Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning all 🙂 and I really enjoyed a much needed a lay in.
Now confession time 😱
I had a shocking day eating yesterday. Just wanted everything I couldn't have and gave in to various chocolate items from lunchtime onwards. I won't bore you with the details but believe me I deserve 7.8 this morning. Back on track today. 🙂
Oh I know days like that all too well Linda 🙄 restraint is so difficult when the mind cries out "I want choccy & cakes & trifle & Mars bars etc!" Glad you're back on track now x
I am shocked at my BG this morning its a 9 and that never happens ... But I do have a tummy bug and haven't eaten today at all so can't understand what is actually happening :0
I am shocked at my BG this morning its a 9 and that never happens ... But I do have a tummy bug and haven't eaten today at all so can't understand what is actually happening :0
Sorry to hear you have a tummy bug Manda - it's not unusual in this hot weather - but hope you feel better soon - lots of water so you don't dehydrate - bgls can be affected by illness so don't worry - they will return to your normal levels as you recover, take care hun x
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Good morning all 🙂 and I really enjoyed a much needed a lay in.
Now confession time 😱
I had a shocking day eating yesterday. Just wanted everything I couldn't have and gave in to various chocolate items from lunchtime onwards. I won't bore you with the details but believe me I deserve 7.8 this morning. Back on track today. 🙂

Made me chuckle your post as they say ( honestly is the best policy ) I'm sure we've all had a pig out day well I certainly have lol.
Great result GreyhoundGal on the HS, personally I don't know what one of them is lol still trying though o_O
I think ive had 2 or 3 HS's - I havent read your menu's but if you don't snack or eat any carbs after your evening meal and drink plenty of water til you go to bed - you might, just might wake up to a 5.2 :D This keeps my bgls low - hope it works for you. x
On such a beautiful day it was good to wake up to a reading of 4.9
I think I need to start taking my meter up to bed with me, I keep forgetting to test pre-breakfast. Although that's usually 30-60 minutes after I get up anyway, as I have to take thyroid medication at least 30 minutes before eating anything, so I usually take that when I get up, then get washed & dressed before going downstairs for breakfast. Post-breakfast readings are fairly consistently in the 6s though (they were in the 7s & 8s), so I think I'm heading in the right direction!
Great result GreyhoundGal on the HS, personally I don't know what one of them is lol still trying though o_O

Taken nearly a year to start getting them (1st diaversary next Wed).Took me ages to get down from the 7s to 6s and then again to 5s. On DX my fasting was 12 😱
On such a beautiful day it was good to wake up to a reading of 4.9
I'm chuffed to bits for you Davo - not before time eh? Patience is a virtue - you waited & you got there in the end - well good on you x
Ooops! What happened there A - a late naughty snack maybe 🙄 Back in the 5's tomorrow, I feel it in my bones :D x

Nope, I made a salad of seafood, anchovies and parmigiana followed by Pork Scratchings. Maybe it was the whole packet of tomatoes that went into the salad.
Nope, I made a salad of seafood, anchovies and parmigiana followed by Pork Scratchings. Maybe it was the whole packet of tomatoes that went into the salad.
Does it really matter A - this hot weather makes us all do some of the most unmentionable things - as long as you enjoyed the mixed salad that is all that matters :D x
6.7 @ 6.13am Thurs. glorious morning. 6.3 @ 6.15am Wed. For some reason these didn't post!

Today 6.0 @ 5.32am.

Morning all, so tired. Had four 'crank' calls thru the night. Don't know what was going on. Then CheekyCat got me up at 20 past 5! 😱

The first was an Asian man and seemed to be a genuine wrong number "Who is that?" I thought if you're asking you shouldn't be ringing! 😡 Then every hour or two I got a call but nothing much was said. I'm so tired now and headachy. Will switch the ringer off in future. My number might have got mixed up with something going on, you never know as Manchester is very on top at the minute, sirens all the time.

Have a good day all, I shall be taking a nap... 🙄
Sounds like a Nightmare Ditto...although despite that ... good numbers...good idea turn that ringer off.
@Barbara W. Thanks Barbara - thought the quote would give me a kick up the butt - maybe help others too for whatever reason - rang my GP'S practice and the Pharmacy yesterday to ask why test strips aren't forthcoming - they're both on to it at last - not had a good year for people letting me down but hey ho I'm still breathing:D x
WL...ridiculous such a lengthy wait for your testing strips...thank goodness it wasn't anything complicated...honestly...frustrating or what?
Morning...frustrating day in London yesterday...people arriving late...not good to get home...feet up...afraid succumbed again last night...Kit Kat...those awful extra thin Chocolate digestives (delicious)...relieved to wake to a 5.9🙄.
Good morning it's a 7.0 from me wishing you all a great bank holiday weekend.

Going to feel even warmer in London Bubbsie and as for the A1 (uuuggghh) I don't miss driving on that every morning to work. Have a good day.

What a pain Ditto there's nothing worse than broken sleep, I turn my phone on silent, if family need me they'll ring the house phone. My son is the worst he decides to send messages and photos at ungodly hours :(
Barbara...had a brilliant drive down there...sun shining...traffic heavy...but moving...made good time...then as usual...hit hot hot...thank goodness for the air good to get home yesterday...wonder how I managed to live in London for so long! at phone is switched you...if the landline.
Morning all, woke up convinced that it was Saturday, bugger!!! Still one day to do in the office then 3 days off. I have a nice easy day though today. Anyway, 10.3 for me today. Drs Tuesday morning, lets see what they are going to do with me now!
Good luck Tuesday Stitch...seems such a long time...waiting for a satisfactory treatment plan...lets hope this is the one appointment that makes all the difference!
I am shocked at my BG this morning its a 9 and that never happens ... But I do have a tummy bug and haven't eaten today at all so can't understand what is actually happening :0
That's understandable Manda...this hot weather...tummy food...nothing you can do about WL says keep yourself hydrated...wait for it to pass...hoping tomorrow brings you some much needed relief.