Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all. 5.8 for me. Blood pressure check yesterday, Gastroenenterology today and Haematology Thursday. I believe I have diabetes as well.
Have a good day everyone.

Hope they all go well khskel. It's the 'in' thing this collecting 'ologists!' :D
Good morning 🙂
I have to report a rechecked 8.1 this morning 😱 Must have been the cheesy garlic flatbread, thrice cooked chips and of course the flake cake. I'm hanging my head in shame today :(
Well done to the HSpecialists! And good luck with your appts khskel. Hope all goes well.
Morning all..... right whole stole summer!!!
A 9.7 for me today. I'm still not getting excited as that's only 2 single figure waking numbers since starting new tablets!
17 for me, but last thing I ate last night was a large bread roll, seem to have lost the plot since I was ill and eating all the wrong things. Must get back on track, but actually feeling like I don't care, but I am hoping that is just the last effects of the antibiotics talking.
Good to see you've managed to join us @Northerner 🙂 x
7.7 for me this am wish it was lower but I'll be patient on that one as one day it'll go down and stay down well I can but dream can't I.
but actually feeling like I don't care,
I hate that feeling Lorraine. :( I'm having to fight it at the moment. Real apathy and yet when I watch one of my D / fat documentaries I panic for about five minutes before forgetting again. :(

7.5 @ 6.23am amazingly after what I ate last night! Could have been much worse.
I hate that feeling Lorraine. :( I'm having to fight it at the moment. Real apathy and yet when I watch one of my D / fat documentaries I panic for about five minutes before forgetting again. :(

7.5 @ 6.23am amazingly after what I ate last night! Could have been much worse.
It is sad that we get like this but that is the nature of the beast.
Morning...likely another long drive & day ahead...woke to a 5.6 this to work shortly.
Morning Bubbsie - safe journey - weather is just awful here - gales still haven't abated 😱 still in the 5's then, that's good. Take care on your travels xx
Morning Bubbsie - safe journey - weather is just awful here - gales still haven't abated 😱 still in the 5's then, that's good. Take care on your travels xx
Thanks WL...yesterday driving through torrential rain one moment...then suddenly so bright & sunny sunglasses went the time I got home...practically gale force winds...certainly all the weather elements yesterday!
Morning peeps - hope you all survived another night of wicked weather😱
My bgl this morning is 6.1 - could have been worse after my snacking through a sleepless night.
Please take care on the roads if you're travelling and look out for fallen trees & debris flying around.
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