Group 7-day waking average?

Wow, that sneaky snack hardly raised you at all, Ljc...hope you enjoyed it!😛

Morning folks.🙂 It's gorillas in the mist weather here...and we're off to the beach later for lunch - I love the sound of fog-horns.🙄

A 4.8 here.:D

Enjoy the zoo, Stitch.🙂 And have a fab holiday, Rob - your deserve it after all your hard work.😛

Thanks, if only it was a holiday sadly its work :( Holiday comes in 3 weeks time 🙂
Morning all, 5.7 here. Hope the sea frets clear for those of you on the coast. I was brought up by the sea and dreaded hearing the words 'cooler on coasts, hotter inland' on the weather forecast.

All cleared here now on the south coast but storms forecast later and overnight, Heading to central UK so hopefully warm there.
Much cooler, breezy, grey here in Manc. Rain in the night but still had to water the bone dry pots.

7.0 for me, phew, after last night's piggyfest. Shouldn't have had it, didn't enjoy any of it, why do I do it? Dunno. 🙄 Stressed but even more stressed to pile pounds back on...overnight. 😡
Moaning Minnie reporting in with a 6.8. That's it, I officially hate hot weather especially hot days interspersed with saucer sized raindrops that create stifling humidity!
Haven't slept much. Rotten cold and feel as rough as a barn door! :(

Hope everyone who is going anywhere has a nice day. As for visiting the zoo, I look like I belong in one today! :D
Morning all. It's shaping up to be lovely here. Lots of rain lest evening, so everything washed and sparkly. 8.6 for me this morning. Meeting sisters for lunch, so might get out of lazy pit and do ironing before it goes into the "thinking about it "task.
Carol...once I get to thinking about 'things' they never get attended practice...don't think about it...just do it...however...I draw the line at ironing...hate it...worse than wrestling with the duvet & covers when it comes to changing the bed...enjoy your lunch with your sister...was pondering on whether to meet friends for convinced me it's too nice a day to stay will get myself organised...then...quick walk for Harry... off out:D.
Moaning Minnie reporting in with a 6.8. That's it, I officially hate hot weather especially hot days interspersed with saucer sized raindrops that create stifling humidity!
Haven't slept much. Rotten cold and feel as rough as a barn door! :(

Hope everyone who is going anywhere has a nice day. As for visiting the zoo, I look like I belong in one today! :D
Agree with Linda Amigo...6.8 not too bad considering...I never do well in the hot weather either...or the humidity...washed & blow dried my hair...don't know why I bothered...once I'm out in this weather...reverts to the style favoured by Mrs Doyle (Father Ted)...hope that dammed cold & lack of sleep eases soon.
Good morning all, 5.4 here and had a much better sleep. I just want the sun to shine all day so can swim in the river, Somerset is predicted to have rain.
Happy Sunday everyone.
Good control there NJ...and...won't matter if it rains once you're in the water...haven't been swimming for so long...envious you have a river to swim in...but...not sure if I'd be brave enough to do likewise...enjoy your day.
Morning all... rubbish one for me at 11.2 not surprising though after an Indian takeaway and a late hypo.

Happy Sunday all x
Rough times Grainger...nothing wrong with being kind to yourself occasionally ...echo NJ's sentiments...hope you enjoyed it...start again today/tomorrow when you feel ready.
5.7 for me today. Doing a family get together buffet for late afternoon. Shame rain is forecast it would have been nice for us to sit in the garden. Oh well it is a bank holiday......rain is the norm. 🙂
Thanks @Lindarose & @Bubbsie. Yes I'm pleased the BG's are not as unpredictable as the weather at the moment. We had everything but snow yesterday! Strange weather seems to be messing up some people's levels.

Predictably, Bank Holiday Monday reverts back to the expected downpour!

I'm playing a game of cat and mouse at the moment wondering how much of my immune system is left to kick out the cold and chestiness. I've got the antib's in readiness though!

Have a lovely Sunday everyone 🙂
5.7 for me today. Doing a family get together buffet for late afternoon. Shame rain is forecast it would have been nice for us to sit in the garden. Oh well it is a bank holiday......rain is the norm. 🙂
Almost guaranteed on a Bank Holiday Janine!
Thanks @Lindarose & @Bubbsie. Yes I'm pleased the BG's are not as unpredictable as the weather at the moment. We had everything but snow yesterday! Strange weather seems to be messing up some people's levels.

Predictably, Bank Holiday Monday reverts back to the expected downpour!

I'm playing a game of cat and mouse at the moment wondering how much of my immune system is left to kick out the cold and chestiness. I've got the antib's in readiness though!

Have a lovely Sunday everyone 🙂
Hope to doesn't come to that Amigo...A/B's...but a wise precaution.
Had a nice rest this morning not up till 9 which was great. Reading of 7.0 happy with that.

Hope you all enjoy a good day