Group 7-day waking average?

Morning guys 🙂 sorry to hear about your mum @AJLang, congrats on the HS' s everyone, 5.0 here after an awful night sleep :( x
Morning all. Sorry to hear about you mum @AJLang, sending hugs and love your way.
A 10.2 for me today!
Slowly heading back to normality down to a 7.8 this morning. Time to sort out the garden and put the fence back up after yesterdays storms!
Morning all.🙂 7.6 here.😛

So sorry to hear about your mum, AJ. :( Sending (((hugs))) to you and your family.

You're certainly consistent, Stitch, with your 10s. Hope the new tabs start to do something SOON.:confused:🙂
12.2 for me today so an improvement despite eating rubbish yesterday. Determined to improve me eating today.
AJLang sorry to hear your mums news.
We had a lot of wind last night but nothing to write home about as I was out in it walking
7.8 this am for me
A very late book in for me. Was 7.3 this morning but not sure why as behaved yesterday.

Anyway, after retinal screening on Monday, I've received the 'good' letter already saying all is well so that's a reassuring result 🙂 A very quick turn around indeed...I'm impressed!
A very late book in for me. Was 7.3 this morning but not sure why as behaved yesterday.

Anyway, after retinal screening on Monday, I've received the 'good' letter already saying all is well so that's a reassuring result 🙂 A very quick turn around indeed...I'm impressed!
A few of us have reported that this year we have had the results very quick.
A very late book in for me. Was 7.3 this morning but not sure why as behaved yesterday.

Anyway, after retinal screening on Monday, I've received the 'good' letter already saying all is well so that's a reassuring result 🙂 A very quick turn around indeed...I'm impressed!
Amigo I'm over the moon for you on hearing your wonderful good news. Maybe chill later with a glass of whatever takes your fancy to celebrate?🙄 x
A very late book in for me. Was 7.3 this morning but not sure why as behaved yesterday.

Anyway, after retinal screening on Monday, I've received the 'good' letter already saying all is well so that's a reassuring result 🙂 A very quick turn around indeed...I'm impressed!
Yes I was given the good news on the day and received letter of confirmation 2 days later, can't shout about that x
I don't there's anyone in the clinic I use qualified to assess the results WL but it's a swift service. Tootsies seem ok too 🙂
I hold my hands up Amigo, sorry - I jumped the gun there - I totally misinterpreted your Retinopathy Screening to be the same screening as my Diabetic Eye Screening at the Opticians the result being I have little risk of retinopathy at this time. I have ever definitively lost the plot today in more ways than one🙄 x
I hold my hands up Amigo, sorry - I jumped the gun there - I totally misinterpreted your Retinopathy Screening to be the same screening as my Diabetic Eye Screening at the Opticians the result being I have little risk of retinopathy at this time. I have ever definitively lost the plot today in more ways than one🙄 x
It is but some of us have it done through the National Screening Programme, not Opticians.
It is but some of us have it done through the National Screening Programme, not Opticians.
Ah right I see now - I didn't know this grovesy - I'm still in the primary learning group here -so much to learn yet - learn something new almost every day on here. Got me knickers in a twist today that's for sure😱:D🙄 x
Evening all. Logging in late due to iffy connection earlier in the day. 7.3 @ 6.15am.

@AJLang I'm very sorry to hear about your mum. :(