Group 7-day waking average?

I'm really sorry to hear of your non-appointment Flower. So bad that they didn't contact you earlier to rearrange things. I'm not sure a shiny new cast and scan are anywhere near enough to compensate. Really hope the next appt is soon and brings some much needed good news.
I'm sorry to hear your mums not well Amigo. Very worrying but hopefully you'll get some good news soon. Lack of sleep really drags you down as well.
I'm furious for you, Flower!😡 I hope a whole handful of wrists were severely slapped. What a cruel thing to do in such a stressful situation. I'd've cried too...:( (((hugs)))

Morning all. 🙂 Had a massive lie-in today (no work, today's a local holiday). 4.8 for me.😛
Was out with 'the girls' last night - I had to laugh, they all got a bit pie-eyed and shouty when they moved from the wine onto the liqueurs...hahaha. SO glad I don't drink anymore, they'll be feeling it today!:D
Morning all

I was a 6.6 this morning at 8am surprised by that as I had an IBS attack last night. Not had one in over 5 months now.
Thinking of you both Amigo xxc
Thinking of you too Amigo.
And little ol' me is thinking of you & your mum too Amigo x
No idea of levels yet and too tired to care.
Woken at 3am by the Home to say the paramedics had taken mum to hospital with chest pains. They were doing tests and keeping her quiet and settled so awaiting news before I go up there. Obviously no sleep after the call :(
Amigo hope your mums ok much love xx
Good morning 5.1 for me- oh so close! 🙂

My leg appointment was a disaster- I turned up and said I had an appointment with Mr X only to be told he was on annual leave and someone else would see me. Mr Y said I can't help you with this situation you really need to see Mr X. No, really?? that was who my appointment was specifically made with 😡:( I actually cried which I try not to do but I've been worried sick about amputation for the past 3 months waiting for this and it was a waste of my time and nervous energy. Meantime I've got a shiny new plaster cast and another scan arranged whilst I wait for a new appointment, I'm sure they are trying to finish me off with radiation instead. 🙄

How frustrating for you, not surprising you had a cry you've been building up for this appointment for months what a waste of your time and anxiety and now having to wait for another appointment when you've waited 3 months already. 😡
No idea of levels yet and too tired to care.
Woken at 3am by the Home to say the paramedics had taken mum to hospital with chest pains. They were doing tests and keeping her quiet and settled so awaiting news before I go up there. Obviously no sleep after the call :(

Really sorry to hear about your mum Amigo hope all turns out to be OK thinking of you both x
Good morning 5.1 for me- oh so close! 🙂

My leg appointment was a disaster- I turned up and said I had an appointment with Mr X only to be told he was on annual leave and someone else would see me. Mr Y said I can't help you with this situation you really need to see Mr X. No, really?? that was who my appointment was specifically made with 😡:( I actually cried which I try not to do but I've been worried sick about amputation for the past 3 months waiting for this and it was a waste of my time and nervous energy. Meantime I've got a shiny new plaster cast and another scan arranged whilst I wait for a new appointment, I'm sure they are trying to finish me off with radiation instead. 🙄
OMG disappointing & frustrating for you...such a casual approach just couldn't make that up could you?...I hope you are first on Mr Y's list when he gets back from annual leave...and he gives you an explanation (a satisfactory one) sorry you've had all that angst...three months of waiting & worry...not acceptable at all.
That's our Flower - strong & yes philosophical with a positive attitude (for the sake of your bgls) which I so admire. Give Mr X a good hard kick on his shins for me with your new cast (if you can) for absconding prior to your arranged appointment 😱:D He shouldn't have done that! Take care & look after yourself (((hugs))) x
Good morning. After a fun night, not. a lovely LO and an hrs kip I'm amazed to have a HS.
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