had first of 2 cortisone injections in my hand for arthritis. Could that have had any impact?
Sorry to see you're in hospital khskel. Hope you're soon better.
Stressful Day for you Linda...obviously needed all those 'treats'...been doing some of that myself lately...8.3 not so bad...can bring that down later...hope the arthritis is settling down.
Morning all. A 6.9 for me despite guessing the carbs in hispital food. I've managed to resist the suitable for diabetics fruit juices.
Have a good weekend everyone.
Blimey Khskel...didn't realise you stayed in...fingers crossed you 'escape' soon...get the meantime bet your looking forward to the next meal 'suitable' for diabetics😱😱😱.
Bit late posting today was 15.3 this morning which is strange as my doc started me on a new med yesterday (not that I expect it to be instant). Had a diabetes info day yesterday will update with that later when I have more time. seem to be having a stressful time of it recently...working hard...unwell...fingers crossed the 'info' day was useful...and those new meds do the trick...have a good weekend..