Group 7-day waking average?

Morning...very early start for me...ready for voting...then straight off to work...woke to a 5.8 today...fingers crossed for good weather.
Good morning everyone. It's 8.7 today no idea why.
Morning everyone, an unhappy 9.6 today. Deserved though as had bowl of caramel ice cream last night.back on track today
Can I join you again this morning Khskel? An unexplainable 6.8 for me, - must be something in the air @Ljc o_O
Morning lovelies 🙂 4.8 here and heading out to vote today, wish me luck as it's the first time I've left the house since my awful Tuesday Haha, have a fab day everyone! X
Good Morning as a result of two choc buttons before bed I'm a 7.3
Morning all, 9.8 for me this morning.
Woo another single figure reading hope it keeps up, well done and keep it up Stitch 🙂 x
Good morning all 🙂 and 7.1 today.
Good Morning as a result of two choc buttons before bed I'm a 7.3
Did your wife let you loose with the bag Rob? 😱
Woo another single figure reading hope it keeps up, well done and keep it up Stitch 🙂 x
I'm still not getting too excited, especially when I was at 12.6 once id got to work (I have my breakfast when I get to the office)