Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all, 5.1 here. Woke to the sound of much needed rain, but only turned out to be a brief shower.
Ah just missed out there Robin - maybe tomorrow you'll be lucky eh? x
A lovely drop of cooling rain this morning and a few rumbles of thunder and a 6.4 for me, Enjoy your weekend.
Thought a thunder storm was brewing here last night but the sky was clear and the night was still 🙂 Good number there Rob x
I think I need to start taking my meter up to bed with me, I keep forgetting to test pre-breakfast. Although that's usually 30-60 minutes after I get up anyway, as I have to take thyroid medication at least 30 minutes before eating anything, so I usually take that when I get up, then get washed & dressed before going downstairs for breakfast. Post-breakfast readings are fairly consistently in the 6s though (they were in the 7s & 8s), so I think I'm heading in the right direction!
Good thinking there SerialLurker - I keep my meter kit and morning meds on my bedside locker so before I even get out of bed I take my bgl - the blood is warm & flows easily (This is the best time to take your waking bgl) Then i take my morning meds.
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Good morning 🙂 6.5 for me today, although I was 5.7 on the Libre 5 minutes ago. 🙄
Safe & steady numbers there Northie - tho looks like you were playing lotto this morning🙂🙄 x
A 6.2 for me after an uncomfortably warm night and mouth breathing from a rotten cold that's just descended! :(

Sorry about your shoulder too NJ. I had to keep the ceiling fan on and it's affected my busted shoulder too! We're all broken! 😱
Oh no, a cold 😱 as if you haven't enough to contend with Amigo - hope it disappears as quickly as it came. I think we've all been sent here to be tried!!:(Chin up if you can hun & take care x
Morning...frustrating day in London yesterday...people arriving late...not good to get home...feet up...afraid succumbed again last night...Kit Kat...those awful extra thin Chocolate digestives (delicious)...relieved to wake to a 5.9🙄.
Afternoon Bubbs - at least you're staying in the 5's - that's good - sounds like you had a mad hatter of a day yesterday 😱 hope not repeated too often. Strips? Yes frustrating but coping - checking my food diary as to what doesn't spike - but admitting to a slice of tiramisu gateau after evening meal yesterday so 5.4 was a delightful surprise this morning :D
WL x
Afternoon Bubbs - at least you're staying in the 5's - that's good - sounds like you had a mad hatter of a day yesterday 😱 hope not repeated too often. Strips? Yes frustrating but coping - checking my food diary as to what doesn't spike - but admitting to a slice of tiramisu gateau after evening meal yesterday so 5.4 was a delightful surprise this morning :D
WL x
Yes...keeping an eye on it...been working hard today...almost four hours in the garden (well three and a bit)...grass cut...raked...swept...cuttings bagged up...ready for the dump...watered...swept...shattered...pleased with my efforts.
Disappointing 9.0 this morning. All my fault as I ate things last night that should be off limits. My report says should do better!!
Disappointing 9.0 this morning. All my fault as I ate things last night that should be off limits. My report says should do better!!
Never mind what your report says, I admire your honesty Davo but don't fret, we've all done it and most probably we'll do it again! If it makes you feel any better, I had a slice of tiramisu gateau last night😛 x
Shame NJ...I'm unbearable when I haven't had enough sleep...thunderstorm?...quiet as anything here... oops ...spoke too soon...expected here later...possibly over the Bank Holiday weekend...pretty typical really😱😱😱.
I nearly fell asleep at work, but two strong cups of coffee did the trick!
I nearly fell asleep at work, but two strong cups of coffee did the trick!
Sorry JO...made me laugh...some of the interviews I do go on for so long...have a hard time staying least your home now.🙂
A 6.2 for me after an uncomfortably warm night and mouth breathing from a rotten cold that's just descended! :(

Sorry about your shoulder too NJ. I had to keep the ceiling fan on and it's affected my busted shoulder too! We're all broken! 😱
Ouch, how uncomfortable. Yes bit broken here, still got trigger thumb too! Hope you have better night and your shoulder gets better.
5.4 Snap! Ooo-ah frozen shoulder pain is not what you want - I do hope it eases off soon NJ, take care x
I am so tired, this is take three to reply!
Good to share your step, must be so good to be able to test again!
Thanks and no idea why it got worse, I command my shoulder to behave now!
Sorry JO...made me laugh...some of the interviews I do go on for so long...have a hard time staying least your home now.🙂
Yes, already feel asleep on sofa but managed to cook now, relaxing now.🙂
I am so tired, this is take three to reply!
Good to share your step, must be so good to be able to test again!
Thanks and no idea why it got worse, I command my shoulder to behave now!
So sorry to hear your frozen shoulder is really painful today NJ and hope you get some relief from it soon - would acupuncture help do you think? I command your shoulder to behave and wish you a good sound undisturbed sleep tonight.
I used my last test strip today - frustrating but coping best I can - don't enjoy not testing one bit! Take care xx
6.5 @ 7.15am this morning.

I wonder why frozen shoulder is a known thing for diabetics? Why?

I'm sneezing for England. I seem to have had the sniffles from November. That's not possible surely! 🙂