Group 7-day waking average?

Still on the .3's but a disappointing 8.3 this morning
Happy good Thursday evening peeps - hope you're all enjoying this glorious weather🙂

I'm still waiting on test strips to be delivered - but luckily found two hidden deep inside my meter bag so.....
......tested prior to my evening meal and it was 5.9 so I'm pleased with this.

Quote of the day:-
Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you'll start having positive results.
Willie Nelson.

Take care & stay as well as you can folks x
7.1 this morning for me was hoping for lower but wasn't to be
Happy good Thursday evening peeps - hope you're all enjoying this glorious weather🙂

I'm still waiting on test strips to be delivered - but luckily found two hidden deep inside my meter bag so.....
......tested prior to my evening meal and it was 5.9 so I'm pleased with this.

Quote of the day:-
Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you'll start having positive results.
Willie Nelson.

Take care & stay as well as you can folks x

Good stuff WL keep it up and things will get better 🙂
Morning...working in London later...despite the thoughts of the traffic/crowds...the A1(M)...woke to a 5.6 today.
Morning Northie & Bubbsie you early birds!
Bubbs safe journey to London and back - 5.6 looking good considering knocking off one Metformin - holding your own there - that's got to be good - take care x
Good morning . 6.7 today
Morning Northie & Bubbsie you early birds!
Bubbs safe journey to London and back - 5.6 looking good considering knocking off one Metformin - holding your own there - that's got to be good - take care x
Thanks WL...good to get back to work...been a bit of a lull recently...keeping a close eye on a bit slack lately with my activity...trying to get back into a routine...have a good day...hope those strips arrive soon!
6.7 @ 6.13am Thurs. glorious morning. 6.3 @ 6.15am Wed. For some reason these didn't post!

Today 6.0 @ 5.32am.

Morning all, so tired. Had four 'crank' calls thru the night. Don't know what was going on. Then CheekyCat got me up at 20 past 5! 😱

The first was an Asian man and seemed to be a genuine wrong number "Who is that?" I thought if you're asking you shouldn't be ringing! 😡 Then every hour or two I got a call but nothing much was said. I'm so tired now and headachy. Will switch the ringer off in future. My number might have got mixed up with something going on, you never know as Manchester is very on top at the minute, sirens all the time.

Have a good day all, I shall be taking a nap... 🙄
6.7 @ 6.13am Thurs. glorious morning. 6.3 @ 6.15am Wed. For some reason these didn't post!

Today 6.0 @ 5.32am.

Morning all, so tired. Had four 'crank' calls thru the night. Don't know what was going on. Then CheekyCat got me up at 20 past 5! 😱

The first was an Asian man and seemed to be a genuine wrong number "Who is that?" I thought if you're asking you shouldn't be ringing! 😡 Then every hour or two I got a call but nothing much was said. I'm so tired now and headachy. Will switch the ringer off in future. My number might have got mixed up with something going on, you never know as Manchester is very on top at the minute, sirens all the time.

Have a good day all, I shall be taking a nap... 🙄
@Ditto. Decent numbers there on your Codefree! Hope you manage to have a couple of hours kip x
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Good morning it's a 7.0 from me wishing you all a great bank holiday weekend.

Going to feel even warmer in London Bubbsie and as for the A1 (uuuggghh) I don't miss driving on that every morning to work. Have a good day.

What a pain Ditto there's nothing worse than broken sleep, I turn my phone on silent, if family need me they'll ring the house phone. My son is the worst he decides to send messages and photos at ungodly hours :(
Happy good Thursday evening peeps - hope you're all enjoying this glorious weather🙂

I'm still waiting on test strips to be delivered - but luckily found two hidden deep inside my meter bag so.....
......tested prior to my evening meal and it was 5.9 so I'm pleased with this.

Quote of the day:-
Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you'll start having positive results.
Willie Nelson.

Take care & stay as well as you can folks x

Love that quote Wirralass, hope you are well and your strips arrive soon.
@Barbara W. Thanks Barbara - thought the quote would give me a kick up the butt - maybe help others too for whatever reason - rang my GP'S practice and the Pharmacy yesterday to ask why test strips aren't forthcoming - they're both on to it at last - not had a good year for people letting me down but hey ho I'm still breathing:D x
@Barbara W. Thanks Barbara - thought the quote would give me a kick up the butt - maybe help others too for whatever reason - rang my GP'S practice and the Pharmacy yesterday to ask why test strips aren't forthcoming - they're both on to it at last - not had a good year for people letting me down but hey ho I'm still breathing:D x

Sorry to hear that Wirralass keep reading your quote stay positive 🙂