Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning. After a fun night, not a lovely LO and an hrs kip I'm amazed to have a HS.
Great result Lin...HS!
Morning...afraid my excesses are catching up with me...6.4 this morning...another late night snack involved...could have been worse😱.
@Flower. Putting it mildly That's so blooming annoying, a waste of your time as well as putting you through lots of anxiety.
Sorry to hear about our mum @Amigo , I hope she makes a speedy recovery.
Morning guys 🙂 4.3 here x
Morning all, its finally Friday. And its a 9.3 for me this morning.
9.9 for me at 7.05 currently at the doctors. Not a well bunny but I am being a brave soldier.
Hope you feel better soon.
Hope you soon feel better khskel And hope you mum is making good progress Amigo You really don't need additional stress.
Back to 7.1 for me at 8.30 this am
9.9 for me at 7.05 currently at the doctors. Not a well bunny but I am being a brave soldier.
Sorry to hear that Khskel...hope its nothing too serious.